Leap of Faith
The sixth and last in her series, Redefining America (1991-92), Jacki Apple’s Leap of Faith (1992), centers on a conversation between artist Keith Antar Mason, an African-American man and Apple herself, a white American woman, in the aftermath of the 1992 L.A. “uprisings” following the Rodney King verdict. As the two reflect on their lives on opposite sides of “the dividing line,” and racial justice in the United States throughout history, a larger narrative of the “ghost train” of history, of loss and injustice passes through and over the conversation. Positioning the disturbing truths of American history simultaneously as a shared and overarching story and an intimate experience of everyday life and personal impact, Leap of Faith is a moving and thoughtful response to racial disparities and injustice that is unfortunately as timely today as it was when it was created. - Described by Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellow 2020/2021, Jess Speer.