WGXC-90.7 FM

Become a WGXC Volunteer
WGXC is made possible by two main types of hardworking volunteers: volunteer programmers and general volunteers. Everything heard on 90.7-FM is the result of volunteer effort. From mending broken headphone cables, shoveling snow to provide access to the studios, recording town meetings and events, and being on the air sharing music and words, volunteers keep this station going. You don't have to know anything about radio or audio production to make a difference - WGXC needs you just as you are! Becoming a WGXC volunteer is a free and fun way to learn new skills and meet your neighbors.
Volunteer Programmers
An extraordinarily diverse group of volunteer programmers are behind the over 100 shows that air regularly on WGXC 90.7-FM. WGXC accepts program applications twice per year with applications due on June 1 and November 1. Applications received by June 1 will receive feedback in July and August. Applications received by November 1 will receive feedback in December and January. There are many ways to be on the air – submit a proposal for a weekly or monthly program, be a guest music DJ, host a morning or afternoon show, or submit your own radio features, segments, series, performances, or plays for broadcast consideration. We are especially looking for folks who want to do short segments on the air that we will put on at the times of day with the most listeners (7-10 a.m., 4-7 p.m.). Email meredith@wavefarm.org with your idea for a segment on WGXC. No previous radio experience is necessary, and all ages are encouraged to apply. WGXC Volunteer Programmers who live or work in the FM coverage area are required to contribute a minimum of six volunteer hours to the station annually. The various subsections of this page contain important information for volunteers, including current WGXC programmers, individuals interested in proposing a show on 90.7-FM, as well as those who simply wish to get involved. Active WGXC Programmers should also reference the Current Programmer Info section of the website. Questions about the information provided here should be directed to Programming Manager and Volunteer Coordinator, Meredith Kooi at meredith@wavefarm.org.
General Volunteers
How can your skills help WGXC? Can you answer a phone and say "Good morning, WGXC!"? Or sit at a table during a town-wide event and tell people about community radio? Put up a flier at your workplace, or favorite local hang? Bring a Zoom recorder to your next town or school board meeting? All of this (and more) helps keep WGXC on the air, and working at its best for our communities. If you'd like to get involved, get in touch by emailing info@wgxc.org or calling (518) 622-2598!