WGXC-90.7 FM

Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellowship: Jess Speer
Wave Farm is delighted to announce that Jess Speer (Asheville, NC) will serve as the 2020/2021 Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellowship. During her engagement, September 2020 - May 2021, Speer will make weekly additions to the Wave Farm Broadcast Radio Art Archive, an online resource and a broadcast series on Wave Farm’s WGXC 90.7-FM. She will also create original radio artworks for broadcast, and conduct workshops and listening sessions with WGXC programmers and interested members of the public.
Jess Speer is an artist, radio DJ, librarian, teacher, and mother living in Asheville, NC. As a librarian and artist, she explores questions about permanence, presence, history, mindfulness, mortality, and access to information and ideas. Speer has collected over 800 records, many of which include sound effects, field recordings, spoken word and documentary works, and mines this collection for both broadcast and live performances. By collecting records and making field recordings, she attempts to create an archive of sorts, to gather time, history and experience together. Performing with them, over broadcast and in live events, brings that history to life and shares it, while also embodying the ephemerality that’s at the heart of history, truth, nature, and human beings. She is the host of the weekly radio show (and sometimes performance) Ecstatic Listening on WSFM-LP AshevilleFM. More at jessicaspeer.info.