Study Center Reading Library

The Wave Farm Study Center provides reference materials to artists, curators, students, and educators researching contemporary and historical practices in media, radio, sound, and visual arts with respect to the topic of transmission and reception. Wave Farm's Research Library is a growing collection of reference materials, which includes books, journals, articles, manuals, and files specific to transmission arts, radio, video, performance, sound, media theory, and contemporary art practice. Contact us to schedule a research visit.

Adams, Bill. 2004. mug. Regency Arts Press.

Ahwesh, Peggy. 2013. Kissing Pont. CR10 Art.

Alarcón, Daniel. 2007. Lost City Radio. Harper Collins Publishers.

Alarcón, Miguel Molina. 2008. Baku: Symphony of Sirens: Sound Experiments in the Russian Avant Garde. ReR Megacorp.

Albertini, Rosanna. 1999. Technological Rituals: Stories from the Annenberg Dialogues. University of Southern California, Annenberg Center for Communication

Alfonso, Lorena (ed.). CASo: Centro de Arte Sonoro Cinco años 2017-2022. 2022. Centro de Arte Sonoro.

Allain, Paul, and Jen Harvie. 2005. The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Performance. Routledge.

Alliance for the Arts, The. 2009. The Hudson Valley: A Cultural Guide. The Alliance for the Arts.

Allison, Marcella. 1995. The Electronic Superhighway: Travels with Nam June Paik. Carl Solway Gallery, in conjunction with the Ft. Lauderdale Museum of Art.

American Radio Relay League, The. Learning the Radiotelegraph Code: Basic Training for Radio Operating. 1951. The American Radio Relay League.

Ammer, Manuela, and Susanne Neuburger. 2009. Nam June Paik: Exposition of Music, Electronic Television, Revisited. Walther Konig.

Anderson, Edwin P. 1955. Audels radiomans guide;: Covering theory, construction, and servicing, including television [and] electronics. T. Audel.

Anderson, John Nathan. 2013. Radio's Digital Dilemma: Broadcasting in the Twenty-First Century. Routledge.

Angelo, and Temporary Services. 202. Prisoners' Inventions. Half Letter Press.

Animation-recherche-confrontation. 1980. Ecouter par les Yeux. ARC.*

Ano, Blanco, and Javier Duero. 2006. Observatori 2006: 7o Festival International de Investigation Artistica de Valencia. Observatori.

Apprich, Clemens, Josephine Berry Slater, Anthony Iles, and Oliver Lerone Schultz. 2013. Provocative Alloys: A Post-Media Anthology. Mute.

Apple, Jacki and Marina LaPalma. 2019. Performance / Media / Art / Culture: Selected Essays 1983-2018. Intellect Ltd.

Armstrong, Elizabeth, Joan Rothfuss, and Janet Jenkins. 1993. In the Spirit of Fluxus. Distributed Art Pub Inc (Dap).

Arnheim, Rudolf. 1969. Visual Thinking. University of California Press.

Arnheim, Rudolf. 1971. Radio. Ayer Co Pub.

Arnheim, Rudolf. 1974. Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye. University of California Press.

Aronson, Arnold. 2000. American Avant-Garde Theatre: A History. Routledge.

Artaud, Antonin. 1994. The Theater and Its Double. Grove Press.

Arteaga, Alfred. 1997. Chicano Poetics: Heterotexts and Hybridities. Cambridge University Press.*

Ascott, Roy. 2001. Reframing Consciousness : Art, Mind and Technology. Intellect L & D E F a E.

Ashbery, John. 2005. Something Close to Music. David Zwirner Books.

Atkins, Robert. 1990. Art Speak: A Guide to Contemporary Ideas, Movements, and Buzzwords. Abbeville Press.

Attali, Jacques. 1985. Noise: The Political Economy of Music. Univ Of Minnesota Press.

Aufermann, Knut, Helen Hahmann, Sarah Washington, and Ralf Wendt. 2019. Radio Revolten: 30 days of radio art. Spector Books.

Augaitis, Daina, and Dan Lander. 1994. Radio Rethink: Art, Sound and Transmission. Banff Centre Pr.

Auslander, Philip. 1999. Liveness: Performance in a Mediatized Culture. Routledge.

Auslander, Philip. 2007. Theory for Performance Studies: A Student's Guide. Routledge.

Avakian, George. 1959. The 25-Year Retrospective Concert of The Music of John Cage (album liner notes.)

Backus, John. 1969. The Acoustical Foundations of Music. Musical sound: a lucid account of its properties, production, behavior, and reproduction. NY, Norton, 1969.

Bailey, Derek. 1993. Improvisation: Its Nature And Practice In Music. Da Capo Press.

Baker, Jeannine, Murphy, Kate, and Skoog, Kristin. 2019. Feminist Media Histories. University of California Press.

Baldessari, John. 2005. John Baldessari: Somewhere Between Almost Right and Not Quite (With Orange). Guggenheim Museum.*

Banes, Sally. 1993. Greenwich Village 1963: Avant-Garde Performance and the Effervescent Body. Duke University Press Books.

Banks, Joe. 2003. Disinformation: The Analysis of Beauty. The Aldgate Press.

Banta, G. Lue. 2018. Dossier I: Using Graphs to Make Predictions. Sticky Press.

Baran, Stanley J. 1980. The Viewer's Television Book: A Personal Guide to Understanding Television and Its Influence. Penrith Publishing Company.

Barrett, G Douglas. After Sound: Toward a Critical Music. Bloomsbury.

Barry, Judith, Teiji Furuhashi, Chris Marker, and Brad Miskell. 2002. Video Spaces: Eight Installations. The Museum of Modern Art, New York.

Barthes, Roland. 1991. The Grain of the Voice: Interviews 1962-1980. University of California Press.

Barthes, Roland. 1992. On Racine. University of California Press.

Baruchello, Gianfranco, and Henry Martin. 1985. Why Duchamp: an essay on aesthetic impact. McPherson & Company.

Battcock, Gregory. 1978. New Artists Video: A Critical Anthology. E. P. Dutton.

Baudriallard, Jean. 1988. Forget Foucault . Semiotext(e).

Baudrillard, Jean. 1983. In the Shadow of the Silent Majorities. Semiotext(e).

Baudrillard, Jean. 1983. simulations. Semiotext(e).

Baudrillard, Jean. 1995. Simulacra and Simulation. University of Michigan Press.

Beck, Joy, and Tony Grajeda. 2008. Lowering the Boom: Critical Studies in Film Sound. University of Illinois Press.*

Becker, Carol. 1994. The Subversive Imagination: Artists, Society & Social Responsiblity. Routledge.

Beckett, Samuel. 1994. Krapp's Last Tape and Other Dramatic Pieces: Includes: All That Fall; Embers; Acts Without Words, I and II; Mimes. Grove Press.

Beers, Frederick L. 1884. History of Greene County, New York: With Biographical Sketches of Its Prominent Men. Higginson Book Company.

Bell, John. 2000. Strings, Hands, Shadows: A Modern Puppet History. Detroit Institute of Arts.

Bell, John. 2001. Puppets, Masks, and Performing Objects. The MIT Press.

Beloff, Zoe, Norman Klein, Amy Herzog, and Aaron Beebe. 2009. The Coney Island Amateur Psychoanalytic Society and Its Circle. Christine Burgin.

Benjamin, Walter and Lecia Rosenthal. 2014. Radio Benjamin. Verso.

Benjamin, Walter. 2014. Sonnets, trans. Carl Skoggard. Publication Studio Hudson.

Benjamin, Walter. 2015. Berlin Childhood Circa 1900, trans. Carl Skoggard. Publication Studio Hudson.

Benjamin, Walter. 2015. The "Berlin Chronicle" Notices, trans. Carl Skoggard. Publication Studio Hudson.

Bernstein, David W. 2008. The San Francisco Tape Music Center: 1960s Counterculture and the Avant-Garde. University of California Press.

Bers, Rachel. 2007. The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts 1987-2007 a 20 Year Report Box Set. Andy Warhol Foundation.

Bhagat, Alexis, and Lauren Rosati. 2013. Listen my heart to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you: A Cinema for the Ear. Khoj International Artists Association.

Bhagat, Alexis. 2005. Everybody says... A study in consonance for four voices. Self-published.

Bial, Henry. 2003. The Performance Studies Reader. Routledge.

Biewen, John and Alexa Dilworth. 2010. Reality Radio: Telling True Stories in Sound. The University of North Carolina Press.

Biggs, Bryan, Christoph Cox, and Sara-Jayne Parsons. 2012. Janek Schaefer: Sound Art: A Retrospective. The Bluecoat.

Biosphere Open Microphones. 18-22 September 2019.

Birringer, Johannes. 1998. Media & Performance: Along the Border. The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Biserna, Elena (ed.). 2022. Going Out: Walking, Listening, Soundmaking. umland.

Bishop, Claire, and Boris Groys. 2009. Bring the Noise: Futurism. Tate Etc.

Bishop, Claire. 2005. Installation Art. Routledge.

Blau, Andrew. 2005. Deep Focus: A Report on the Future of Independent Media. National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture.

Blesser, Barry, and Linda-Ruth Salter. 2007. Spaces Speak, Are You Listening? Experiencing Aural Architecture. MIT Press.

Blonsky, Marshall. 1985. On Signs. The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Boettger, Suzaan. 2004. Earthworks: Art and the Landscape of the Sixties. University of California Press.

Bonney, Jo. 1999. Extreme Exposure: An Anthology of Solo Performance Texts from the Twentieth Century. Theatre Communications Group.

Borelli, Caterina. 1984. From TV to video (e Dal video all TV). Alitalia.

Borger, Irene. 1999. The Force of Curiosity. CalArts/Alpert Award in the Arts, California.

Born, Erik Christopher. 2016. Sparks to Signals: Literature, Science, and Wireless Technology, 1800-1930. University of California, Berkeley.

Boulez, Pierre. 1986. Orientations: Collected Writings. Harvard University Press.*

Boyd, Malcolm. 1999. J. S. Bach. Oxford Companion Series. Oxford University Press.*

Boyle, Deirdre. 1997. Subject to Change: Guerrilla Television Revisited. Oxford University Press, USA.

Bradbury, Ray. 1952. Timeless Stories for Today and Tomorrow. Bantum Books.

Bradley, Cisco. 2023. The Williamsburg Avant-Garde: Experimental Music and Sound on the Brooklyn Waterfront. Duke University Press.

Braga, Newton C. 2001. Pirate Radio and Video: Experimental Transmitter Projects. Newnes.

Brand, Stewart. 1988. The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at M. I. T.. Penguin Books.

Brater, Enoch. 1991. Theatre Journal: Radio Drama. The Johns Hopkins University Press/Association for Theatre in Higher Education.

Bravo, Michael, and Nicola Triscott. 201. Arctic Perspective Cahier No. 2: Geopolitics and Autonomy. Hatje Cantz.

Brecht, Bertolt. 1978. Brecht On Theatre. Methuen.

Breitwieser, Sabine. 2000. Re-Play: The Beginnings of International Media Art in Austria. Generali Foundation, Wein.

Brejon, Benjamin, Ewen Chardronnet, Mauel Joao Neto, Jonathan Saldanha, and Filipe Silva. 2012. Sonores: Sound/Space/Signal. Guimaraes- Capital Europeia da Cultura.

Bronowski, Jacob. 1979. The Origins of Knowledge and Imagination. Yale University Press.

Bronson, A.A., and Peggy Gale. 1979. Performance by Artists. Art Metropole.

Brown, Carolyn. 2009. Chance and Circumstance: Twenty Years with Cage and Cunningham. Northwestern University Press.

Bua, Matt, and Max Goldfarb. 2012. Architectural Inventions: Visionary Drawing of Buildings. Laurence King Publishers.

Buchloh, Benjamin H. D., Judith F. Rodenbeck, and Robert E. Haywood. 2000. Experiments in the Everyday: Allan Kaprow and Robert Watts--Events, Objects, Documents. Miriam & IRA D. Wallach Art Gallery.

Buchmuller, Eva. 1996. Squat Theatre. Artists Space.

Buckley, Carmel and Mark Harris. 2014. Sparrow Come Back Home. Delaware Center for the Contemporary Arts.

Bunis, Marty, Sue, Bunis. 1992. A Collector’s Guide to Antique Radios: Second Edition. Collector Books.

Bunyard, Britt. 2018. Fungi Magazine, Volume 11, No. 3.

Burrowes, Kadallah and SUNJIRU. 2024. 5D.

Bussman, Klaus. 1993. Nam June Paik: Eine Data Base. Cantz.

Cage, John and Alfredo Jaar. 2012. Other People Think. John Cage Trust.

Cage, John and Morton Feldman. 2015. Radio Happenings. MusikTexte.

Cage, John, and Laura Kuhn. 2010. John Cage Book of Days 2011. The John Cage Trust.

Cage, John, and Laura Kuhn. 2011. John Cage Book of Days 2012. The John Cage Trust.

Cage, John. 1961. Silence: Lectures and Writings. Wesleyan.

Cage, John. 1968. Soixanté Résponses à Trente Questions de Daniel Charles. Revue d.Esthétique.

Cage, John. 1969. A Year from Monday: New Lectures and Writings by John Cage. Wesleyan University Press.

Cage, John. 1979. Empty Words: Writings '73-'78. Wesleyan.

Cage, John. 1982. John Cage Etchings 1978-1982. Crown Point Gallery.

Cage, John. 1993. Composition in Retrospect. Exact Change.

Cage, John. 1993. Rolywholyover A Circus. Museum of Contemporary Art Los Angeles / Rizzoli.

Cage, John. 2001. James Joyce, Marcel Duchamp, Erik Satie: An Alphabet. The John Cage Trust.

Cage, John. 2012. Cage's Satie: Composition for Musum. Musee d'art contemporain de Lyon.

Cage, John. 2014. A Composer's Confessions. Allia Editions.

Calvino, Italo. 1978. Invisible Cities. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.

Cannon, Don L., and Gerald Luecke. 1984. Understanding Communications Systems. Sams Publishing.

Cardullo, Professor Bert, and Robert Knopf. 2001. Theater of the Avant-Garde, 1890-1950: A Critical Anthology. Yale University Press.

Carlson, Marvin. 1996. Performance: A Critical Introduction. Routledge.

Carnegie Corporation of New York. 1978. A Public Trust: A Summary and Overview of the Findings and Recommendations of the Carnegie Commission of the Future of Public Broadcasting. Carnegie Corporation of New York.

Carr, C. 1993. On Edge: Performance at the End of the Twentieth Century. Wesleyan.

Casillas, Dolores Inés. Sounds of Belonging: U.S. Spanish-Language Radio and Public Advocacy. New York University Press.

Chadabe, Joel. 1996. Electric Sound: The Past and Promise of Electronic Music. Pearson.

Chandler, Annmarie, and Norie Neumark. 2005. At a Distance: Precursors to Art and Activism on the Internet. The MIT Press.

Chavez, Maria. 2012. Of Technique: Chance Procedures on Turntable. Self-published.

Chavez, Maria. 2015. Hands. Self-published.

Chion, Michel. 1994. Audio-Vision: Sound on Screen. Columbia University Press.

Chion, Michel. 2016. Sound: An Acoulogical Treatise. Duke University Press.

Christie, Amanda Dawn. 2014. Amanda Dawn Christie: Land Lost, trans. Pierre Igot. Galerie d'art Louise-et-Reuben-Cohen, Université de Moncton.

Chude-Sokei, Louis. 2016. The Sound of Culture. Wesleyan University Press.

Coe, Lewis. 1996. Wireless Radio: A Brief History. Mcfarland & Co Inc Pub.

Cohen-Cruz, Jan. 1998. Radical Street Performance: An International Anthology. Routledge.

Collins, Nicolas. ssssssssshhhhhh!!!! Sonic Arts Network.

Collins, Philip. 1987. Radios: The Golden Age. Cronicle Books.

Committee, the Cairo Bicentennial. 2002. Portrait of the Past. Cairo Bicentennial Committee.

Connor, Steven. 1989. Postmodernist Culture: An Introduction to Theories of the Contemporary. Blackwell Pub.

Conte, Kari and Susan Hapgood (eds). 2023. Bringing Worlds Together: A Rethinking Residencies Reader. Rethinking Residencies.

Cooke, Lynne, Karen Kelly, and Barbara Schroder. 2010. Max Neuhaus: Times Square, Time Piece Beacon. Dia Art Foundation.

Cooper, Beck. 2013. Mapping Manhattan: A Love (and Sometimes Hate) Story in Maps by 75 New Yorkers. Harry N. Abrams.

Cope, David. 1993. New Directions in Music. Brown & Benchmark Pub.

Cornell, Lauren and Halter, Ed. 2015. Mass Effect: Art and the Internet in the Twenty-First Century. MIT Press.

Courtemanche, Peter. 2004. Scrambled Bites: Art's Birthday 2004. The Western Front.

Courtemanche, Peter. 2005. Reverie: Noise City 2004-2005. The Western Front.

Cox, Christoph, and Daniel Warner. 2004. Audio Culture: Readings in Modern Music. Continuum.

Cox, Christoph. 2018. Sonic Flux. The University of Chicago Press.

Cox, Trevor. 2015. Sonic Wonderland: A Scientific Odyssey of Sound. Vintage Books.

Crawford, Tad. 1999. Business & Legal Forms for Fine Artists. Allworth Press.

Crook, Tim. 1999. Radio Drama. Routledge.

Crosby, Harry H. and George R. Bond. 1968. The McLuhan Explosion; A Casebook on Marshall McLuhan and Understanding Media. New York American Book Company 1968..

Crow, Barbara, Michael Longford, and Kim Sawchuk. 2010. The Wireless Spectrum: The Politics, Practices, and Poetics of Mobile Media. University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division.

Culler, Jonathan. 2008. On Deconstruction: Theory and Criticism After Structuralism, 25th Anniversary Edition. Cornell University Press.

Cullinane, James. 2011. Found a Little Jawbone.... soundBarn press.

Cunningham, Merce. 2012. A Pictures Book for J.C. Xmas 1984. The John Cage Trust.

Daedalus, Donald. 2012. Metacontrast.

Davidson, Aaron, and Melissa Dubbin. 2009. Fallen Books: A Project by Melissa Dubbin and Aaron S. Davidson. onestar press.

Davis, Douglas, and Allison Simmons. 1977. The New Television: A Public/Private Art. The MIT Press.

Davis, Douglas. 1993. Five Myths of Television Power or Why the Medium Is Not the Message. Simon & Schuster.

de la Motte, Helga, Bernhard Leitner, and Bernd Schulz. 2003. Resonances. Kehrer Verlag.

de la Torre, Monica. 2022. Feminista Frequencies: Community Building Through Radio in the Yakima Valley. University of Washington Press.

de Melo Pimenta, Emanuel Dimas. 2010. Virtual Notations: the music of Emanuel Dimas de Melo Pimenta.

de Melo Pimenta, Emanuel Dimas. 2012. John Cage: the silence of the music: 100 years. CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform.

De Michiel, Helen, and Jack Walsh (NAMAC Co-directors)S. 2005. Taking Liberties: Freedom, Creativity and Risk in the Media Arts. National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture.

De Michiel, Helen. 2005. A Closer Look: Hidden Histories. National Alliance for Media Arts and Culture.

De Oliveira, Nicolas, Nicola Oxley, and Michael Petry. 2004. Installation Art in the New Millennium: The Empire of the Senses. Thames & Hudson.

de Vega, Mario. 2016. Limen: Ecologies of Transmission.

Decker-Phillips, Edith. 2010. Paik Video. Barrytown/Station Hill Press, Inc..

Deitsch, Dina. (Dir.) 2018. Expressions Unbound: American Outsider Art. Tufts University Art Galleries.

Deschamps, Francois. 1995. Memoire D'un Voyage En Oceanie. PhotoForum, Inc..

Deschamps, Francois. 1999. Sombras Rojas. Visual Studies Workshop Press.

Desjarlais, Robert. 2003. Sensory Biographies: Lives and Deaths Among Nepal’s Yolmo Buddhists. University of California Press.*

Despont, Louise. 2014. The Six-Sided Force. Pioneer Works.

Deutsch, Diana. 2019. Musical Illusions and Phantom Words. Oxford University Press.

Dewey-Hagborg, Heather, and Chelsea E. Manning. 2017. A Becoming Resemblance. Fridman Gallery.

Dewey, Johy. 1980. Art as Experience. Perigee Trade.

Dibbets, Jan, and R.H. Fuchs. 1980. Jan Dibbets. Van Abbemuseum.*

Dickinson, Peter. 2008. John Cage Was All The Rage. British Association for American Studies.

Dieringer, Jon. 2017. Screen Slate: New York City Cinema 2011-2015. Screen Slate & Topos Press.

Digbee. 2019. Cyber Folk: Digbee's Electronic Chronicle. Harpy.

Doherty, Claire. 2004. From Studio to Situations: Contemporary Art and the Question of Context. Black Dog.

Dolan, Jill. 2001. Geographies of Learning: Theory and Practice, Activism and Performance. Wesleyan.

Dolbear, Sam, and Esther Leslie. Dissonant Waves: Ernst Schoen and experimental sound in the 20th century. Goldsmiths Press.

Donovan, Kate. 2017. Datscha Radio: Plots and Prophecies.

Donovan, Kate. 2018. Expanding Radio: Ecological Thinking and Trans-scalar Encounters in Contemporary Radio Art Practice. Universitat Potsdam.

Dorpfeld, David and Wanda. 2014. Legendary Locals of Greene County. Arcadia.

Douglas, Susan J. 2000. Listening In: Radio and the American Imagination. Three Rivers Press.

Dreishpoon, Douglas. 2017. Nothing and Everything: Seven Artists, 1947-1962. Hauser & Wirth Publishers.

Drift Station. FieldGuide: A Practical Handbook to Starting an Artist-Run Space.

Droste, M, and Bauhaus Archiv. 1993. Bauhaus : 1919-1933. Taschen.

Druckrey, Timothy. 1996. Electronic Culture: Technology and Visual Representation. Aperture.

Druckrey, Timothy. 1999. Ars Electronica: Facing the Future: A Survey of Two Decades. The MIT Press.

Dubbin, Melissa, and Aaron S. Davidson. 2009. Hungry Woman LSD Made My Son A Killer. Publisher.

Dubbin, Melissa, and Aaron S. Davidson. 2012. the camera moves… Publisher.

Dubbin, Melissa, and Aaron S. Davidson. 2013. Making a Record (Diamond, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald). Publisher.

Duggan, Kevin, Lindsay K. Campbell, Bram Gunther, and Carol Parkinson. 2018. Common Ground: Art, Data, and Ecology at New York State Field Stations. Harvestworks Digital Media Arts Center.

Dunbar-Hester, Christina. 2014. Low Power to the People: Pirates, Protest, and Politics in FM Radio Activism. The MIT Press.

Dunifer, Stephen. 2001. Seizing the Airwaves: A Free Radio Handbook. AK Press.

Dunne, Anthony. 2005. Hertzian Tales: Electronic Products, Aesthetic Experience, and Critical Design. MIT Press.

Dunning, John. Tune in Yesterday: The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Old-time Radio 1925-1976. Prentice-Hall, Inc.

Dworkin, Craig Douglas. The Greatest Works You've Never Heard.

Dworkin, Craig Douglas. Unheard Music.

Dyson, George B. 1998. Darwin Among The Machines: The Evolution Of Global Intelligence. Basic Books.

Eady, Cornelius. 2008. Hardheaded Weather. G. P. Putnam's Sons.

Eaton, Manford L. 1974. Bio-Music. Barton: Something Else Press,.

El Haouli, Janete. 2001. Radio: The Art of Sonorous Space. Online Contemporary Music Journal.

Elving, Bruce F. 1999. FM Atlas: Eighteenth Edition. FM Atlas Publishing.

En Foco (ed.). 2023. NUEVA LUZ photographic journal: En Foco's 2023 Photography Fellowship Awardees. En Foco, Inc.

En Foco (ed.). 2022. NUEVA LUZ photographic journal: Wendel White. En Foco, Inc.

Ennes, Harold E. 1967. AM-FM Broadcast Operations. Howard W. Sams & Co., Inc./The Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc. .

Ennes, Harold E. 1968. AM-FM Broadcast Maintenance. H. W. Sams.

Enrile, TJ. 2005. Popular Guide to Building a Community FM Broadcast Station. Free Radio Berkeley.

Erlmann, Veit. 2010. Reason and Resonance: A History of Modern Aurality. Zone Books.*

Espaldon, Diane V. 2005. The Artist Workspace Residency: A Guide For Artists. New York State Artist Workspace Consortium.

Esslin, Martin. 1993. Antonin Artaud. Riverrun Pr.

eteam. 2013. Buzz Cut. UCRARTSblock

eteam. 2023. The Cruise.

eteam. 2020. Grabeland. Nightboat Books.

Evenson, Dudely, and Michael Shamberg. 1972. Radical Software (#5). Gordon and Breach.

Everitt, William L. 1942. Fundamentals of Radio. Prentice Hall.

Evers, Alf. 1987. Woodstock: History of an American Town. Overlook Books.

Evseev, Agnes, and Fernando Godoy. (ed.) 2021. Encuentro Tsonami 2019: Prácticas Sonores en Contextos de Crisis. Tsonami.

Farrington, Margot. 2005. Flares and Fathoms: Poems. Bright Hill Press.

Feldman, Matthew, Erik Tonning, and Henry Mead. 2014. Broadcasting in the Modernist Era. Bloomsbury Academic.

Feldman, Morton. 2000. Give My Regards to Eighth Street: Collected Writings of Morton Feldman. Exact Change.

Felton, Felix. 1949. The Radio Play: Its Techique and Possiblities. Sylvan Press.

Ferguson, Russell, William Olander, Marcia Tucker, and Karen Fiss. 1992. Discourses: Conversations about Postmodern Culture. The MIT Press.

Film History. Vol. 4, No. 3, 1993. Special Issue: Film Technology and the Public. John Libbey & Company, Ltd.*

Fine, Jon. 2015 Your Band Sucks. Viking.

Finkelpearl, Tom. 2001. Dialogues in Public Art. The MIT Press.

Finkelstein, Norman H. 2000. Sounds in the Air: The Golden Age of Radio.

Fischer, Marc. 2021. Public Collectors Police Scanner. Public Collectors.

Fischer, Marc. 2022. Against Competition. Robert Rauschenberg Foundation.

Fischer, Marc, and Public Collectors. 2024. CB Radio Postcard People. Half Letter Press.

Fischer, Saskia, and Margot Hardenbergh. 2004. Media Empowerment Organizing Manual: A Guide to Understanding Media Power and Organizing for Media Justice in your Community. Media Empowerment Project.

Fisher, Margaret. 2002. Ezra Pound's Radio Operas: The BBC Experiments, 1931-1933. The MIT Press.

Flesch, Hans. Zauberei auf dem Sender.

Flesch, Hans. Magic On The Radio: An Experimental Airwaves Fantasy. 1924. Translated by Carl Skoggard and Franziska Lamprecht, 2018. Wave Farm.

Foljahn, Tim, and Rick Moody. 2006. Thatcher Keats: Confidence Games. Charta.

Föllmer, Golo and Alexander Badenoch. 2018. Transnationalizing Radio Research - New Approaches to An Old Medium. [transcript] Media Studies.

Foote, Stephanie, and Anthony Lioi and Dana Luciano. 2018. Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities, Volume 5, Number 3, Fall 2018. University of Nebraska Press.

Foreman, Kamilah N, and Matilde Guidelli-Guidi and Sophia Larigakis. 2021. An Introduction to Dia's Locations and Sites. Dia Art Foundation.

Foreman, Richard. 1993. Unbalancing Acts: Foundations for a Theater. Theatre Communications Group.

Foundation, The BENTON. 2005. Citizen's Guide to the Public Interest Obligations of Digital Television Broadcasters. Benton Foundation.

Fowler, Gene, and Bill Crawford. 2002. Border Radio: Quacks, Yodelers, Pitchmen, Psychics, and Other Amazing Broadcasters of the American Airwaves, Revised Edition. University of Texas Press.

Franklin, Paul B. (ed.) 2016. The Artist and His Critic Stripped Bare: The Correspondence of Marcel Duchamp and Robert Lebel. Getty Publications.

Frelin, Adam. 2010. Diviner. Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts.

Friedman, Martin, and Jan van der Marck. 1967. Light/Motion/Space. Walker Art Center.

Fry, Tony. 1993. RUA/TV?: Heidegger and the Televisual. Indiana University Press.

Fuegi, John. 1987. Bertolt Brecht: Chaos, according to Plan. Cambridge University Press.

Furlong, William. 1994. Audio Arts: Discourse and Practice in Contemporary Art. St Martins Pr.

Gagné, Caroline. 2019. Dialogues avec / with Chantal Dumas. Avatar.

Gallerneaux, Kristen. 2018. High Static Dead Lines. Strange Attractor Press.

Gann, Kyle. 2011. No Such Thing as Silence: John Cage's 4'33". Yale University Press.

Gazi, Angeliki, Guy Starkey, and Stanislaw Jedrzejewski. 2012. Radio Content in the Digital Age: The Evolution of a Sound Medium. Intellect Ltd.

Geers, Doug. 2006. Spark Festival of Electronic Music and Art. University of Minnesota School of Music.

Gentlemen, The Video. 2008. BYOTV Operations Manual. The Video Gentlemen.

Gerrish, Howard H. 1969. Transistor Electronics. Goodheart-Willcox Co Inc.,U.S..

Gessner, Robert. 1968. The Moving Image; a Guide to Cinematic Literacy. Dutton.

Giannachi, Gabriella. 2004. Virtual Theatres: An Introduction. Routledge.

Gilbert, Alan. 2006. Another Future: Poetry and Art in a Postmodern Twilight. Wesleyan.

Gilfillan, Daniel. 2009. Pieces of Sound: German Experimental Radio. University of Minnesota Press.

Gimarc, George. 1997. Post Punk Diary: 1980-1982. St. Martin's Griffin.

Glass, Philip, and Robert T. Jones. 1995. Music by Philip Glass. Da Capo Pr.

Gleick, James. 2012. The Information: A Hisotry, A Theory, A Flood. Vintage.

Goebel, Johannes and Kevin Duggan. 2015. Programming EMPAC: The First 4,158 Days. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Goebel, Johannes. 2004. Wow & Flutter: The San Fransisco Tape Music Center, 1961-now. Rensselaer EMPAC: Experimental Media & Performing Arts Center.

Goldberg, Ken. 2001. The Robot in the Garden: Telerobotics and Telepistemology in the Age of the Internet. The MIT Press.

Goldberg, Roselee. 1993. Performance Art from Futurism to the Present. THAMES AND HUDSON.

Goldberg, Roselee. 2004. Performance: Live Art Since the '60s. Thames & Hudson.

Goldberg, RoseLee. 2007. Performa: New Visual Art Performance. Performa.

Goldberg, Roselee. 2011. Performance Art from Futurism to the Present. THAMES AND HUDSON.

Goldfarb, Maximilian. 2010. Deep Cycle. M49.

Goldfarb, Maximilian. 2015. Handbook + For Human Machines. Publication Studio Hudson.

Goldfarb, Maximilian. 2016. Remote Viewing: 500 Tableaux. Publication Studio Hudson.

Goldfarb, Maxmilian, Patrick Kiley, and Chris Lee. 2019. Repeater. Publication Studio Hudson.

Goodman, Lizbeth, and Jane de Gay. 2000. The Routledge Reader in Politics and Performance. Routledge.

Goosen, E.C. 1968. The Art of the Real: USA 1948-1968. MoMA.

Gorham, Joan. 2006. Annual Editions: Mass Media 06/07. McGraw-Hill/Dushkin.

Graf, Rudolf F., and William Sheets. 2001. Build Your Own Low-Power Transmitters: Projects for the Electronics Experimenter. Newnes.

Gramit, David. 2002. Cultivating Music. The Aspirations, Interests, and Limits of German Musical Culture, 1770-1848. University of California Press.*

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*Donated to the Wave Farm Study Center in 2022 from the personal library of John G. Hanhardt.