WGXC-90.7 FM

Wave Farm adds AM radio signal
Jan 04, 2014 12:03 am
The New York Council on the Arts announced last week that free103point9 Inc. (aka Wave Farm) was approved for a grant for equipment to add a carrier-current AM radio station to the Wave Farm property. The signal will not reach beyond the Wave Farm in Acra (it runs through a buried cable), so no license is necessary from the Federal Communications Commission. The facilities award will support fifty percent of the cost to expand transmission technology resources for the Wave Farm Residency Program, including the site-specific AM radio station, and installation of expanded WiFi and electrical connection points, as well as the acquisition of a professional radio console to expand the usability of Wave Farm’s WGXC Acra studio. NYSCA also announced support for East Durham-based artists LoVid (Tali Hinkis-Lapidus)’s “iParade,” and another project, Hans Tammen’s “Apheresis - for large electronic ensemble.” Wave Farm Residency program, and Study Center resource library, bring international artists who work with radio frequencies to Greene County. NYSCA Chair Aby Rosen, and Executive Director Lisa Robb said, "We are working hard with our partners in state government to broaden the impact and advancement of arts, culture and heritage activities throughout the Empire State. Your work is vitally important to the community development, economic, tourism and education benefits that are a result of investment of public funds in arts, culture and heritage programming.” Wave Farm Executive Director Galen Joseph-Hunter said, “We are grateful and honored to receive this support and acknowledgement by the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA). These grants will have a tremendous impact on our ability to support creative and community engagement with the transmission spectrum and media as an art form.”