
latitude/longitude CD cover

latitude/longitude CD cover. (Jan 01, 2005)

Campfire Sounds 2008

Campfire Sounds 2008. at Hudson Waterfront Park, Hudson, NY. Audience members enjoy Latitude/Longitude. (Jul 26, 2008)

Latitude/Longitude during Campfire Sounds 2008

Latitude/Longitude during Campfire Sounds 2008. at Hudson Waterfront Park, Hudson, NY. Latitude/Longitude poised to perform. (Jul 26, 2008)

Latitude/Longitude during Campfire Sounds 2008

Latitude/Longitude during Campfire Sounds 2008. at Hudson Waterfront Park, Hudson, NY. (Jul 26, 2008)

Latitude/Longitude during Campfire Sounds 2008

Latitude/Longitude during Campfire Sounds 2008. at Hudson Waterfront Park, Hudson, NY. (Jul 26, 2008)

Latitude/Longitude's Jason Labbe during Campfire Sounds 2008

Latitude/Longitude's Jason Labbe during Campfire Sounds 2008. at Hudson Waterfront Park, Hudson, NY. (Jul 26, 2008)

Latitude/Longitude's Michael Garofalo during Campfire Sounds 2008

Latitude/Longitude's Michael Garofalo during Campfire Sounds 2008. at Hudson Waterfront Park, Hudson, NY. (Jul 26, 2008)

Latitude/Longitude's Patrick McCarthy during Campfire Sounds 2008

Latitude/Longitude's Patrick McCarthy during Campfire Sounds 2008. at Hudson Waterfront Park, Hudson, NY. (Jul 26, 2008)

The Dust Dive + Latitude/Longitude during Campfire Sounds 2008

The Dust Dive + Latitude/Longitude during Campfire Sounds 2008. at Hudson Waterfront Park, Hudson, NY. The Dust Dive and Latitude/Longitude perform "Party Cove" from "Radio Action III" live during Campfire Sounds 2008. (Jul 26, 2008)

Solar Filter / Mother Evening (AD031) Cover

Solar Filter / Mother Evening (AD031) Cover. Michael Shroads

Latitude/Longitude is a Brooklyn-based experimental music group that began as a duo, Michael Garofalo and Patrick McCarthy, in 2004. They became a trio in 2007, adding percussionist Jason Labbe. Their music resists description; their approach, however, does not. Pieces begin primarily as live improvisations that, when recorded, may be subsequently layered, augmented, contorted, cut down, reconstructed, or juxtaposed with seemingly unsuitable territories--all in the interest of exploring rhythmic, melodic, and textural possibility.

Latitude/Longitude continue to work with diverse sonic materials: test oscillators, homemade cassette tape and field recordings, radio transmissions (FM/AM/SW/CB), toy electronics (broken and functional), and percussive junk, as well as more traditional instruments, such as pedal steel guitar, banjo, mbira, drums, cymbals, and voice.

Latitude/Longitude is currently at work on a new full-length recording.


* Latitude/Longitude (self-titled) (Early Theives, 2005)
* Solar Filters/Mother Evening 7" (free103point9 Audio Dispatch Series)
* Radio Action III compilation: "Party Cove" (Collaboration with The Dust Dive) (free103point9, 2008)
* Two Song Cassette (Tape Collection, 2008)