25 Hz
Writes Stuhl,“The age of automation – that art of...
A Radio Programme about Radio
“A Radio Programme about Radio”, 1974, by Howard B...
A Year of Radio Silence
From November 10, 2012 to November 10, 2013, artis...
Writes Robinson, “BLACKBODY, WHITE NOISE is an exp...
Drive-In Concert
In March of 2020, Los Angeles was experiencing its...
Free Radio Linux
Commissioned by the Walker Art Center in 2002, r a...
The Indians for Indians Hour (Show #110)
Started in 1941 by host Don Whistler, who also wen...
Loop 2: Channel Rhythms
Henry Jacobs, a self-styled ethnomusicologist and...
The Machinery of Doom (Live at Day of Noise 2012)
In Joseph Brenner’s (whose radio air name is the V...
Montreal Audio Placebo Transmission
In its first iteration, Audio Placebo Plaza (the c...
Radia: Andy Stuhl: Jun 02, 2022
Radia Show 896: 25 Hz by Andy Kelleher Stuhl for W...
WGXC Afternoon Show: Radio Artist Fellow Andy Stuhl Culminating Broadcast: May 28, 2022
Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellows 2021/2022 Andy Stuh...
Towards an Amicable End: May 21, 2022
Composed in 2020, Towards an Amicable End is ancho...
Montreal Audio Placebo Transmission: Mar 26, 2022
Radio Deprogramming Workshop Audio (Long Version): Feb 28, 2022
In February 2022, Wave Farm’s Radio Deprogramming...
Radio Deprogramming Workshop Audio (Short Version): Feb 28, 2022
Mourning Good: Jan 10, 2022
“Mourning Good” is the work of Black Siren Radio,...
Voiceage: Dec 22, 2021
“Voiceage” was produced in 1990 by Julia Loktev, w...
refuse: military.01: Dec 14, 2021
External link to audio: https://meiraasher.bandcam...
“Blackbody” refers to a specific type of structure...
Andy Stuhl Portrait Image: Sep 01, 2021
View Image Gallery
Andy Stuhl: Jun 02, 2022: 3:30 pm - 4pm
Radio Artist Fellow Andy Stuhl Culminating Broadcast: May 28, 2022: 4pm - 6pm
100 Years of Media History Conference: Apr 27, 2023 - Apr 29, 2023
Radio Deprogramming Workshop with Andy Stuhl: Feb 07, 2022 - Feb 28, 2022
Absolute Value of Noise
Meira Asher
Steve Bates
Black Siren Radio
Howard Broomfield
Ginger Dunnill
Celia Hollander
Henry Jacobs
Julia Loktev
r a d i o q u a l i a (radioqualia)
Writes Stuhl,“The age of automation – that art of worker-less factories which has industrial management crackling these days – is coming close to broadcasting,” announced Broadcasting magazine in 1954...
“A Radio Programme about Radio”, 1974, by Howard Broomfield, part 9 of the 10-part Soundscapes of Canada series produced by the World Soundscape Project at Simon Fraser University, directed by R. Murr...
From November 10, 2012 to November 10, 2013, artist Steve Bates transmitted a 25 micro-Watt signal at the lower bound of the FM band from his apartment in Montreal. The content of this signal was the...
Writes Robinson, “BLACKBODY, WHITE NOISE is an experimental radio art composition. For an entire week I have collected sounds using two vacant cast iron cubes and sound reproduction technology. Each s...
In March of 2020, Los Angeles was experiencing its first major surge of the COVID-19 pandemic. In place of a planned residency together that had to be cancelled due to the virus, a group of local elec...
Commissioned by the Walker Art Center in 2002, r a d i o q u a l i a's "Free Radio Linux" entailed a text-to-speech program reading the entirety of the central code base for Linux, the popular open so...
Started in 1941 by host Don Whistler, who also went by the name Kesh-ke-kosh, the Indians for Indians Hour aired on University of Oklahoma station WNAD and served into the 1970s as a widely listened-t...
Henry Jacobs, a self-styled ethnomusicologist and audio experimenter, hosted a weekly show on Berkeley station KPFA in the early 1950s called “Music and Folklore.” To produce his show, Jacobs taped ec...
In Joseph Brenner’s (whose radio air name is the Voice of Doom) long-running sound art project The Machinery of Doom, influences from industrial and avant-garde music materialize in sets of found obje...
In its first iteration, Audio Placebo Plaza (the collective project of artists Erin Gee, Julia E. Dyck, and Vivian Li) occupied a storefront in Montreal’s Plaza Saint-Hubert for seven days in June 202...
Mourning Good
“Mourning Good” is the work of Black Siren Radio, which is one outlet for the We Be Imagining initiative. We Be Imagining combines academic research and the performance arts to propel “critical conver...
The People’s Radio
The People’s Radio explores radio as a technology developed and pioneered by the U.S. military industrial complex as political warfare and public radio as a conduit for Black expressive culture and ra...
refuse: military.01
In the first installment of “refuse: military,” Meira Asher addresses the compulsory military service requirement facing young Israelis and the violence they are tasked with carrying out against their...
In 2020, members of the CO-OPt gallery in Lubbock, Texas installed a hyperlocal FM station that broadcast to an area extending just into the gallery’s parking lot and the street in front of it. Sordah...
Absolute Value of Noise is the alias of artist Peter Courtemanche. In “Tapeloping,” which commemorates the 30th anniversary of the first Absolute Value of Noise show on Vancouver’s CITR-FM, Courtemanc...
Towards an Amicable End
Composed in 2020, Towards an Amicable End is anchored by a moment of globally widespread fear and anxiety – “a sense of impending doom in the air,” as artist Budhaditya Chattopadhyay (who is also a wr...
Variations [Radiophonic]
Joseph Kamaru (who styles his artist name as KMRU) is based in Nairobi and Berlin. In Variations, we hear field recordings from both these cities as well as from St. Petersburg. Voice announcements an...
“Voiceage” was produced in 1990 by Julia Loktev, who would go on to become an internationally acclaimed filmmaker. At the turn of the nineties, though, Loktev was a student at McGill University and th...
WE ARE AWAKE: Mixtape for Resistance
Airing on Radio Coyote, an online and FM station conceived by Diné composer, performer and installation artist Raven Chacon, Broken Boxes is a recurring show in which Ginger Dunnill presents interview...