WGXC-90.7 FM

Field Goods prepares for first season

Mar 12, 2011 5:07 pm
WGXC volunteer Tanya Blue interviewed Donna Willliams, who is starting Field Goods, a new business designed to deliver food from area farms directly to local and regional consumers. So far they are working with Otter Hook Farm in Greenville, and Hudson Locale in Hudson. So far the new business only has two drop-off locations, Elliott Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine at 876 Columbia St. in Hudson, and at Sleepy Hollow Lake, just north of the Village of Athens, but they hope to connect with large companies in Albany. Field Goods operates much like any other multi-farm community-supported agriculture farm with drop-off sites, pre-paid shares. Like a CSA, subscription customers receive a delivery each week of fruit and vegetables. The contents of the delivery will vary each week depending on what is in season and crop conditions. Click here to listen to the interview with Williams.