Listener Feedback
Wave Farm - Quotes
I heard a program this weekend that mixed various sounds into a cohesive piece. It was oddly beautiful and it made me happy to hear something like that on the air. Bless local radio and the courage to be different - Eric
Hi! This is a listener calling you from San Francisco, loving what you're doing on the radio, and with all the sound that coming to you coming here from Catskills. I love hearing from sort of my old hometown. And love that great radio is going on there. Let's hear it for the People's Radio. - D
California listener here. Enjoyed your show [Radio Birdmouth] today with JP and the key to the highway. The world needs more sonic adventurers. Thanks! - Nancy
Just writing in to say that I'm really enjoying the meditative, calm energy and music in this audition. This is the kind of radio magic that made me join my college radio station back in the day. Would love to hear more like this! Thanks for all you do! - Anna
A brief note to say I just discovered WGXC through Alex Daud’s audition show from last night. Listened to it from the archive. I loved the mix of local Hudson Valley bands, poetry and dreamy, evocative tunes. Got turned onto it as I’m a fan of her band The Fascinating Chimera Project. But now I’ll be exploring the archive more often as well! Here’s hoping she gets on the regular roster! - Colin, Brooklyn, NY
shortly after i moved to ghent, i heard your wonderful station and knew i was home. i sat in my car for over an hour not believing my good fortune. thank you, thank you. - Jill, Ghent, NY
Writing to express thanks for the wide variety of programs especially Li Le Li tan the Haitian radio hour. How great to offer this for the community. Thanks for the good work from local public radio stations like WGXC. - Elena
Nuestra Música, Fantastic show! - Keith, Catskill, NY
Yeah call I just want to leave a message that I come in your broadcast of the the Haitian program on Sundays. It's been going on for 12 or 13 years. So. I want to commend it my family enjoys it and my children and it's a pleasure to have that program on with the interviews. So thank you very much for your broadcast. Hopefully it'll continue to get to enjoy the news on that particular subject. - Voicemail left on WGXC's Call-in Feedback Line (518) 212-7509
Hey, I just stumbled upon your station driving home late at night and heard the magic stranger. I'm an old time musician. I listen to a lot of scratchy 78s and I just couldn't even believe it. So yay magic stranger. You've got a big fan in me the Bill Haley all of it. It was all good. Terrific. I didn't want to get out of the car. Keep going. Take care. - Paula, Lee, MA
i don’t have time and FM reception to listen all the time but you guys are the only station i listen to and you make creepy late night drives in the rain like the best thing ever....the segment that played at 9pm thursday really made my night! ive had. a lot of surreal experiences to the station, it feels like tuning into another dimension! its great to see people with actual taste and creativity in our county!!!! - Ryyen, Durham, NY
WGXC is very important to our community. A few weeks ago I borrowed a friend's car and was not at all surprised that WGXC was what came on when starting the car. - Judd, Hillsdale, NY
I got a real kick out of hearing the guys [Camphill Hudson] send out your station promo. My daughter, Rachel, was really enthused about being part of the
community radio station. It is such a smart move to include the WHOLE listening audience. - Frank and Nicole, Pompano Beach, FL
Thanks WGXC for spreading the word about my show this week: I got in my car weary after serving beer and books all day, turned on the radio and heard them say "Amy Rigby playing at 8 p.m. this Friday at Avalon in Catskill" and it made me feel like my neighbors have my back. You rule! - Amy, Catskill, NY
I hope you can forgive me if I can't help gushing a little bit - I'm an experimental music nerd, and I can't begin to express how much joy I felt at finding Wave Farm on the radio for the first time while moving here last year. I really couldn't believe it. It made me feel like I was in the right place - its hard to explain, but it made me think, if things like Wave Farm can exist here, maybe I can too. It was not a feeling I was expecting to get from the radio! Haha! The work you do is so appreciated and inspiring so thank you! - Camile, Climax, NY
...We love the amazing content on you guys broadcast! - Jeffrey, Portland, ME.
Absolutely love what's been playing here. Where around here can we hear this kind of stuff? Damn. You guys have me hoppin this eve...totally into this. Thank you. Your station rocks besides the music. - Crystal, Earlton, NY.
You all have become a big part of my life and the soundtrack to many hours of housework, driving,
drawing, journaling and all attempts to hang onto sanity in a really hard time! Thanks for all you do. -
Jenise, Coxsackie, NY
Thank you for everything you've done. It's amazing to live next door to you. - Andrew, Chatham, NY.
I didn't work there. I supported this station from a stationary place. WGXC kept me informed about the world. Every aspect of the human condition existed through WGXC Format. I would like to thank their staff for a job well done. - Mr. Long.
I just moved to Acra from NYC and really like what you are doing. I would love to help out or get involved in some way. - Erik, Acra, NY
Cracking up out loud over here... Loving the stellar funkiness!!! "Once you get used to it, insanity is the most natural thing in the world!" -- or was it "insanity is the most normal thing in the world?" And the story about the woman picking up the radio with her lead teeth during World War II was incredible! As always, Totally yours, WGXC... ❤ - Phoenix, Chatham, NY
Amazing black Nationalist content on my local community radio station @WGXC right now! I love community radio! Become a sustaining supporter! - Judd, Hillsdale, NY
I love WGXC! I moved to Catskill during the pandemic, and I listen every day. - Stephanie, Catskill, NY.
Hey! Its my pleasure- literally WGXC is on almost every day in my house. Love everyone. - Arabella, Hudson, NY.
Keep up the good work. I love the experiments, art and interesting work. I love that I don’t know what is coming next. - James
THANKS FOR Donald Drumpf Theatre!!! Wish I'd stumbled upon it sooner. Love it. It's aired on my local Athens, GA radio. - Lillie
I love your station – because it is always different and not boring. My wife, she is not as much a fan – because it is always different! Go figure. - Matt, Ashland, NY
We moved to the area 4 years ago and WGXC has been another member in our family ever since. Thanks for all the work you guys do -- especially now when community connection is so vital. - Lauren, Philmont, NY.
Happy to be a supporter (again, this time as a sustaining member)! It's about time I guess, as I listen to Wave Farm every day. Among other shows, having WeatherWarlock on is both calming and focusing. Loved the story on how COVID is affecting college radio (my other listening addiction). - Bob Rhinecliff, NY
WGXC has been an indispensable resource during this time and I want to applaud your devotion to the community. - Justin, Freehold, NY.
Today's Joy Channel was one of my favorite radio listening experiences ever. No shit. Thank you Tom." and then " Driving around empty streets alone in the rain in the middle of our current apocalypse. Half sci-fi half survivalist -- just really great. - Thatcher, Columbia County.
I'm living in San Jose California and I just reconnected with that WGXC and I'm enjoying the Bedazzled Radio Hour and also heard Governor Cuomo's press conference, which I thought was really important. So I'm glad to see you guys are still kicking and still doing great radio, and I've been with you since the days when it was pretty much all experimental and you got a very comprehensive programming situation now which is wonderful. - Phil, San Jose, CA.
I'm listening to WGXC now and then here in my online radio and feel the strength you send out with your programme, connecting and organizing solidarity in your region in this difficult times. - Helen, Halle, Germany
I love the station. Keep up the good work! It's not easy being different. - Ellen, Spencertown, NY
I am a new convert to your station. I was tuned into NPR when I heard some good information.right next door on the FM dial 90.7-FM. You have an interesting concept with ‘Wave Farm,’ I get it. We are surrounded by farms up here that produce crops and livestock. Now we have a farm (Wave Farm) that cultivates thoughts and ideas through communication and expression. - Letter from a person incarcerated at the Coxsackie Correctional Facility, Coxsackie, NY
Hello: I had the most enjoyable listening experience on 90.7 fm this past Saturday as I was driving down from VT to NYC. I listened to your station from about 5:30p-7:00p on August 22 (until I lost signal). I was wondering if you might be able to share the DJ's playlists? I loved a lot of the music but nothing showed up on Shazam / Soundhound, and I'd like to try to get some of the records. Anyway, any help would be appreciated. I'm planning on making a small donation to your station as well. Keep up the good work. Hall, New York, NY
A quick note to let you know how much I enjoyed listening to today's Prison Voices Project -- it was one of the most thoughtful and thought-provoking broadcasts I've heard on the station. And on a technical side, extremely well-produced. - Sara, Hudson, NY
A shout out to Sara Kendall and Sam Sebren for today's excellent Afternoon Show, the first hour of which featured a conversation about the new documentary / concert film Dear Governor Cuomo. . This is the kind of programming that makes me proud to be associated with this station and this community. Very nicely done--thanks! - Jim, New York, NY
Can I fnd the playlist for your show from 4 to 6 p.m. on Monday August 10th. That was amazing! Tank you - Robert, Chilmark, MA
Discovered y[ou]r station on a visit to Old Chatham, it is refreshing to hear good ol' underground, community radio. - Shelly, Schenectady, NY
Finally caught Chris Bishop's show last night—killer!! Blows me away to hear that stuff on Upstate radio. He talks my language, all right… - Peter, Kingston, NY
Good evening. It’s Saturday evening. Just before 11 o’clock, and I was driving through the area and heard you’re playing old sings. Haven’t heard that song years. So I just wanted to thank you for that. Have a good one. Bye. - Voicemail, Dutchess County, NY
Heard part of your show on WGXC in Hudson, NY today and loved it. I did something similar in my college days. I had a Walkman that could tune in to TV signals. Quite accidentally I tuned it to a station that was supposed to be dead but picked up the howling and buzzing of all the computers and electronics around me in an office supply store. I wandered around for an hour listening to the noise in total bliss. By moving around the store I could change the composition. Finally a manager told me to buy something or get out. I went back at another time and brought a recorder with me and got a few good minutes fo sounds but over the years the tape disappeared. Thanks for the trip down memory lane. I’ll definitely check out more of your work. Marc, Facebook
Hello from LA! I've enclosed a donation to help with the fall Pledge Drive, which I hope is on track! You'll be happy to know that WGXC is better than any station out here, too, and I haven't seen many Weather Warlocks around either. I miss you all so much!! Keep up the great work. Jack, Los Angeles, CA
Hello WGXC. This is Medusa calling with kudos on your holiday programming. It’s great fun. Thank you!
Hi Today I listened to your program about chronic pain and it validated everything we as chronic pain patients talk about in our groups. Thank you for that; i really enjoyed your broadcast! - Sandra, Rochester, New York
Hi, my name is Zach; my wife and I just moved up to Hudson from Los Angeles. And we’re so excited to have found WGXC; trying to actually figure out looked at your schedule to see who was DJing … between 2:30 and 3 p.m. This Saturday, June 29th.just wanted to congratulate whoever it was.They were DJing such an eclectic and interesting show and yeah, I want to hear more. Thank you guys so much. - Voicemail, Hudson, NY
I am really enjoying Challenging Christianity. Chris Lawlor explains biblical issues with common sense, clarity, and with an attitude of humility. - Roxanne, Valatie, NY
I am really enjoying Cheryl K on the morning show today! I had to be at work at 7:30 am, which is nearly impossible for me. Cheryl's choice of music and good humor got me to work on time and not grumpy! She is one class act. Tanks for the show! - Liz, Hannacroix, NY
I came across your radio station one Saturday in October while upstate and fell in love with your programming -- it was an mix of experimental music with a lot of ambient nature sounds and really enchanting. . . . Keep up the good work! - Jill, New York, NY
I can't seperate whether GXC makes the mood, complements the mood or just is. Saturday afternoon was one of those. And thank you again for your work art and labor. - Bryan, Athens, NY
I don’t have a TV or internet, but if I listen to Drumpf [Thursdays, 3 p.m. on WGXC], I get everything I would ever need from TV. - Voicemail, E. Nassau, NY
I have found War at a Distance in the archive and this is indeed what I heard last Saturday. I look forward to listening to it in its entirety (since, I tuned in about half way last week). I was actually driving through the area at the time and had never heard of WGXC but I will certainly be tuning in to your program from now on. - Paul
I just listened to a show DJ’d by Maria Manhattan … I just wanted to tell her that her selection of music was wonderful, I enjoyed it tremendously and did not turn of the radio when I had planned to. It was great from start to fnish. Tanks. - Deb, Catskill, NY
I kept listening to Tom Skarimbas talk politics before heading out to the Hudson farmer's market Saturday morning. I couldn't stop listening, and wanted to hear what would be said next. -- Dorothy, Hudson, NY
I listen so often to the offerings of WGXC and still remain so thankful to have it available! I so often hear great things . usually amazing, varied music shows by people with great record collections and unusual interests that have shows every third week that I never catch again but instead find another.” Michael, Durham, NY
I live in Louisville, KY and I've been tuning in to WGXC's 120 Hours For John Cage program. It's been quite wonderful! - Douglas, Louisville, KY
I love Kids Brain. It rocks so much more than regular radio, and is better than watching cartoons. - Lisa, Brooklyn, NY
I love what all you people are doing; / big love harmando / great to meet some of you / on your Media arts day - Harmando, Rensselaerville, NY
I loved hearing the AM transmitter being turned on and the plans for broadcasting the sounds of the pond and Wave Farm, during Saturday Morning Serial. - Francine, Linlithgo, NY
I thought it [All Together Now!] was an excellent news hour. I already looked up Fran Sussman and researched her recommended Cistus tea as a deterrent to ticks. Very informative. The council meeting listen-in was fascinating. I look forward to May 2. Congratulations! - Claire, Acra, NY
I wanted to get in touch to say how GREAT the 60X60 Wave Farm mix is! The format was really perfect to explore the idea of transmission arts and the many examples keep moving the listener around the many permutations that radio, waves and transmission might take. Wonderful stuf. - John, Brooklyn, NY
I wanted to say a huge thank you to your station and Jared Widjeskog for allowing my uncle to co-host the Sugar Shack on Friday afternoon. It has been a lifelong dream for my uncle to be on the radio. … Ray is a really wonderful man with so many friends that got to call in and share his big day with him…. Again thank you so much for making someone’s dream come true. -- Jenna, Oregon
I was listening to Tell It Like It Is this morning with Joel Kovel. Congratulations on an excellent show. It was a refreshing departure from the dreary talking points you hear just about everywhere else. More.please! Oh, and my 18year old neighbor was listening as well. She was inspired. That's what I call success. –Marie, Hudson, NY
I was traveling from Fulton County back home downstate when I happened upon your radio station. I was listening to an audio collage of tRump. I left the listening area before I could finish hearing the whole thing. Can you tell me what show it was and if I can listen to it on a podcast or some type of Replay.? Although I can't stand the sound of tRump's voice and what he says, I thought the piece was brilliant. Thank you. - Lori, New York , NY
I would like to thank you for the many non-bubblegum explorations that your radio station has graced me with. The sounds of inspiration I shan't forget. So I donate a bit, of this monetary green to the radioactive keen. Those whom give people like me the music we need. Yours truly p.s. Send more Disco! Letter from a Coxsackie Correctional Facility Inmate, Coxsackie, NY
I'm enjoying the Transmission Arts programs on Saturdays very much. It's informative, educational, entertaining, mindexpanding exposure to artists whose work usually exists only in an obscure fringe, and we are so fortunate to now have access to these sounds, ideas & projects…. I imagine some kid in our area listening in on Saturdays and becoming very inspired by something they otherwise had no idea was out there! – Sam, Athens, NY
I'm really enjoying this program [Monday Musical Matinee]. Fascinating! Ligeti is one of my favorite composers ever and this is absolutely masterful playing by Mr. Denk, wow. I'm supposed to be outside doing yard work but this show is far more compelling at the moment! Thanks Sheri [Bauer-Mayorga]! –Sam, Athens, NY
I've been in this area for three weeks during which I have been roaming the radio dial looking for interesting and new (to me) music. I came upon The Bangla Show this afternoon right around 4:30 p.m. The music was delightful. I have never heard music from Bangladesh before… Thank you so much for opening my ears to such beautiful music. ‐ Peter, Castleton, NY
It was such a pleasure to have that interview with you. Steve and Walt tell me the radio audience is really appreciative. You raised all the right questions and I thank you and Ellen for for this part of the wonderful events. Your little town is in a magical moment, creative and constructive. Hope it maintains its proportion. I’d love to follow your radio events. Keep in touch. Hope to return to the oysters of Hudson. - Carolee Schneeman (1939-2019) New Paltz, NY
It's very refreshing hearing some intelligent multicellular organisms communicating on the people's airwaves. It's not what I've come to expect from local media. A real evolution of sorts. Especially like democracy now and al jazeera news as well as commentaries from staff. - Rick, Leeds, NY
Just a note to tell you that we love the new Tuesday evening show Radio Warfare with host Tim Livingston It's fantastic ! Only wish it was a more frequent broadcast Thank you for such great programming! - Denise and Rich, Troy, NY
Just got back from Mexico yesterday and tuned in on my way home from the train station in the car. It really made me feel at home. I heard some great music on the ride. Now I really feel at home. - Jan, Catskill, NY
Last month I was visiting Hudson and surprisingly listened to your welcoming announcement on WGXC radio. The announcement touched core of my heart. - Shahidul, Geneva, Switzerland
My dad is an inmate at Coxsackie [State Correctional Facility]. I just received a letter from him about stumbling upon your station while his cell mate was having a medical emergency. He couldn't get back to sleep and turned on his tiny radio with earbuds. He usually listens to NPR, but must have moved the dial. He refers to your show as the most exciting musical experience of his 69 years of life. - Shelly, Schenectady, NY
My life has vastly improved since the advent of WGXC. Thank you for your work in keeping it alive! - Rebecca, Hudson, NY
Peter Krug does a superb program! - Chad, Germantown, NY
Rave: Battlefield Earth on WGXC last night. I don't think I've ever enjoyed listening to election results more (even the one that didn't go my way). - Andrea, Hudson, NY
Re: Low Tide, and The Relationship Show Show / So happy to live in this place, with this radio show, even though it's snowing right now. - Triona, Saugerties, NY
Really enjoying Tom Roeʻs Radar show. Thanks for putting together something easy, accessible, and made up of fun sounds from across the spectrum. - Jonathan, Kapa'a Kaua'i, Hi
so all my life i've been trying to leave ny and find the radio station of my reality which doesn't exist of course but here i am still anchored in hudson and you fall out of the sky on so many levels whatever was on around 10:45 was well . home. - Vincent, Hudson, NY
Sounds great [The Bedazzled Radio Hour]! Perfect accompaniment to my day. Cheers! - John, New York, NY
Such a pleasure to be able to listen to @WGXC thank you for the diverse and surprising programming. - Aaron Brooking Dessner, The National, via Twitter
Thank You for all you guys do to keep WGXC running!! I usually listen while I’m driving to and from work and catch the Afternoon shows. I always enjoy Kieran’s, Tom and Ellen’s and the Drive Time guys shows and if I’m using this right, their shows are dope! I have never put bumper stickers on my car, but I would put one on to promote WGXC. - Ralph, Valatie, NY
The importance of WGXC is apparent now more than ever, both as an artist who creates something kept at the fringes of our society and as a citizen of this strange place we call Hudson. It was clear to me why we need this station and on a large scale, this organization. - Nathan from Hudson, NY
This station is one of the most eclectic things I've ever listened to! We just spent a long weekend in Chatham, NY and couldn't get enough of everything we heard! We were very confused and entertained the whole time, as we mostly couldn't understand what we were listening to! Really loved the radio from radio show on Saturday! And listening to the guy from Wichita's dad from Olathe explain Hamm radios wassomething we did. Haha! Keep up the good work! Loved hearing the dad and his kids sing do the flop repeatedly. Keep it weird WGXC! - Emily , via Facebook
Tune in! This radio station offers consistently great experimental community programming - Iliya Fridman, Fridman Gallery, New York, NY, via facebook
WGXC community radio forever! Really powerful, important stuff. Thank you, thank you, thank you! - Amanda, Hudson
WGXC has brought a new voice of culture and community to the region, I hope you are enjoying running it as much as your listeners enjoy consuming it! Congrats and I look forward to hearing more! Christy, Saugerties, NY
WGXC is a big part of what makes our twin counties a great place to live. - Judd, Hillsdale, NY
WGXC is the best thing that's ever happened to Columbia and Greene counties. Steve, Earlton, NY
WGXC is very special. It feels like a onair coop, where the best cookies, veggies and fresh juices are available and everybody knows everybody as they work toward a common cause, cultivating the garden, weeding and watering. The variety is just amazing. That's the image I have anyway. - Brian, Hudson, NY
What a great show! [The Hudson Café] I am almost busting into tears after “I Won't Send Roses.” Fascinating song selections, really great. - Bobby, Craryville, NY
What's my favorite thing about living in Hudson, NY? I know you've been wondering. Tere are so many rare features to this town, and at this time of year I just am driving around snifng out the window to catch all the beautiful smells coming from the woods and gaping at people's gardens and the like. And then there's the art-world, and the best l'il bookstore/bar in the East, and the record store, and the best cofee made by the sweetest men, and the jaw-dropping farmers with their amazing sustaining food. Te hard-working teachers at the school, and the proud craftspeople and workers of all stripes. Te preachers and the nurses. Te most gorgeous herbalist in the world with her nourishing traditions. Te conficted yet generous developers. Te mountains. But my favorite thing, no my favorite thing, no my VERY FAVORITE THING, and listen up all you new people in town in case you don't even know about it yet, is WGXC, 90.7 Hands-on Community Radio in Columbia and Greene Counties. Tere is nothing like it anywhere else that I've ever lived. If you aren't aware that there is an open-source option for utopian cooperative sharing and caring and inclusion of all, free-and-freaky on your airwaves and always there for you . . . turn on your radio. And thank you so much to all who donated to keep it going. Long ride these waves. Rebecca, Hudson, NY, via facebook
When I am coming in to do my show you all make me feel like I am going to my second home. The radio station is becoming a new family for us. – Mitch, Corwallville + New York, NY
When I catch this show (fairly regularly), it is ALWAYS a really great show [Hudson Café]. Just want you to know that & to thank you for your brilliant work. :) Plus, today. I especially enjoyed it. Loved the storytelling rolled into the song playlist. Great job and thanks so much!! Happy Pride!! - Phoenix, Delmar, NY.
Yes, hi. This is Charles. I just heard your program with a spokesperson for the young Farmers Coalition and I thought it was a really superb program. I wanted to congratulate you on that … keep up the good work. - Voicemail
Thank you WGXC for making it on-the-air!! I applaud your efforts and listen gratefully to your imaginative and creative programming. Keep the faith! - J
Was delighted to discover last week that, although I'm in a dead cell phone area (don't have one anyway, nor a computer or TV) I can receive broadcasts from your station on all three radios in my house, one a very old one! This morning heard Amy Goodman's broadcast, much appreciated... best wishes for continuing success. - Ruth.
For all you've done, for all you're doing, for the cause of peace with justice, for the building of community... Thank you! - Paul and Katja, South Westerlo, NY.