Research Library

Study Center Listening Library
The Wave Farm Study Center provides reference materials to artists, curators, students, and educators researching contemporary and historical practices in media, radio, sound, and visual arts with respect to the topic of transmission and reception. Wave Farm's Research Library is a growing collection of reference materials, which includes books, journals, articles, manuals, and files specific to transmission arts, radio, video, performance, sound, media theory, and contemporary art practice. Contact us to schedule a research visit.

Listening Library (CDs)
.x. (bit by bit). COCA-COLA .
"Blue" Gene Tyranny. The Somewhere Songs / The Invention Of Memory 2008. Mutable Music.
2/5 BZ. Ulonbay 2000. Gözel Records.
31 Down. Audio Dispatch 016: Noise Noir 2004. free103point9.
7038634357. Permanest 2001. Self released.
A Cricket in Times Square. A Cricket in Times Square 2004. High Two.
A Portrait With Smiles. States .
A Tomato A Day. The Moon Is Green 2008. Public Eyesore.
A.M Salad. Lo-Fi For Hi-Fi 2004. Eerie Materials.
A.M Salad. Torporific 2005. Sloth Jinni.
A.R.E. Weapons. A R E Weapons 2003. Rough Trade.
Aarktica. No Solace in Sleep 2000. Silber Records.
Aarktica. Pure Tone Audiometry 2003. Silber Records.
Abrams, Muhal Richard. The Visibility of Thought 2001. Mutable Music.
aBSenT SoUnd. Samples .
Abuse. Abuse Limited Pack .
Accelera Deck. Ipsissima Vox 2003. tbtmo Skylab Operations Scarcelight Recordings.
Accelera Deck. Sunstrings 2004. Scarcelight Recordings.
Acquaviva, Frédéric. Aatie 2012. Casus Belli.
Adam Pieroncyk Quartet. A-Trane Nights 2014. For-Tune.
Agents At Midnight. Agents At Midnight 2006. Fargone Records Quodlibet Recordings.
Agustin, San, and Suzanne, Langille. Passing Song 2002. Family Vineyard.
Ahwesh, Peggy, and Barbara Ess. Radio Guitar 2001. Ecstatic Peace!.
AIMToronto Orchestra. Year of the Boar 2011. Barnyard Records.
Aix Em Klemm. Aix Em Klemm 2000. Kranky.
Ajemian, Jason. Playing You to Sleep .
Akiyama, Tetuzi, and Jozef van Wissem. Proletarian Drift 2004. BV Haast Records .
Albrecht Maurer Trio Works. Movietalks 2002. Jazz Haus Musik.
Alcott, Sasha. The PossibilitiesDemo . Self.
Alex Jenkins' Sound Immersion. Generosity 2009. Prescott Recordings.
Algebrassiere. A Chronology .
Algebrassiere. That's Irritainment (Snse) 2004. .
All Time Present. Distant Microphones Pick Up Both Direct & Reflected Sound 2002. Evolving Ear.
Allbee, Liz. Rille 2021. Relative Pitch Records.
All Time Present. Good Vibrations / No Expectations 2000. Evolving Ear.
Alog. Red Shift Swing 1999. Rune Grammofon.
Altruda, Joey. Kingston Cocktail 1997. Will Records.
Alu. Autismenschen 2005. Crippled Intellect Productions.
Amalaise. Twinning Pools 2012. SloBor Media.
Ambibat. Ambibat 2005. Loud Dust Recordings.
American Astronaut. Goodbye California 2008. Fickey Music.
American Band. Low Fiction 2009. Hot Releases.
American Watercolor Movement. And The Maps Came Down 2003. Self.
Amigo, Cristian. Kingdom Of Jones 2008. Innova Recordings.
Analogue. AAD 1996. Sonic Bubblegum.
Analogue. Rock Proper 2000. Rubric Records.
Anaphylaxis. Noise for Lovers 2005. Parasomnic Records.
Anderson, Beth. Peachy Keen-O 2003. Pogus Productions.
Anderson, Fortner. Six Silk Purses 2005. Wired On Words.
Anderson, Fortner. tape/head He Sings 2006. Wired on Words.
Anderson, Fred, Hamid Drake, and William Parker. Blue Winter 2005. Eremite Records.
Anderson, Ron. Anything is Possible 2000. Megaphone Records.
Andrew Ship Duo. DNA 2012. Thirsty Ear Recordings.
Andy McWain Quartet. Starfish 2002. Fuller Street Music.
Angell, Theo. Dearly Beloved 2006. Amish Records.
Animal Collective. Who Could Win A Rabbit 2004. FatCat Records.
Antipop Consortium. Antipop Vs Matthew Shipp 2003. Thirsty Ear.
Antunes, Jorge. In Defense Of The Machine 2013. Pogus Productions.
Antunes, Jorge. Savage Songs 2002. Pogus Productions.
Arch Echo. A Reference Tape 2002. [clever prince].
Architeuthis Walks On Land. Natura Naturans 2010. Carrier Records.
Arcuragi, Adam. Adam Arcuragi 2006. High Two.
Arias, Ricardo, Miguel Frasconi, Keiko Uenishi. Object 2008. Eh? .
Arkitekchur. Of Solids Climate & Homes 2001. tbtmo.
Arling & Cameron. All-In 1998. Basta.
Arnal, Jeff, and Gordon Beeferman. Rogue States 2006. Generate Records.
Arnal, Jeff, and Ryan Smith. Mogami 2004. Public Eyesore.
Arnal, Jeff, Chris Dahlgren, Seth Misterka. RED 2004. Generate Records.
Arnal, Jeff, Gordon Beeferman, and Seth Misterka. Rara Avis 2006. Generate Records.
Arnal, Jeff, Seth Misterka, Reuben Radding, and Nate Wooley. Transit 2005. Clean Feed.
Arnel, Jeff, and Dietrich Eichmann. The Temperature Dropped Again 2004. Leo Records.
Artists Against Apartheid. Unity + Peace = Strength 1998. Hanson.
Asher and Ubeboet. Cell Memory 2008. Winds Measure Recordings.
Ashkenazy, Valdimir. Great Pianists of the 20th Century: Vladimir Ashkenazy 2006. Polygram Records.
Ashley, Robert. Atalanta (Acts of God) Volume II 2010. Lovely Music Ltd.
Ashley, Robert. Concrete 2008. Lovely Music Ltd.
Ashley, Robert. Foreign Experiences 2006. Lovely Music Ltd.
Ashley, Robert. Now Eleanor's Idea 2007. Lovely Music Ltd.
Assacre. Fantastic Illusions Worth Dying For 2005. The Awthum Empire.
Astral Blessing. Wedding Procession . Self.
Astro-Cusion. O My O . Self.
AT. AT . Corleone Records.
Ateleia. Swimming Against the Moments 2004. Antiopic.
Attitude! Pause & Effect 2021. ESP.
Autio-Ethik. Handicapped National Library Service For The Blind And Physically 2003. Sounds From The Pocket.
Autistic Daughters. Uneasy Flowers 2008. Kranky.
Avey Tare and Panda Bear. Spirit They're Gone Spirit They've Vanished 2000. Animal.
Aww Phooey with Kim & Kooi. Aww Greatest Hits No 1 . Self.
Baaz, Franki. The Marriage of Sex & Love 2005. Impressive Music.
Babbitt, Milton, and various. Perspectives of New Music 3 2012. Open Space.
Bacon, Joseph. Guitar Music of Villa-Lobos 2003. Mutable Music.
Baghdassarians, Serge, and Boris Baltidum. Now That This Has Been Done It Will Never Be Done Again . Self.
Bailey, Christopher, and Matthew Barber. Perspectives of New Music 2 2010. Open Space.
Bailiff, Jessica. Even in Silence 1998. Kranky.
Baker, Duck. Confabulations 2021. ESP.
Baker, Jen. Blue Dreams 2007. Dilapidated Barns .
Baker, Merrell, and Jordan. Nagual 2007. aRCHIVE.
Balgochian, Albey, Laurence Cook, and Andy McWain. Vigil 2005. Fuller Street Music.
Band Of Susans. The Word And The Flesh 1991. Restless Records.
Band, Ellen. 90% Post Consumer Sound 2000. XI Records.
Band, Ellen, and David Lee Myers. Two Ships 2005. Pogus Productions.
Band, Ellen, and David Lee Myers. Two Ships 2005. Pogus Productions.
Barker, Michael. The Answer Tapes 2005. Heresee.
Barkin, Elaine. Open Space 34 2019. Open Space.
Barkin, Elaine and Dorota Czerner. Open Space 24 | Elaine Barkin Dorota Czerner 2009. Open Space.
Barkin, Elaine, and various. Open Space 12 | ee^2: a sound album 2000. Open Space.
Barkin, Elaine, Benjamin Boretz, and Dorota Czerner. Open Space 29 | Barkin Czerner Boretz 2012. Open Space.
Barkin, Elaine, Benjamin Boretz, and J.K. Randall. Open Space 40 | bab jkr erb 2019. Open Space.
Barkin, Elaine, Benjamin Boretz, Jill Borner, and Charles Stein. Open Space 3 | Five Collages An Experiment in Reading (Samuel Beckett's Cascando) 1992. Open Space.
Barkin, Elaine, Emma Carlé, Judith Exley, and Mara Helmuth. Open Space 16 | Elaine Barkin Emma Carlé Judith Exley Mara Helmuth 2004. Open Space.
Barlow, CK. eFFem (Frequency Modulation): Short Pieces for Vibrators & Radios 2019. Self.
Barnyard Drama. I'm A Navvy 2006. Barnyard Records.
Barnyard Playboys. Dumbass On A Rampage 2000. Rubric Records.
Barry Phillips & Friends. The World Turned Upside Down 2006. CD Baby.
Basinski, William. Shortwavemusic 2007. 2062.
Bastard Noise. Live in Japan 2003. Helicopter.
Batchelor, Peter. Kaleidoscope 2014. Pogus Productions.
Bauder, Matt, and Jason Ajemian. Object 3 2003. Locust Music.
Beachwood Sparks. Once We Were Trees 2001. Sub Pop.
Behrens, M.. Elapsed Time 2001. Intransitive Recordings.
Behrman, David. My Dear Siegfried 2005. XI Records.
Belgum, Erik. Bad Marriage Mantra 1997. Voys Editions.
Belgum, Erik. Strange Neonatal Cry 2001. Innova Recordings.
Bellerue, Bob. Radioactive Desire 2021. Elevator Bath
Bellerue, Bob, and Christian Rønn. Intoku Inversions 2021. Nische and Anarchymoon Recordings.
Beltrami, Marco. Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines 2003. Intermedia Records.
Ben Stanko. Tomato We Die 2005. Set Projects.
Bergman, Borah, and Stefano Pastor. Live at Tortona 2009. Mutable Music.
Berndt, John. The Private Language Problem: New Electro-Acoustic Compositions 2001 - 2007 2008. Sort Of Records.
Berne, Tim. The Sublime And Science Friction Live 2003. Thirsty Ear .
Berne, Tim, Craig Taborn, and Tom Rainey. The Shell Game 2001. Thirsty Ear.
Between the Pine. Between the Pine .
Big City Orchestra. Greatest Hits and Test Tones 1993. Pogus Productions.
Big Numbers. Spectrum 2002. Frog Man Jake.
Big Stick. Drag Racing Underground 2019. Drag Racing Underground.
Bigga Baphomet. Blasphemous Assmittens 2006. Hymns .
Bing. Galore .
Birch Book. Birch Book 2011. Les Disques Du 7ème Ciel.
Bird Show. Green Inferno 2005. Kranky.
Bird Show Band. Bird Show Band 2010. Amish Records.
Bisi, Martin, and Laura Ortman. Tens of Thousands 2006. Self.
Bisio, Michael, Kirk Knuffke, and Fred Lonberg-Holm. The Art Spirit 2021. ESP.
Bitrate. It's Raining on the Sunshine Coast 2009. Db.
Bitrate. NF3 2005. Db.
Bitrate. Satiated with Simulacra 2007. Db.
Bitrate. Time for Regime Change .
Bitsu, Yume. Yume Bitsu 1999. Ba Da Bing!.
Bittová, Iva. Iva Bittová J h 2002. Indies Records.
Bivins, Jason, Ian Davis. Benthic 2003. Family Vineyard.
Black Lodge Ensemble. Elliot Levin And The Black Lodge Ensemble 2009. Black Lodge Productions .
Black Lodge Ensemble. Sleep 2008. Black Lodge Productions .
Black Sabbath. Technical Ecstasy 1976. Warner Bros .
Black Taj. Beyonder 2008. Amish Records.
Black, Martin. Winter Composition in Dying Light . Self.
Blackburn, Byron. Things Turn Black When They Burn 2009. Self.
Blah Blah 666. It's Only Life! 2008. Barnyard Records.
Blatt, Lawrence. Out of the Woodwork 2007. LMB Music.
Blevin Blectum. Magic Maple 2004. Praemedia.
Blue Gene Tyranny. The Somewhere Songs The Invention of Memory 2008. Mutable Music.
Blue Universe Quartet. Blue Universe Quartet .
Bluermutt. Decivilize After Consumption 2008. Nexsound .
Blum Astrogeny Quartet, John. John Blum Astrogeny Quartet 2006. Eremite Records.
Blum, Marcel. Hoichi The Earless 2009. Self.
Blum, Marcel. Snaps Of Any TV .
Bob the Singing Bass Player. Is This The Greatest .
Boduf Songs. How Shadows Chase The Balance 2008. Kranky.
Bolanos, Cesar. Peruvian Electroacoustic and Experimental Music (1964-1970) 2009. Pogus Productions.
Bolleter, Ross. Crow Country 1999. WARPS Studios.
Bon Vivants. Black Honey 2008. Gulcher Records .
Bon Vivants. Soul Action . Self.
Boom Box 2000. Hits & Giggles . N/A.
Boretz, Benjamin. Open Space 18 | Piano Music 1976-2000 2004. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin. Open Space 20 | Music Around Benjamin Boretz 2005. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin. Open Space 26 | String Quartet Quartet DAFO 2009. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin. Open Space 27 | Violin Converto 2010. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin. Open Space 31 | Postlude Downtime The Memory of All That 2014. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin. Open Space 33 | 9x9 2019. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin, and J.K. Randall. Open Space 1 | (" my chart shines high where the blue milk's upset ") (" such words as it were vain to close ") 1989. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin, and J.K. Randall. Open Space 10 | Intimacy (A Polemic); Language As A Music 1999. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin, and J.K. Randall. Open Space 13 | UN(-) GAP6 BLACK /NOISE 2000. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin, and J.K. Randall. Open Space 5 | Group Variations II for Computer Lyric Variations for Violin and Computer TWO (no 8) 1993. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin, and Robert Morris. Open Space 32 | Momenta Quartet 2014. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin, Craig Pepples. Open Space 42 | Boretz-Pepples 2020. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin, David Hicks, and J.K. Randall. Open Space 39 | Boretz Hicks Randall 2019. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin, John Hopkins, and Mary Lee Roberts. Open Space 6 | Wait / Inhabit "Till All and Ends Anon Follows and Rise" The Purposes and Politics of Engaging Strangers 1994. Open Space.
Boretz, Benjamin, Lenore Epstein, John Leaman, and Michael O'Brien. Open Space 41 | Converge: A Soundscore 2019. Open Space.
Borgia, Carmen. North 2003. Arctos Records.
Borgia, Carmen. The Red Circle Line 2009. Arctos Records.
Borka. What Sticks 2012. rx:tx.
Bors, Chris. Love Letters Greatest Hits Vol 1 2003. Self.
Bosse, Paul S.. Solo Percussion Live . Angry Rodent Records.
Bottleskup Flenkenkenmike. Looks Like Velvet Smells Like Pee 2004. Monkey Tool.
Bourdellon, Jerome and Thomas Buckner. Totem 2006. Mutable Music.
Bow and Verse. December 2018. Self.
Bowles, Paul, John Cage, Peggy Glanville-Hicks, Lou Harrison, and Virgil Thompson. Composer-Critics of the New York Herald Tribune 2017. Other Minds.
Boyd, Kate. John Cage: Sonatas and Interludes In a Landscape 2020. Navona.
Boyskout. Another Life 2006. Three Ring Records.
Bozart. Kurth 1999. Frenetic Records.
Braasch, Jonas. Global Reflections 2006. Deep Listening.
Bracchi, Giancarlo. Universal Soul Adapter 2007. Self.
Bracchi, Giancarlo, and Juan Matos Capote. Thick Wisps . Self.
Brachiosaurus. Natural History .
Bran(...)Pos. Coin-Op Khepri 2007. Crippled Intellect Productions.
Brandal, Andreas. This Is Not For You 2008. Eh?.
Brandt, Casey. Harry Haller 2007. Self.
Brandt, Casey. The Day I Marry The Sea 2007. Self.
Braxton, Anthony, and Kyle Brenders. Toronto (Duets) 2007 2008. Barnyard Records.
Brekekekexkoaxkoax. I Manage To Get Out By A Secret Door 2007. Eh?.
Breuker Kollektief, Willem. Misery 2002. BV Haast Records.
Bright Eyes. Lifted or The Story Is in the Soil Keep Your Ear to the Ground 2002. Saddle Creek.
Brightblack Morning Light. Motion to Rejoin 2008. Matador.
Brittelle, William. Mohair Time Warp 2008. New Amsterdam Records .
Broken Water. Boyfriend Hole / Mother 2009. Self.
Broken Water. Demo 2009 2009. Self.
Broklyn Truckers Union Local 003. Broklyn Truckers Union Local 003 1999. Broklyn Beats.
Bromp Treb. Bromp Treb Poo Samurai Versus Kung Fu Battle Grip #2 - Bromp Treb Poo Samurai 2002. YEAY! Cassettes.
Bromp Treb. Summertime Attack Module #1 - Bromp Treb Soundsystem 2002. YEAY! Cassettes.
Bromp Treb Mind Phantom. Nuclear Heart/Unquestionably Unkind 2002. Yeay! Cassettes.
Brötzmann, Caspar. Mute Massaker 1999. Our Choice.
Brötzmann, Peter, and Fred Lonberg-Holm. Memories Of A Tunicate 2020. Relative Pitch Records.
Brown, Chris, Talking Drum -- which edition. .
Brown, Guillermo E.. Soul at the Hands of the Machine 2002. Thirsty Ear .
Bruce Eisenbeil Sextet. Inner Constellation Volume One 2007. Nemu Records.
Brujo, Oto. Seven Pieves For Solo Guitar .
Brutum Fulmen. Flesh of the Moon 2002. Crippled Intellect Productions.
Bua, Matt, Matt Mikas, and Tom Roe. Audio Dispatch 05: Of The Bridge 2001. free103point9.
Bubblegum Shitface. Bubblegum Shitface 2004. Terry Plumming Records.
Bubblegum Shitface. Handalerless .
Bubblegum Shitface. Rottenmilk Difficult Listening .
Buckethead. Colma 1998. CyberOctave.
Buckner, Thomas. Contexts 2005. Mutable Music.
Buckner, Thomas. New Music for Baritone & Chamber Ensemble 2007. New Music For Baritone & Chamber Ensemble.
Buckner, Thomas, George Marsh, Pauline Oliveros, David Wessel, Jennifer Wilsey, Timeless Pulse Quintet. Quintet 2007. Mutable Music.
Buckner, Thomas, Mel Graves, and George Marsh. Homage 2005. Mutable Music.
Build. Build 2008. New Amsterdam Records.
Bultmann, Nils. Terminally Unique 2008. Mutable Music.
Bunny Brains. Bunnybrainz Blazin' Hot Summer Jamz 2006 2006. Self.
Bunny Brains. Wave Farm '05 2005. Music Your Mind Will Love You.
Burning Star Core. Mes Soldats Stupides '96-'04 2005. Cenotaph Audio .
Burnside Project. Burnside Project 2000. Burnside Project.
Burnt Hills. Morning Glory 2008. Ruby Red Editora.
Burnt Hills. To Your Head 2006. Flipped Out Records.
Burrell Full-Blown Trio, Dave. Expansion 2004. High Two.
Burrell, Dave. Momentum 2006. High Two.
Burt, Warren. Harmonic Colour Fields 2003. Pogus Productions .
Burt, Warren. The Animation of Lists And the Archytan Transpositions 2006. XI Records.
Butcher, John, Torsten Muller, and Dylan Van Der Schyff. Way Out Northwest 2008. Drip Audio.
Butterknife Krüsh. Butterknife Krüsh 2000. J Bunny Records.
Cabinet Of Natural Curiosities. Glass V Grass 2007. For Arbors / For Satellites.
Cacioppo, George, and Jean-Charles François. Perspectives Of New Music 1 2009. Open Space.
Cadaver Eyes. Class Mammal 2014. HCB Records.
Cadaver In Drag. Raw Child 2007. Animal Disguise.
Cady, Jason. Post-Madonna Prima Donna 2008. Peacock Recordings.
Cage, John. 16 Dances for Soloist and Company of 3 2014. Brilliant Classics.
Cage, John. Atlas Eclipticalis 1992. hat ART.
Cage, John. Chess Pieces 2017. WERGO.
Cage, John. Complete String Quartets Volume 2 The Arditti String Quartet 1989. Mode.
Cage, John. Fifty-Eight 1993. hat ART.
Cage, John. Fontana Mix 2010. Él.
Cage, John. Four⁴ 2001. OgreOgress Productions .
Cage, John. How To Get Started 2011. Slought Foundation.
Cage, John. In Norway 2010. Prisma Records.
Cage, John. One⁴ Four Twenty-Nine 2002. OgreOgress Productions.
Cage, John. Three² Twenty-Three Six Twenty-Six 1999. OgreOgress Productions.
Cage, John. Works For Piano & Prepared Piano · Vol II (1944-1958) 1988. WERGO.
Cage, John and Frances-Marie Uitti. Works for Cello Lecture on Nothing 1991. Etcetera.
Cage, John and Meredith Monk. Pianos and Voices 1992. Koch International Classics .
Cage, John, and Double Edge. Two² Experiences 3 Dances 1997. Composers Recordings Inc (CRI).
Cage, John, and Margaret Leng Tan. Daughters of the Lonesome Isle 1994. New Albion.
Cage, John, and Quatuor Helios. Works for Percussion 1991. WERGO .
Cage, John, and The Barton Workshop. Eight-Two-One⁴ 2005. Megadisc Classics .
Cage, John, and The Barton Workshop. The Fives (x) 2002. Megadisc Classics.
Cage, John, Music for Five. .
Cage, John, Theater of Voice, Paul Hiller,. Litany for the Whale 1998. Harmonia Mundi .
Cage, John. Early Electronic And Tape Music 2013. Sub Rosa.
Cages. Inside A Ringing Chord 2018. Nancy Jo Records.
Calla. Scavengers 2000. Young God Records.
Callard, Andrea. REpositioning myself in the marketplace 2008. Self.
Camden, Ken, and Mike Tamburo. Of Meisha 2005. New American Folk Hero.
Campbell Jr., Roy, Daniel Carter, and Matthew Shipp. Other Dimesions in Music with Matthew Shipp 2000. AUM Fidelity.
Capparos, Oliver, and Lionel Marchetti. Equus 2009. Pogus Productions.
Carbonara, Eric. Seven Pieces for Solo Guitar 2005. Self.
Carbonara, Eric. This May Be The End / Long Hallway Three Slightly Open Doors 2007. New American Folk Hero.
Cardew, Cornelius. Treatise 1999. hat[now]ART.
Carnage Asada. Permanent Trails 1999. Travisty Records.
Carpet of Sexy. Surfing On Puke .
Carrier Band. Voice Coil 2008. Deep Listening.
Carsick. Carsick .
Carter, Daniel, and Reuben Radding. Luminescence 2003. AUM Fidelity.
Carter, Daniel, Laurence Cook, Peter Kowald, and Jonathan LaMaster. Principal Hope 2002. Sublingual Records.
Cascone, Kelly. Anti-Correlation 2002. Anechoic Media.
Cascone, Kelly. Black Cube () 2003. Anechoic Media.
Cascone, Kelly. Dust Theories 2: Alchemical Residue 2001. Anechoic Media.
Cascone, Kelly. Pulsar Studies 2004. Anechoic Media.
Cascone, Kim. Statistically Improbable Phrases 2017. Silent Records.
Cascone, Kim, and Domenico Sciajno. .
Cascone, Kim, and Merzbow. 2004. Sub Rosa.
Castaneda, Leticia. On the Verge of Redundance 2004. Crippled Intellect Productions .
Castro, Nick, and The Poision Tree. Further from Grace 2005. Strange Attractors Audio House.
Cat Power. The Covers Record 2000. " Matador".
Catera, Damian. Baroque Treasures 2014. Praxis Classics.
Catera, Damian. deComposition 2002. Harsh House.
Catera, Damian. RADIO deComposition 2004. Harsh House.
Catera, Damian, and K.K. Null. Freakout Modulation 2001. Harsh House.
Caterpillar. Like a Fox .
Caustic Castle. Untitled 2006. 804noise.
Center for Computer Music. Pure Materials: Brooklyn College Electro-Acoustic 2005. Electro-Acoustic Music Club.
Chadbourne, Eugene, and Dave Fox. The Foxbourne Chronicle 2005. Assembled Sound .
Chadwick, Andrew. Magnetic Personality 2007. Hymns .
Chadwick, Andrew. The Acquisition of Language 2005. Hymns .
Chan, Karen Y. Blending Into the System of Beings .
Chang, Ed, and Blindfold. Picture Show 1994. Jiffy Boy Records.
Chantler, John. Monoke: Live in Tokyo 2003. Room40.
Charalambides. Likeness 2007. Kranky.
Charalambides. Our Bed Is Green 2005. Kranky.
Charlemagne Palestine. Schlingen-Blängen 1999. New World Records.
Charles Gayle Trio. Christ Everlasting 2015. For-Tune.
Charlie Jackson, Reverend. God’s Got It 2003. Case Quarter.
Charter Oak. Your Life That Won't End 2006. Self.
Chase, Brian. Drums & Drones 2013. Pogus Productions.
Chasse, L.. Siphon Glimmers 1997. Unique Ancient Tavern.
Chavez, Maria. Those Eyes of Hers 2004. Pitchphase .
Chefkirk. Giant Squid 2006. 804noise.
Chefkirk. Tax Cuts for Nose-Jobs 2004. Scratch And Sniff Entertainment.
Chen, Jonathan. 19 Situations for 6 Improvisers: A System for Hearing 2003. Self.
Chiu, Tom. The Live One 2021. XI Records.
Chris Lightcap's Bigmouth. Deluxe 2010. Clean Feed.
Christensen, Tom, and Scott Neuman. Spin Cycle III 2021. Sound Footing Records.
Chupa Cabra. Flake-out King .
Cinema, Cinema. Flake-out King 2008. Digitone.
Cinema, Cinema. Viva! . Digitone.
Cissoko, Ablaye, and Volker Goetze. Sira 2008. ObliqSound.
Clang. Lovey-Dovey 1989. Circularphile Records.
Clear Horizon. Clear Horizon 2003. Kranky.
Clem Snide. The Ghost of Fashion PROMO 2001. Cooking Vinyl.
Cline, Nels, Jeremy Drake. Banning + Center 2005. Experimental Music Research.
Cloudland Canyon. Silver Tongued Sisyphus 2007. Kranky.
Coccoma, Peter. A Place to Begin 2022.
Cluett, Seth. Forms of Forgetting 2014. Line.
Cohen, Lou. Music 2013. Pogus Productions .
Colburn, Jerry. Smell the Love 2005. CD Baby.
Cold Bleak Heat. It's Magnificent But It Isn't War 2005. Family Vineyard.
Cold Cave. Cherish the Light Years 2011. Matador.
Coldcut. Cold-Cut-Outs 2000. A Moment Of Your Time.
Coldcut. Let Us Play! 1997. Ninja Tune.
Coldcut, and Hexstatic. Timber 1998. Ninja Tune.
Coleman, Beth, and Howard Goldkrand. Mobile Stealth Unit: Pink Noise 002 1999. Sound Lab Records.
Compulsions. Laughter from Below 2007. Not On Label.
Connors, Loren. Departing of a Dream Vol II 2003. Family Vineyard.
Conrad, Tony. Early Minimalism: Volume One 1997. Table Of The Elements.
Conveniens. Conveniens 2006. Convenience Records.
Cooper-Moore, and Assif Tsahar. America 2003. Hopscotch Records.
Cooper-Moore, Tom Abbs, Chad Taylor. Triptych Myth 2004. Hopscotch Records.
Corner, Phillip, and Malcolm Goldstein. Pieces from the Past 2011. Pogus Productions.
Corringham, Viv. Walking 2013. Innova Recordings.
Cortez, Diego. Stuzzicadenti 1997-99 2000. Bar/None Records.
Corthers, Connie, and Michael Bisio. Sessions at 475 Kent 2010. Mutable Music.
Costa, Gustavo. Entropies and Mimetic Patterns 2020. Sonoscopia.
Costa, Gustavo. Lastro 2020. Sonoscopia.
Costa, Gustavo. Matriz 2020. Sonoscopia.
Coughs. Bent Babies 2004. Self.
Courtis, Anla. Tape Works 2006. Pogus Productions.
Courtis, Anla. The Torrid 2011. Porter Records.
Courtis, Anla , Yamamoto, Seiichi. Yoshimi Live At Kanadian 2008. Public Eyesore.
Craddock, Robert. Amulet to Protect .
Cranes. Future Songs 2002. Instinct Records.
Crank Sturgeon, and ID M Theft Able. 03 03 03: Half The Beast Just You And I 2004. Mang-Disc.
Crawford, Ri. Casual Amplexus 2007. .
Crawling With Tarts. Ochre Land Blue Blue Skies / Grand Surface Noise Opera Nr 7: The Decadent Opera (Rococo) 2006. Pogus Productions.
Crawlspace. Ignorance Is Bliss 2010. Gulcher Records.
Crescent. Sun 1996. Atavistic.
Creshevsky, Noah. Open Space 37 | Sleeping Awake 2019. Open Space.
Creshevsky, Noah. Rounded With a Sleep 2012. Pogus Productions.
Cricket in Times Square. Cricket in Times Square 2004. High Two.
Critikal. Graphorrhea 2007. Kvitnu.
Crouse, J.. Guitar Readouts . Self.
Crouse, J.. Guitar Readouts . Self.
Crouse, J.. Thirty-one .
Crude. Crude 1998. Blood Sucker Records.
Csapó, Gyula, and J.K. Randall. Open Space 7 | Desert March (1991-93) GAP 1st batch 1995. Open Space.
Cuong Vu. Come Play With Me 2001. Knitting Factory Records.
Cutest Puppy In The World. Apotrope 2007. New American Folk Hero .
Cutest Puppy In The World. FinFolk 2005. Sockets.
Cutest Puppy In The World. Shut in the Basement .
Dahlhausen, Christoph, and Michael Graeve. DREI 2010. Megalomania.
Dalot. Flight Sessions 2009. Coorecords.
Dalot. Loop Over Latitudes 2010. n5MD.
Dalot. Minutestatic 2011. n5MD.
Dangers, Jack. Variaciones Espectrales 2002. Instinct Records.
Dargel, Corey. Other People's Love Songs 2008. New Amsterdam Records.
Dat Politics. Tracto Flirt 2000. Tigerbeat6 .
Davenport, Spud. Green . PuppyNoPlay Records.
David S. Ware Quartet. Corridors & Parallels 2001. AUM Fidelity.
David S. Ware Quartet. Wisdom of Uncertainty 1997. AUM Fidelity.
David William Confidential. Vacant Premises 2005. R ebel A gainst M usic .
Davidson, Aaron, and Melissa Dubbin. Cat-Like Typing Detected .
Davidson, Aaron, and Melissa Dubbin. Drumming Lesson .
Days Between Stations. Days Between Stations 2007. Bright Orange Records.
Dead Muse. La Muerta Musa 2007. Self.
Dead Vagina, and GayBomb. Split 2007. Hymns.
Death Factory. Industrial Songbook Vol 1 2005. Terry Plumming Records.
Death Factory. Industrial Songbook Vol 2 2007. Terry Plumming Records.
Death Hags. Frozen Santa 2021. Big Grey Sun Records.
Death Pool. Death Pool . Self.
Decibel. Still and Moving Lines 2013. Pogus Productions.
Deep Listening Band. Dunrobin Sonic Gems 2014. Deep Listening Institute.
Deerhunter. Miscocastle 2008. Kranky.
Déjardin, Hervé. Demo .
Delta Bound. Sabertooth Swing 2022. Fairground Records.
Des Marais, Paul. Open Space 28 | Paul Des Marais 2012. Open Space.
Destructo Swarmbots. 2 2003. Creepy Dog Eyes.
Destructo Swarmbots. Clear Light 2007. Public Guilt.
Devil. Cold Hand 2004. Finally CDs.
Dewan, Brian. Ringing at the Speed of Prayer 2008. Innova.
Dewan, Brian. Words of Wisdom 2007. Eschatone Records.
Dezorzi, Royce. Denver 2022. Self published.
Diamondhead. Dirty Realism 2007. Eh?.
Diaz-Infante, Ernesto, Chris Forsyth. March 2002. Evolving Ear.
Didkovsky, MacLean, and Vrtacek. Flies in the Face of Logic 1994. Pogus Productions.
Didkovsky, Nick, and Sirius String Quartet. Tube Mouth Bow String 2006. Pogus Productions.
Dikeman, John, Jon Barrios, and Toshi Makihara. We Need You 2008. Eh?.
Dilloway, Aaron. Appaling & Alive 2003. Chondritic Sound.
Dilloway, Aaron. Chain Shot 2009. Hanson Records.
Dilloway, Aaron, and Jeph Jerman. Casual Collisions 2013. New Forces & White Centipede Noise.
Dion Workman. Ching 2003. Antiopic.
Disinformation. Al-Jabr Remixes .
Disinformation. Antiphony 1 Remixes .
Disinformation. Antiphony 2 Remixes .
Disinformation. R&D 1996. Ash International.
Disinformation. Sense Date & Perception 2005. Iris Light Records.
Disinformation vs. Strange Attractor. Circuit Blasting 2006. AD AAD AT.
Ditchburn. Lower London 2004. Ditchburn.
Dixon, Bill. 17 Musicians In Search Of A Sound: Darfur 2008. AUM Fidelity .
DJ Cam. The Beat Assassinated 1998. Columbia.
DJ Dizzy, and Kelly Kombat. DJ Dizzy + Kelly Kombat .
DJ Food. Kaleidoscope 2000. Ninja Tune.
DJ North Guinea Hills. Live at Galapagos 2003. Self.
DJ Olive. Bodega 2003. theAgriculture.
DJ Slip. She's A Time Traveller 2006. Broklyn Beats.
DJ Smash. Recollection Vol 1 2001. Instinct Records.
DJ Spooky That Subliminal Kid. Necropolis: The Dialogic Project 1996. Knitting Factory Works.
DJ Spooky That Subliminal Kid. Optometry 2002. Thirsty Ear.
Dockstader, Tod. Eight Electronic Pieces 2003. Locust Music.
Dogs On Ice. Salt Wound 1994. Allied Recordings.
Domino. On the Wire 1999. Domino.
Donato, Mark. A History of the Boys and Girls 2009. Lorenzo and Betty Music.
Dorgon, and William Parker. Broken/Circle . Jumbo.
Double Leopards. Live At 5000 Strings 2004. Heavy Conversation.
Double Leopards. Live In Brighton Winter 2004 2005. Heavy Conversation.
Double Leopards. The Blind Destroyer 2005. Chondritic Sound.
Dougher, Sarah. The Bluff 2001. Mr Lady.
Downing, Andrew, Jim Lewis, and Jean Martin. On a Short Path from Memory to Forgotten 2010. Barnyard Records.
Dr. Israel and The Brooklyn Jungle Soundsystem. Black Rose Liberation 2003. Baboon Records.
Dreams Of Tall Buildings, and Arve Henriksen. Museum 2010. Rope / Drowning The Heart Sounds Is Heard Again.
dreamSTATE. Between Realities 1998. e-SPACE Recordings.
Droomoff, Evgeniy, and Sound Meccano. Volokno EP 2005. rx:tx.
Droopy Septum. Howling Lands Whispering Leaves . New American Folk Hero.
Drop The Lime. Sky City Rising 2006. Broklyn Beats.
Dual. Duel 2002. Quodlibet Recordings.
Dual. Pyroclastics 2005. Quodlibet Recordings.
Dual Mono Document Betrats the Joke. .
Dugan, Aaron, and Jeff Arnal. Dog Day 2007. C3R Records.
Dumas, Chantal. Le Parfum Des Femmes / Das Perfüme Der Frauen 1999. Avatar / OHM éditions.
Dumas, Henry, and Sun Ra. The Ark and the Ankh 2001. Ikef Records.
Dumbwaiters. Musick 2004. Fiani.
Dumbwaiters. Titles 2000. Screw Music Forever.
Dunaewsky69. Xquisite Xcerpt 2007. Kvitnu.
Dunaway, Judy. Duo for Radio Stations 1994. Self.
Dunaway, Judy. Mother of Balloon Music 2006. Innova.
Dunbar, Sly, and Robbie Shakespeare. Drum & Bass Strip to the Bone by Howie B 1998. Palm Pictures.
Dunn, David. Four Elecroacoustic Compositions 2004. Pogus.
Dustbreeders & Junko. Mommy Close the Door 2003. Starlight Furniture Co .
E.N.. You Will Be Out Dated Soon 2003. Cephia's Treat.
Earles and Jensen. Just Farr a Laugh Vol 1 and 2: The Greatest Prank Phone Call Ever! .
Earth People. Simple Isn't It? 2003. Undivided Vision Records.
Earth People. Sky Readers 2003. Undivided Vision Records.
Earth People. Waking The Living 2001. Undivided Vision Records.
Earzumba. Un Refugio 2005. Old Gold.
EBSK. Secret Highways / Wobbly 2003. Scarcelight Recordings.
Ed Cherry Special Trio. Szósta Po Poludnui 2015. For-Tune.
Edison Woods. Nest of Machines 2006. Habit Of Creation Records.
Edmondez, Gwilly, DGiloa, Karl Cuts!. .
Egghatcher. Accidents 2006. New American Folk Hero.
Eisenbeil, Bruce, Klaus Kugel, Perry Robinson, Peter Evans, and Hilliard Greene. Carnival Skin 2007. Nemu Records.
Ekstasis. Wake Up & Dream 1998. CyberOctave.
El Guincho. Alegranza 2008. Young Turks .
EL Live at the smell at line space line on our rooftop. .
El-P, and The Blue Series Continuum. High Water 2004. Thirsty Ear.
Electro-Magnetic Trans-Personal Orchestra. Electro-Magnetic Trans-Personal Orchestra 2002. Pax Recordings.
Elias, Tom Tom Elias. Tom Elias .
Eloe Omoe. Marauders 2007. Animal Disguise.
Embarker. The Sayer 2008. Heat Retention Records.
Embla Quickbeam. Sunshine Variety Presents Embla Quickbeam . Self.
emiter.arszyn. 07 05 05 2005. Monotype Records.
Ene. Cost Vs Conscious 2000. Mad Monkey Records.
Ene. Live 804 Noise Fest 2004 2004. Self.
Enos Slaughter. Saloth Sar 2004. Sound@One.
Erbe, Tom, Chris Mann, Larry Polansky, Douglas Repetto, and Christian Wolff. Trios 2004. Pogus Productions.
Errorist. Hovercraft 2009. rx:tx.
Escape Mechanism. Emphasis Added 2008. Recombinations.
Et Sans. Mi La Le Mémoire Est Chasse La Mille Voix Têtes De Tête Dans De Sa Ris Neige: Le Monstre Absent 2004. Squint Fucker Press.
Ethereal Planes Indian. Smoke Signals 2005. Twilight Flight Sound.
Evans, Michael, and Jeff Arnal. MEJA 2006. C3R Records.
Evidence. Iris 2007. Deep Listening.
Evidence. Out of Town 2003. Deep Listening.
Evidence. Receiver 2008. free103point9.
Evil Moisuture, Cock E.S.P.. Monsters of Cock 2000. Betley Welcomes Careful Drivers Blackbean & Placenta Tape Club Ecstatic Peace E#83c Freedom From Gameboy Recordings Ignivomous Little Mafia Records Self Abuse Recors Spite Sunship Records Uglysound White Tapes.
Evol. Punani Shell 2004. Scarcelight Recordings.
Extreme Animals. Dare I Say Trolls 2004. Scratch And Sniff Entertainment.
Fake Fictions. Krakatoa 2008. Comptroller Records.
Faking Trains. kom .
Faking Trains. 3 Song Pre-Release 2003. Self.
Faking Trains. Instructions .
Falco Subbuteo Lake Psioux. .
Farrow, Jonny. Musique acoustique écologique et conrcète 2004. Self.
Farrow, Jonny. Radio Festival: Improv Mix from "the big tree" .
Farrow, Jonny. Suite For Broken Rhodes .
Fax, Ashrae. Frida Lux 2001. Self.
Fear and Trembling. Sligo River 2002. JMZ Records.
Fear of Flying. Fear of Flying 2006. Self.
Feathers. Gnomedzoic 2004. .
Ferraro, Frank. Interference .
FFFFs. Cracked .
FFFFs. I Can Hear Summer Coming (Remix EP) .
Fibreforms. Stone 1997. Roomtone.
Fink, Johannes, Gerhard Gschlössl, Micheal Haves, Jan Leipnitz, and Gebhard Ullmann. GULFH of Berlin 2021. ESP-DISK.
Fisher-Turner, Simon. Travelcard 2000. Sulphur Records.
Fisher, Colinm and Jean Martin. Little Man on the Boat 2007. Barnyard Records.
Flaming Fire. Songs From the Shining Temple 2003. Perhaps Transparent Records.
Flex Unger. Little Music for Little People 2003. Black Rhombus Sound System.
Flinn, Stephen, Noah Phillips Duo, and Tim Perkis Trio. Trio Square Circle 2005. CD Baby.
Flint, Henry, and The Insurrections. I Don't Wanna 2005. Locst Music.
Floorbirds. The Sea of Language Around Us 2006. Barcode Press.
Flow Trio with Joe McPhee. Winter Garden 2021. ESP.
Floyd, JB. Another Time And Place - Music For Pianist And Yamaha Disklavier 2011. Mutable Music.
Floyd, JB, Thomas Buckner, and George Marsh. In Crossing the Busy Street . Mutable Music.
Floyd, JB, Thomas Buckner, and Lisa Hansen. Transporting Transmittance 2003. Mutable Music.
Fluorescent Grey. Lying On The Floor Mingling With God In A Tijuana Hotel Room Next Door To A Veterinary Supply Store 2006. Isolate.
Fluxmonkey. Failure Cake 2015. N/A.
Flying Saucer Attack. Mirror 2000. Drag City.
Foam, Rawlings, Staubitz. Outside At Vic’s 2021. Music is the Worst.
Fogg, Ryan. The Fogg Project 2011. Albany Records.
Foma Frorma. .
Fond of Tigers. A Thing to Live With 2006. Drip Audio.
Fond of Tigers. Release the Saviours 2007. Drip Audio.
Football Rabbits. Walking Cross-Lots 2002. Animal Disguise.
Formanex. 20 Years Of Experimental Music 2019 . Mikroton Recordings and Fibrr Records.
Forshee, Jon. Open Space 36 | Verses from the Aethersphere 2019. Open Space.
Forsyth, Chris. Dreams 2009. Evolving Ear.
Forsyth, Chris, and Chris Heenan. Forsyth Heenan 2004. Reify Recordings.
Forsyth, Chris, and Nate Wooley. The Dutchess of Oysterville 2007. Creative Sources .
Fortner Anderson. Solitary Pleasures 2011. &records.
Fowler, Chad, and Matthew Shipp. Old Stories 2022. Mahakala Music.
Fox Group, The Dave, and Bruce Eisenbeil. Home Again 2008. Konnex Records.
Frank (just Frank. The Brutal Wave 2010. Wierd Records.
Freed, Jeremiah. Jeremiah Freed 2002. Universal Records.
Freedman, Lori, and Scott Thomson. Plumb 2007. Barnyard Records.
Freight Design, Zoe Irivine, and Mark Vernon. Hairwaves - A Cautionary Tale 2006. Self.
Frenette, Kevin, Andy Mcwain, Todd Keating, and Tatsuya Nakatani. Connections 2007. Fuller Street Music.
Frenkel Pieces From Pieces. .
Freud County Limits / Staubitz and Waterhouse. Split CDR 2021. Music is the Worst.
Frey, Chad. Marching on Your Parade 2008. Frey Nation Records.
Frey, Chad. Part 2 2006. Frey Nation Records.
Frey, Chad. The Beginning of Something Big 2006. Frey Nation Records.
Fried, Joshua. Music by Joshua Fried .
Fried, Joshua. Radio Wonderland 2016. SEiZE THE MEANS.
Friedl, Ales, David Hicks, and Sascia Pellegrini. Open Space 38 | Pellegrini Hicks Friedl 2019. Open Space.
Friel, Dan. Broken Man Going to Work 2001. Self.
Friends Forever!. Killball 2003. Load Records.
Friz, Anna. Radio Works . Self.
Friz, Anna. Vacant City Radio 2005. Anna Friz.
Fuglewicz, Dave. Selected Works 1990-1997 2023. No Part of It. *0
Fukui, Koutaro. Post Box Media .
Fulgeance. Step-Thru 2012. rx:tx.
Fully Celebrated Orchestra. The Official Bootleg Volume One: Live At The Green Street Grill 2001. Self.
Fulminate Trio. Fulminate Trio 2008. Generate Records.
Fur Cups For Teeth. Allergic 2 Fur 2003. Fur Cups For Teeth.
Furry Things. Frequent Lunacy 1997. Trance.
Fusk. Sieben acht gute nacht 2014. For-Tune.
Futreal, Andy. Like Twilight Bleeding 2007. New American Folk Hero.
Fuzzhead. Mind Soup 1994. Heliocentric Worlds Of Sound.
Głuchy Bach/ Deaf Bach Głuchy Bach/ Deaf Bach. .
Gaburo, Kenneth. Maledetto/Antiphony VIII 2008. Pogus Productions.
Gaburo, Kenneth. Tape Play 2000. Pogus Productions.
Gaffney, Eric. Uncharted Waters 2006. Old Gold.
Ganelin Trio Priority. Live at the Lithuanian National Philharmony 2006. Nemu Records.
Gang Wizard. 2003 Winter Tour Part 2 . Scratch And Sniff Entertainment.
Gang Wizard. El Cortez Buy Y' A Drink 2001. Blackbean And Placenta Tape Club.
Gannon. Luck Or Fate 2006. CD Baby.
Garland, David. Tactility 2022. Tall Owl Audio.
Garrett, Layne. Solo Demo .
Garrett, Layne. Space Superiority Is Not Our Birthright But It Is Our Destiny .
Garrett, Layne. The Lost Spaces Deconstructed .
Gastr Del Sol. Camoufleur 1998. Drag City.
Gayle, Charles. Jazz Solo Piano 2001. Knitting Factory Records.
Gayle, Philip. The Mommy Row 2005. Family Vineyard.
Gays In The Military. Meat Gazers 2004. Scratch And Sniff Entertainment.
Gen Ken Montgomery. Birds + Machines 2010. Pogus Productions.
Gena Rowlands Band , Anti-Social Music. The Nitrate Hymnal . Lujo Records.
Ghost Exits. She is Beyond Good and Evil .
Giffon, Carlos, Jim O'Rourke, and Lee Ranaldo. North Six 2003. Antiopic.
Giffoni, Carlos, and Dylan Nyoukis. Chewing Smoke 2004. Imvated.
Giraffe. Hear Here 2007. Eh?.
Girl Howdy. Honky Tonk Hair 2010. Self.
Glass, Philip. "Heroes" Symphony 1997. Point Music.
Goat, SIXES, and Xome. Deluxe Incinerator 2006. Crippled Intellect Productions.
Godspeed You Black Emperor. Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven 2000. Kranky.
Goff, Samuel. Transmissions 2020. Cacophonous Revival.
Gold Sparkle Band. Fugues And Flowers 2002. Squealer.
Gold Sparkle Band. Nu-Soul Zodiac 1999. Squealer.
Gold Sparkle Band, and Ken Vandermark. Brooklyn Cantos 2004. Squealer.
Goldfarb, Max. Entervision 2013. .
Goldmann, Friedrich. Late Works 2011. Macro.
Goldstein, Louis. Piano Music by John Cage .
Gordon, Peter. Star Jaws 2008. Lovely Music Ltd .
Gorzycki & Gruchot. Experimental Pyschology 2013. For-Tune.
Gosfield, Annie. Lost Signals and Drfiting Satellites 2004. Tzadik.
Gradon, Andy. Selected Sound Works . Self.
Graeve, Michael, and Toshiya Tsunoda. Michael Graeve / Toshiya Tsunoda 2009. edition t / Megalomania Micromania.
Grand Ulena. Gateway to Dignity 2003. Family Vineyard.
Gratkowski, Fox, Menestres, Davis. ORM 2006. Umbrella.
Graves, Mel. Day of Love 2001. Mutable Music.
Graves, Mel. Ear Shot: The Music of Mel Graves 2000. Mutable Music.
Graydon, Andy. At Bay 2007. Winds Measure Recordings.
Graydon, Andy. Unterwegs 2013. Contour Editions.
Graydon, Andy, and Liam Gillick. Idea Reach .
Grazyna Augusik Orchestar. Inspured by Lutoslawski 2014. For-Tune.
Green, Jeff, and Steve Stoll. Tangled 2009. Databloem.
Grier, Cathy. Comin' Back to Me 2002. Shane Music.
Groder, Brian. Torque 2006. Latham Records.
Guerguerian, River. Trance 2003. Self.
GULFH of Berlin. GULFH of Berlin 2021. ESP.
Gulo Čar. Baro Drom 2003. Indies Records.
Gunnarsson, Guðmundur Steinn. Horpma 2011. Carrier Records.
Gutbucket. InsomniacsDream 2001. Knitting Factory Works.
H.E.R.. Songs About the Mysteries of Housework and Nature 2007. Persian Cardinal Recordings.
Haas, Andy. The Ruins of America 2008. Resonant Music.
Hail, and Snail. How to Live With a Tiger 1993. Funky Mushroom Records.
Hail/Snail. How to Live With A Tiger 1993. Sedimental.
Hair Police. Drawn Dead 2005. Hanson Records.
Hair Police. Obedience Cuts 2004. Freedom From.
Haley, Geordie. Sculptures . Self.
Hamilton, Tom. Local Customs 2009. Mutable Music.
Hamilton, Tom. Sebastian's Shadow 1997. Monroe Street Music.
Hamilton, Tom, Al Margolis, and Mike Silverton. Analogue Smoque 2003. Pogus Productions.
Hamilton, Tom, and Bruce Eisenbeil. Shadow Machine 2009. Pogus Productions.
Hammond, Ross. An Effective Use of Space 2009. Prescott Recordings.
Hammond, Ross. Duets 2008. Prescott Recordings.
Handshake Squad. Handshake Squad .
Hansen, Shawn Edward. Backflow-er 2004. Evolving Ear.
Hansen, Shawn Edward. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas trapped in outer space 1999. Evolving Ear.
Happy Mothers Day, I Can't Read. The Number On My Forehead Is Gone 2004. Freedom From.
Hard Logic. Group Theory 2008. Mama Llama Records.
Hardman, Hari. Breathe Fresh Morning Air 2009. Hari Hardman Produkts.
Harm Stryker. Harm Stryker 2007. Public Guilt.
Harm Stryker, Birds In The Meadow, Jones, Brian. Sunday 10-24-2004 .
Harsh Noise Consortium. Bruital Automaton 2021. Fibrr Records.
Harry Xenu. Harry Xenu . Self.
Hart, Mickey. At the Edge 1990. Rykodisc.
Harvestworks. The Extended Instrument: An Investigation into Sound Art & Contemporary Music 2007. Harvestworks.
Hasidic New Wave, and Yakar Rhythms. From the Belly of Abraham 2001. Knitting Factory Records.
Hauser, Fritz. Deep Time 2005. Deep Listening.
Hawkins, Christian. Filmusic .
Hayward, Robin. Noveau Saxhorn Noveau Basse 2014. Pogus.
Hearse. Dead-On Audio . Self.
Heasley, Tom, and Toss Panos. Passages 2007. Full Bleed Music.
Heneghan, John. The Day I Blew Up The Earth .
Henry, Pierre, and Michel Colombier. Psyché Rock .
Herrema, Ron. Music For Being 2012. Self.
Hesperus. Colonial America 2007. Maggie's Music.
Hidden Riffles. Across the Neighborhoods 2017. Total Life Society.
High Llamas, The. Lollo Rosso 1998. V2.
Hilight Tribe. Audio & Video . Self.
Hinterding, Joyce. Spectral 2003. Antiopic.
Hippopotamus. 3Sounds 1998. Grooovy Sounds Unlimited.
His Name Is Alive. Sweet Earth Flower: A Tribute To Marion Brown 2007. High Two.
Ho, Fred, and Quincy Daul. The Music of Cal Massy: A Tribute .
Ho, Fred, and The Green Monster Big Band. Celestial Green Monster 2009. Mutable Music.
Ho, Fred, and The Green Monster Big Band. The Sweet Science Suite 2011. Mutable Music.
Hodell, Åke. Verbal Brainwash & Other Works 2019. Fylkingen Records.
Hollydrift. Waiting For The Tiller 2004. Parasomnic Records .
Holmes, David. Let's Get Killed 1997. Go! Beat.
Hominid. Hominid 2002. Two Leg Music.
Hopper, Kev. Whispering Foils 2000. Duophonic Super 45s.
Hopson, Holland, and James Keepnews. Hunting and Gathering 2002. Metaharmonic Records.
Horton, Robert. Expotition 2006. New American Folk Hero.
Horton, Robert. Sleep Wake Hope And Then 2007. New American Folk Hero.
Horvath, Nicolas. Quiet Rhythms Books I: William Susman 2022. Nicolas Horvath Discoveries.
Houle, François. Aerials 2006. Drip Audio.
Houle, Viviane. Treize 2009. Drip Audio.
House, Byron. The Reptile Section 2003. Kinky Noise.
Howard, Earl. 5 Saxophone Solos 2005. Mutable Music.
Howard, Earl. Strong Force 2003. Mutable Music.
Howell, Nancy, and Mark Lerner. Nancy and Mark Sing Holiday Favorites 2022. Self released.
Hudak, John. Brooklyn Bridge 1998. Shirocoal Recordings.
Hudak, John. Room With Sky 2003. Chaba Recordings.
HuDost. Trapeze 2009. Self.
Human Adult Band. Wantnaut // Wastenaut 2004. D I H D .
Hunt, Jerry. Haramand Plane: Three Translation Links 1994. ¿What Next? Recordings.
Hunted Creatures. The Failure of Human Instincts 2008. Dynamo Sound Collective.
Husson, Stefan. Stefan Husson Plays John Cage: Dream 1998. Denon.
Hypothetical Entity. Abbatoir & Apothecary . Self.
ID M Theft Able. Sand Down Your Pelvis 2004. Mangdisc.
ID M Theft Able. Split Angels No 2003. Mang-Disc.
ID M Theft Able. Wet Summertime Bodies Play Harps Inside Snow Banks 2003. Veglia.
If Your Memory Fails. e g Sometime Instant .
If, Bwana. "31" 2009. GD Stereo.
If, Bwana. 33 Birds Went 1995. Pogus Productions.
If, Bwana. Breathing 2007. Pogus Productions.
If, Bwana. Bwana Rex Xhu Ping 2005. Pogus Productions.
If, Bwana. I Angelica 2001. Pogus Productions.
If, Bwana. Radio Slaves 1986. Medicinal Tapes.
If, Bwana. Red One 2013. Pogus Productions.
If, Bwana. Tripping India 1997. Pogus Productions.
If, Bwana. With/And/By Trio Scordatura 2012. Pogus Productions.
If, Bwana, and Noah Creshevsky. Favorite Encores 2008. Pogus Productions.
If, Bwana, Lisa Barnard, Jacqueline Martelle, and Jane Rigler. An Innocent Abroad 2007. Pogus Productions.
Ignint McNugget Pain and Suffering. .
Iliatov, Mikhail. Veracruz .
Illusion Of Safety. Bad Karma 1998. Soleilmoon Recordings.
Illusion Of Safety. Organ Choir Drone 2023. No Part of It. *O
In Cadeo. In Cadeo 2008. .
Incontre. Biolcati Massimo 2020. Sounderscore.
Infinity Clip(ped). .
Infotube. 8 Song EP .
Inhabitants. A Vacant Lot 2010. Drip Audio.
Inhabitants. The Furniture Moves Underneath 2007. Drip Audio.
Ins Blaue. Best of .
Insects With Tits. Insects With Tits 2007. TIBProd .
Interferents. The Way It's Going To Happen .
Interferents. Vol 1 .
Interpol. Interpol EP 2002. Matador.
Iovae. Civilization 2005. Scratch And Sniff Entertainment.
Ironing. 1st Birthday EP 2008. Hymns.
Ironing. A Day At The Beach 2007. Hymns.
Ironing. Grow My Beard Like A Wizard 2005. Hymns.
Ironing. Let's Fucking Go! 2005. Hymns.
Ironing. Nassau 2009. Hymns.
Ironing. Pocket Almanac 2007. Hymns.
Ironing vs. Bigga Baphomet. Ultimate Sound Clatter 2005. Hymns.
Irresistible Force, The. It's Tomorrow Already 1998. Ninja Tune.
Irritating Horse Eye. From Beneath Unborn Feet . humansacrifice.
Irritating Horse Eye. From Beneath Unborn Feet . humansacrifice.
itsnotyouitsme. Walled Gardens 2008. New Amsterdam Records.
Ives,Charles and John Cage. Music for Three Piano Trios 1998. Koch Schwann Musica Mundi.
Jab. Jab .
Jachna Tarwid Karch. Sundial 2014. For-Tune.
Jackie-O Motherfucker. Europe 2002 2003. U-Sound Archive.
Jackie-O Motherfucker. Fig 5 2000. Road Cone.
Jackie-O Motherfucker. Magick Fire Music / Wow 2003. ATP Recordings.
Jackson, Yvette Janine. Invisible People: Music from the Radio Operas of Yvette Janine Jackson 2021. Self.
Jacktung. Demo . Self.
Jadviga. Nomin .
Japanese Cartoon. Covers .
Japanther. Dump the Body in Rikki Lake 2003. Menlo Park Recordings.
Japanther. Fall Tour '02 .
Japanther, and Luxx. Video-CD #262 (test copy) 2003. Punkcast.
Jenssen, Geir. Biosphere: Substrata; Man With a Movie Camera 1996. Biosphere.
Jerman, Jeph, and Albert Casais. And This 2006. .
Jeong, Eunhye. Nolda 2021. ESP.
Jewell, David. Lizards Again 2017. Drums Records.
Jijimuge. 777 2007. Hymns.
Jockesses. Jockesses Remix Records . Scratch And Sniff Entertainment.
Joe Morris Quartet. Joe Morris Quartet At The Old Office 1998. Knitting Factory Records.
Johanna & The Dusty Floor. Like Sailors 2008. CDBY.
Johannsson, Johann. Fordlandia 2008. 4AD.
Jones, Jones. Just Justice 2022. ESP-DISK.
Johnathan, Michael. Cosmic Banjo 2022. Poet Man Records.
Jordan, Kidd, Hamid Drake, and William Parker. Palm of Soul 2006. AUM Fidelity.
Joseph Nechvatal. Viral Symphony 2006. Institute For Electronic Arts.
Joseph, Dan. Archaea 2006. Mutable Music.
Joseph, Dan. Tonalization (For the Afterlife) 2011. Mutable Music.
Joyce, Thomas. Sound Works 2002-2003 .
Joydrop. Viberate 2011. Tommy Boy.
Jukeboxer. Jukeboxer Learns The Alphabet 2001. First Love.
Julius, Rolf. Music for a Garden 1996. Mattress Factory.
Kadziela & Wojcinski. 10 Little Stories 2015. For-Tune.
Kahlhamer, Brad. KTNN .
Kalot, Brian. California Casual .
Kanako Liar Bird. .
Karlsson, Linda. Voice Talent .
Kasyansky, Grundik . .
Keegan, Alessandro. The Below .
Keegan, Alessandro. The Night .
Keffer, Leslie. Pollutes 2023. No Part of It. *O
Keillor, Garrison. Pretty Good Picks: Favorites from A Prairie Home Companion 2010. American Public Media.
Kevin Tihista's Red Terror. Don't Breathe a Word 2001. Division One.
Khanate. No Joy (Remix) 2003. Load Records.
Kid Loco. DJ Kicks 1999. Studio !K7.
Kid Loco. Kill Your Darlings 2001. Yellow Productions.
Kid606. Down With the Scene 2000. Ipecac Recordings.
Kids Against Combs. The Album Formerly Knowns As Sean Hannity's Phone Number Currently Known As "Sean Hannity Is A Democracy Subverting Douche Bag" 2005. .
Kientzy, Daniel, and Tom Johnson. Kientzy Plays Johnson 2004. Pogus Productions.
Kieraldo, Tony. Milk Money 2019. Self.
Kim, Soon, Tetsuya Hori. Non-Transposed Sense 2009. Konnex Records.
Kimura, Mari. The World Below G and Beyond 2010. Mutable Music.
King Darves. I Can Only Hum This Drug . Self.
King Electric. Da King 2009. Top 10 Records.
King Honey, Suphala, M.Sayyid, Heat Sensor, Max Bill, King Honey ft. MF Doom, Kurious & King Ghidra, Timeblind, DJ Mutamassik, U.N.I., John Tejada, Divine Styler. Colapsus 2001. Sound-Ink.
King of Prussia. King of Prussia .
King, John. AllSteel 2006. Tzadik.
Kirchin, Basil Worlds Within Worlds. Worlds Within Worlds .
Kiritchenko, Andrey. Stuffed With/Out 2006. Nexsound.
Kishimoto, Yuko. Songbook 2011. Planet Arts.
Kites. Royal Paint With The Metallic Gardener From The United States Of America Helped Into An Open Field By Women And Children 2004. Load Records.
Kiva. Kiva 1997. id/Mercury.
Kkliu, Civyiu, and Ilya Monosov. Cartolina Postale 2008. Winds Measure Recordings.
Klank. Klank .
Klein, Brian. Product of Technology .
Klein, Judy. Open Space 15 | the wolves of Bays Mountain 1004. Open Space.
KleinSmid, Meri von. Ex Vivo 2005. Mimeograph.
KleinSmid, Meri von. Have a Spinach Salad .
Klotz, Jake. La Lus NYC .
Knee-Coal Beth 4 Artsongs. .
Knifestorm. Body-World 2003. Diamond Tribe Records.
Knowles, Alison. Frijoles Canyon 1992. ¿What Next? Recordings.
Knox, Chris. Yes!! 1997. Flying Nun Records.
Kolar, Jeff. New! Smoke Detector 2015. Self.
Kolar, Jeff. Other Voices 2010. Self.
Komet. Manhattan. 20' TO 2000 2000. Raster-Media.
Koner, Thomas. Kaamos 1998. Mille Plateaux.
Kotra. Dissilient 2004. Nexsound.
Kotra, and Zavoloka. Wag the Swing 2006. Kvitnu.
Kouffman, Joyce, Mary Watkins, and Cindy Browne. Song for My Mother .
Kouns, Zack. Two Ugly People Kissing .
Krebs, Annette. Various Projects 2003-2005 2006. CDR-X.
Kreische, Richard. ARTSAT 1992. Kunstradio.
Krejci, David. The Cleophone 2006. New American Folk Hero.
Kremer, Gidon, and Naoko Yoshino. Insomnia 1999. Philips.
Kris Perry's Machines Machine Music Part 1. .
KTU. 8 Armed Monkey 2005. Thirsty Ear.
Kubin, Felix. Filmmusik 1998. A-Musik.
Kupper, Leo. Digital Voices 2012. Pogus Productions.
Kupper, Leo. Electro-Acoustic 1996. Pogus Productions.
Kupper, Leo, and Anna Maria Kieffer. Ways of the Voice 1999. Pogus Productions.
Kutler, Jen. Sonified Physiological Indicators of Empathy 2021. Cacophonous Revival Recordings.
La Isla Bonita L√°zaro Valiente. .
Lady Moon. The Earth is Blue 2010. 5 Star Musique.
Ladyman. Viagra Opus 2004. theAgriculture.
Lam, Bun-Ching. Heidelberg Concerts 2011. Mutable Music.
Lambs Gamble. Memory Collapse . Evolving Ear.
Lance Blisters. Demo .
Lance Blisters. Lance Blisters 2008. Lance Blisters.
Landed. Liver + Lungs 2009. Corleone Records.
Landing. Circuit 2001. Music Fellowship.
Landing. Landing Live Volume One 2003. Vast Arc Hues.
Langille, Suzanne, and Loren Mazzacane Connors. 1987-1989 2000. Secretly Canadian.
Langille, Suzanne, Andrew Burnes, David Daniell, and Loren MazzaCane. Let The Darkness Fall 1999. Secretly Canadian.
Laredo, Ruth, and Alexander Scriabin. The Complete Piano Sonatas 1984. Nonesuch.
Last Days of May. Inner System Blues 2003. Squealer.
Last, David. The Push Pull 2005. theAgriculture.
Latitude/Longitude. Early Theives 3 .
Latitude/Longitude. EXPO Rookie .
Latitude/Longitude. Landscape After Hurricane .
Latitude/Longitude. Latitude/Longitude .
Latitude/Longitude. Why I Love Cork .
Lavelle, Matt, and Daniel Carter. Matt Lavelle And Daniel Carter 2004. Matt Lavelle.
Lawler, Keenan R.. Ghost Of A Plane Of Air 2006. New American Folk Hero.
Leafy Green. Leafy Green .
Leafy Green. Songs .
Leather Monument Morte a l'interieure. .
Lecrenier, Pierre, Sandra Vincent, and Abdel Bouzbiba. Move from Brussels .
Leels. Cannonballs & Silver Tongues 2004. Emperor Jones.
Leidecker, Jon. Irrevocably Overdriven Break Freakout Megamix 2004. Enschuldigen.
Leitgeb, Karl. The Early Night Radio Show 2001. Self.
Leonardson, Eric. Radio Reverie in the Waiting Place 1999. Not in the Family Records.
Leonardson, Eric, and Steve Barsotti. Rarebit 2008. Transparency.
Lesson Lesson Lessen. Potentials 2009. West Palm Beotch.
Leszek Kulakowski Ensemble. Looking Ahead 2014. For-Tune.
Levitation Unit. Live on Jupiter 1999. Limberland Productions.
Lewis, John. Evolution II 2001. Atlantic.
Leymarie, Lotte. 2009 .
Lightning Bolt. Hypermagic Mountain 2005. Load Records.
Lindblad, Rune. Death Of The Moon And Other Early Works 1989. Pogus Productions.
Lindblad, Rune. Objekt 2 1989. Pogus Productions.
Liquid Liquid. Liquid Liquid 1997. Grand Royal Records.
Little Computer People. Little Computer People (The Remixes) 2002. Psi49net.
Lo-Fi Confessional #8 Guards to Find the Forgotten. .
Lockwood, Annea. A Sound Map of the Danube 2008. Lovely Music.
Lockwood, Annea. Sound Map of the Hudson River- Interviews .
Lockwood, Annea. Thousand Year Dreaming / Floating World 2007. Pogus Productions.
Lockwood, Annea, and Ruth Anderson. Sinopah 1998. Experimental Intermedia Foundation.
Long Hair. A Dangerous Beauty in a Sullen Mood EP .
Long Hair. An Ever-Open Door EP .
Long Hair. Children of the Wild Who Have Been Tamed .
Long Hair. On the Trail of An Imaginary Foe EP .
Long Hair. Skating and Sleighing to the Icy Vaults of Death EP .
Long Hair. Superstition's Willing Victims EP .
Long Hair. The Rise Progress And Termination of Long Hair .
Long Hair. Young Oceans .
Lool Cuab. The Best of Lool Cuab . Self.
Loose, Rick. 9/30/98 .
Loose, Rick. 4/21/00 .
Loose, Rick. Dumb RMX .
Lopez, Cecilia. Red and Machinic Fantasies 2018. XI Records.
Lopez, Francisco. Conops 2008. GD Stereo.
Lotus. Version 2 0 2004. Breathmint.
Lucas, Gary, and Jozef Van Wissem. The Universe of Absence 2004. BV Haast Records.
Lucier, Alvin. Almost New York 2011. Pogus Productions.
Lucier, Alvin. Music for Solo Performer 1982. Lovely Music Ltd .
Lukasz Borowicki Trio. People Cats & Obstacles 2014. For-Tune.
Lukomski, Majer, and Lail. In the Motherheart of God the Father 2007. Homestijl.
Lumin. Hadra 2002. World Class Records.
Lunch With Beardo. Surrealistic Picnic 2006. FDH Records.
Lunchbox. Anyways 2004. theAgriculture.
Lundbom, Jon & Big Five Chord. All the Pretty Ponies 2005. Self.
Lundvall, Tor. Empty City 2006. Strange Fortune.
Lundvall, Tor. The Seasons Unfold 2011. Dais Records.
Lycaon Pictus. Deviation Amplifier 2004. Avant-God.
Lycaon Pictus. Personal Disaster 2005. Avant-God.
Lycaon Pictus. 2002. Dieyetribe Records.
Lyon, Raphael. Psicklops . Free Matter For The Blind.
Mac Low, Jackson. Open Secrets 1993. Experimental Intermedia Foundation.
Mackey, Steven, and J.K. Randall. Open Space 4 | A Matter of Life and Death Greek Nickel 1993. Open Space.
Magadog. Magadog 1994. Moon Ska.
Magic Is Küntmaster. Virgin Ghost 2005. Milkpal Records.
Magik Markers. Book As Symbol Of 8 Precious Things / Hand Of The Creator 2003. Arbitrary Signs.
Magik Markers. Feel The Crayon 2005. Apostasy Recordings.
Magris, Roberto. Duo & Trio 2022. JMood Records.
Maguire, Mc. Trash of Civilizations 2009. Innova Recordings.
Mahi Mahi. Only Music Can Save Me Now 2003. Corleone Records.
Mahler, David. Only Music Can Save Me Now 2010. New World Records.
Majeri, Leyla and Edouard LaRocque. 2007. .
Majick Rainbow Station. 1 . Self.
Majick Rainbow Station. 2 . Self.
Major Stars. Distant Effects 2002. Squealer.
Makar 99ç Dreams. .
Makar, Rough Mixes. .
Make a Rising. Infinite Ellipse & Head With Open Fontanel 2008. High Two.
Malerai Uchihashi Maya R. Utsuroi 2015. For-Tune.
Mambo Mantis. Everyone Knows Something 2005. Sweetstuff Media Sweet.
Mambo Mantis. Head Check .
Mammal. Double Nature 2003. Scratch And Sniff Entertainment.
Mammal. Fog Walkers 2002. Scratch And Sniff Entertainment.
Mammal. Lonesome Drifter 2007. Animal Disguise.
Mancini, and Martin. In the Moment 2007. CD Baby.
Mandragora. Dietilamide Vintage In Lana Di Vetro 2004. Stonature Records.
Maneri Ensemble. Going To Church 2002. AUM Fidelity.
Maneri Quartet, Mat. Blue Decco 2000. Thirsty Ear.
Maneri, Mat, and Joe McPhee. Sustain 2002. Thirsty Ear.
Maneri, Mat, and Randy Peterson. Light Trigger 2000. No More Records.
Mango Groove. The Best of Mango Groove 2000. Gallo Record Company.
Mango Groove. The Best of Mango Groove 2000. Gallo Record Company.
Manno, Robert. Chamber Music 1999. MSR Classics.
Manpack Variant. Sticky Wickets 2007. Digitalis Recordings.
Marcin Masecki. Mazurki 2015. For-Tune.
Marco Eneidi Streamin' 4. Panta Rei 2014. For-Tune.
Marcus, Michael. Abstractions in Lime Caverns 2022. ESP-DISK.
Margolis, Al, and If, Bwana. Rex Xhu Ping 2005. Pogus Productions.
Marsh, George, and W.A. Matheiu. Game/No Game 2004. Mutable Music.
Marshall, Ingram. Ikon and Other Early Works 2000. New World Records.
Marshall, Scott. Black CD .
Marshall, Scott. White CD .
Martin, Jean, and Colin Fisher. Little Man On The Boat 2007. Barnyard.
Martin, Jean, and Evan Shaw. Piano Music 2008. Barnyard.
Martin, Jean, and Justin Haynes. Freedman 2008. Barnyard.
Martz, Jasun. The Pillory / The Battle 2005. Under The Asphalt.
Masakatsu, Takagi. Pia 2001. Carpark Records.
Masaoka, Miya. While I Was Walking I Heard A Sound 2005. Solitary B.
Masaoka, Miya, and Joan Jeanrenaud. For Birds Planes & Cello 2005. Solitary B.
Mateen Trio, Sabir. Divine Mad Love 1997. Eremite Records.
Mateen, Sabir. Prophecies Come to Pass 2006. 577 Records.
Matos Capote, Juan. At The End Happiness Will Spread .
Matos Capote, Juan. From Metropolitan To Astor .
Matos Capote, Juan. The Subway Aural Recordings 2007. Einzeleinheit.
Matos Capote, Juan. The Train 6 .
Mattin, and Rosy Parlane. Mendietan 2002. W M O /r.
Maurer, Albrecht, and Norbert Rodenkirchen. Hidden Fresco 2006. Nemu Records.
McAuley, Jim. Gongfarmer 18 2005. Nine Winds Records.
McAuley, Jim. Ultimate Frog 2008. Drip Audio.
McDowell, Matt. Headlong Into The Fire 2007. New American Folk Hero.
McLean, Jordan. Sangha/Lovelane .
McMahon, Paul. Paul McMahon 2002. Self.
McPhee, Joe. Nation Time 2000. Atavistic.
McPhee, Joe, and Hamid Drake. Keep Going 2018. Corbett vs Dempsey.
McPhee, Joe, and Mats Gustafsson. Brace For Impact 2018. Corbett vs Dempsey.
Mcwain, Andy, Albey Balgochian, and Laurence Cook. Vigil 2005. Fuller Street Music.
Meisha. For Sayas 2006. New American Folk Hero.
Meisha. The Secret Of Paul Groper 2005. New American Folk Hero.
Mem1. Alexipharmaca 2006. Interval Recordings.
Mendoza, Ava. New Spells 2021. Relative Pitch Records.
Mercury Rev. The Dark is Rising/Nite and Fog 2001. V2.
Meringue. Grandma's Supermarket House 1995. Cherry Smash Records.
Merrell, Todd. Infernal Equinox 2004. Electromagnetica Recordings.
Merrell, Todd. Neptune 2006. Dreamland Recordings.
Merrell, Todd. This Won't Hurt A Bit 2003. Electromagnetica Recordings.
Metalux. Waiting for Armadillo 2004. Load Records.
MICE. World Tour 2009. ecosono.
Migone, Christof. Crackers 2001. Locust.
Migone, Christof. For Radio Action II 2004. Self.
Migone, Christof. Quieting 2000. Alien8 Recordings.
Migone, Christof & Veda Hille. Escape Songs 2004. Squint Fucker Press.
Mike Cooper & Friends. Beach Crossings - Pacific Footprints 2008. Rai Trade.
Mike Tamburo and the Universal Orchestra of Pituitary Knowledge. Ghosts of Marumbey 2006. Music Fellowship.
Mikroknytes. Mikroknytes 2001. Crank Automotive.
Mikroknytes. Sess-Supastreng 2005. Kavekavity.
Milasius, Juozas. Slow 2009. Nemu Records.
Miller, Lawrence. A Collection of Story Songs 2005. Self.
Mills, Witt. Dust Collection Agency 2004. Old Gold.
Miloh. Miloh . Self.
Minarelli, Enzo. Fame 2012. Pogus Productions.
Mindflayer. It's Always 1999 2001. Ooo Mau Mau.
Minton, Phil, Yagihashi Tsukasa, Sato Yukie,and Higo Hiroshi. Nippara Tokyo 2004. Austin Record.
Mirror/Dash. I Can't Be Bought 2006. Three Lobed Recordings.
Mitchell, Roscoe. Solo 3 2003. Mutable Music.
Miura, Yasushi. Circus 2004. Karidome.
Miura, Yasushi. Eternal Clash 2006. Karidome.
Miura, Yasushi. Lose Control .
Miura, Yasushi. Medical - Instant Construction Series No 38 2005. Karidome.
Miura, Yasushi. New Type 3001 2005. Karidome.
MLODRS. Yo B Dur Paft .
Mobile Radio Duration Unknown. .
Modern Day Urban Barbarians. The Endless Retreat .
MoE with Mette Rasmussen and Ikuro Takahashi. Painted 2020. Relative Pitch Records.
Mona De Bo. Nekavējies Šīs Ir Spēles Ar Tevi 2010. I Love You Records.
Monhart, Michael, MIchael Bisio, and Ben Chadabe. MMBC Terma 2021.
Monolake. Blaggout . Take Me To My Car.
Monolake. Interstate 1999. Monolake / Imbalance Computer Music.
Montgomery, Gen Ken. Drilling Holes in the Wall 2007. Monochrome Vision.
Montgomery, Gen Ken, and Conrad Schnitzler. GENCON Duets 2010. GD Stereo.
Montgomery, Roy, and Chris Heaphy. TRUE 1999. Kranky.
Mooney, Edmund. Happy Trails 2016. CD Baby.
Mooney, Edmund. The Eighth Nerve 2006. CD Baby.
Moore, R. Stevie. Disorganized Overactivity Or Tabitha Soren 2006. Forty-Seven Records.
Moore, Stephan. To Build A Field 2009. Deep Listening.
Morex Optimo. Morex Optimo 2002. Broken Hill Music.
Morneau, David. a/break machinations 2009. Immigrant Breast Nest.
Morris Quartet, Joe. A Cloud of Black Birds 1998. AUM Fidelity.
Morris Quartet, Joe. Joe Morris Quartet At The Old Office 2000. Knitting Factory Works.
Morris, Joe, and Mat Maneri. [Search] 2000. AUM Fidelity.
Morris, Robert. Open Space 14 | Nine Piano Pieces Tête-à-Tête Wabi 2002. Open Space.
Morris, Robert. Open Space 26 | Rapport 2020. Open Space.
Morris, Robert. Open Space 30 | Nature Music East West 2013. Open Space.
Morris, Robert. Perspectives of New Music 4 2014. Open Space.
Morton, John. Solo Traveler: Music For Music Boxes 2007. Innova Recordings.
Moser, Melanie. One Tune More . Yuwipi Records.
Mount Washington. Mount Washington 2012. Glitterhouse Records.
Mouthus. For The Great Slave Lakes 2006. Three Lobed Recordings.
Mouthus. Mouthus 2002. Psych-O-Path Records.
Mowat, Shea. Woo! 2004. Mang-Disc.
Moxie. Starpark Water Music Rough Mixes .
Moxie. The Floor 1998. 28 Days.
MPLD. Lapse Phaser . Self.
Mr. California And The State Police. Audio Hallucination 2003. Load Records.
MSHR. Liquid Conglomerate Presence Cycle 2021. Ehse Records.
Mudboy. Othern Lights .
Mudboy. This is Folk Music 2005. Last Visible Dog.
Mudboy, and Orphan Fairytale. Let It Be A Nightingale Then / Whose Words Are My Words (Volume 6) 2006. Bread And Animals.
Mudhoney. Tomorrow Hit Today 1998. Reprise Records.
Muerte, Ala. Santa Elena 2008. Public Guilt.
Munroe, Louis. Louis Munroe .
Murray, Sunny. Perles Noires 1 2005. Eremite Records.
Murray, Sunny. Perles Noires 2 2005. Eremite Records.
Mustafio. Family Bastard . CD Baby.
MV & EE. Tonight! One Night Only! MV & EE In Heaven 2001. Child Of Microtones.
MV & EE, and The Bummer Road. Green Blues 2006. Ecstatic Peace!.
MV/EE, and The Bummer Road. We Offer You Guru 2005. Child Of Microtones.
MW Ensemble. Music for Piano Transmission .
MX-80. We're An American Band 2005. Family Vineyard.
My Fun. Sonorine 2007. The Land of.
My Fun. The Quality Of Something Audible 2006. The Land of.
N.R.A.. N R A .
Na. Naisnice 2006. Pax Recordings.
Nader, Ralph, and Patti Smith. AWAKE From Your Slumber .
Nailbiters. Every Wasted Second Gone 1998. .
Nakatani, and Chen Duo. Limn 2005. H&H Production.
Nakatani, Tatsuya. Green Report 10 2002. Self.
Nakatani, Tatsuya. Green Report 11 . Self.
Nakatani, Tatsuya. Green Report 12 . Self.
Nakatani, Tatsuya. Primal Communication 2007. H&H Production.
Narcotic Dreams. Cursed Night 2005. 804noise.
Narcotic Dreams. Shattered 2005. 804noise.
Nathanson, Roy. Sotto Voce 2006. AUM Fidelity.
Naturaliste. A Clamour Half Heard 2001. Public Eyesore.
Nautical Almanac. Rejerks Volume 4 2005. Heresee.
Necronomitron. Necronomitron 2004. Load Records.
Negativland. Deathsentences of the Polishes and Structurally Weak 2002. Seeland.
Negativland. The Chopping Channel 2016. Seeland.
Negativland. The Weatherman's Dumb Stupid Come-Out Line 1998. Seeland.
Neill, Ben. Goldbug 1998. Antilles.
Neill, Ben. Mainspring 1988. Ear-Rational.
Neon Hunk. Smarmymob 2003. Load Records.
Neotropic. Mr Brubakers Strawberry Alarm Clock 1998. Ntone.
Neptune. Radio Song .
Nerve Net Noise. Meteor Circuit 2002. Intransitive Recordings.
Nettle. Firecamp Stories Remixes 2003. theAgriculture.
Neumann, Andrew. No Fly Zone 1998. Sublingual Records.
Neumann, Andrew. Scramble: Lock: Combination 2000. Sublingual Records.
Neumann, Andrew. Why I left the Surf [For Concrete] 2004. Sublingual Records.
Neuringer, Keir, Shayna Dulberger, and Julius Masri. Dromedaries II 2020. Relative Pitch Records.
Never Mind the Static This is Miami!. Never Mind the Static This is Miami! 2005. Hymns.
Never, Mark. Afternoon Drift Cold Shoulder .
New York Femme. Heatin' Up Tha 90's .
Niblock, Phill. NuDaf 2021. XI Records and AKOH.
Niblock, Phill. Touch Food 2003. Touch.
Nicolay, Christian. Soundartmadnessinabox .
Niellerade Fallibilisthorstar. Hålrum 2005. Scratch And Sniff Entertainment.
Nikola Kolodziejczyk Orchestra. Chord Nation 2014. For-Tune.
No More Shapes. Creesus Crisis 2010. Drip Audio.
No Things. Coward/ Trees 2004. Blast First Petite.
No. 9. Mushi-No-Ne 2004. Locust Music.
No. 9. Where Come From? And Where To? 2003. Locust Music.
Nobody. Soulmates 2000. Ubiquity.
Normal Love. Normal Love 2007. High Two.
North Guinea Hills. Et al . Self.
Not The Wind, Not The Flag. Tintinabulum 2009. Barnyard Records.
November Foxtrot Whiskey. November Foxtrot Whiskey 2002. CD Baby.
NOW Ensemble. NOW 2008. New Amsterdam Records.
Noxagt. The Iron Point 2004. Load Records.
Nuisance Beacon. Nuisance Beacon 2000. Crippled Intellect Productions.
Number 1 I Love You. Mon Petit Choux 2006. CD Baby.
Nuzion Big Band. Hallelujah! 1997. Third Eye Records.
Obadike, Keith. Sex Machines .
Obadike, Mendi, and Keith Obadike. The Sour Thunder: An Internet Opera 2004. Bridge.
Obara International. Live at Manggha 2013. For-Tune.
Oblong Box. 13th Floor 2008. Public Guilt.
Ochs, Larry, and Don Robinson Duo. A Civil Right 2021. ESP.
Octavia. Driven by the Harp .
Octex. Every Sound Tells a Story 2009. rx:tx.
Octex. Variations 2005. rx:tx.
Offset Needle Radius, and Nickname: Rebel. Offset Needle Radius vs Nickname: Rebel 2009. Wow Cool Records.
Oknai. Ain't a Dream 2011. rx:tx.
Olive, Tim, and Fritz Welch. Sun Reverse The Foorpedal 2020. Self.
Oliveros, Pauline. Alien Bog/Beautiful Soop 1997. Pogus Productions.
Oliveros, Pauline. Lion's Eye / Lion's Tale 2006. Deep Listening Publications.
Oliveros, Pauline. No Mo 2001. Pogus Productions.
Oliveros, Pauline. Reverberations: Tape & Electronic Music 1961-1970. 2022. Important Records.
Oliveros, Pauline, and Miya Masaoka. Accordion Koto 2007. Deep Listening.
Oliveros, Pauline, Francisco Lopez, Doug Van Nort, and Jonas Braasch. Quartet for the End of Space 2011. Pogus Productions.
Olsson, Bjorn. Instrumental Music To Submerge In Or Disappear Through 1999. Omplatten.
Onda, Aki. South Of The Border (Cassette Memories Vol 3) 2020. Imprec.
Onsgard, Shawn. Pachyderm 2006. .
Opanarise. Opanarise .
Ophibre. Shattered CD 2007. Oph Sound Recordings.
Orange, Manifold. Requiem for the good we knew/ Utopia* (airborne orgasm) . OMR/DTR.
Orbit, William. Pieces in a Modern Style 2000. WEA Records.
Organic Grooves. Black Cherry 2002. AUM Fidelity.
Ori Kaplan Percussion Ensemble. Gongol 2001. Knitting Factory Records.
Ostravska Banda. On Tour 2011. Mutable Music.
Ostrowski, Matthew. the_legendary_poptones .
Ostrowski, Matthew. Verterba 1997. Pogus Productions.
Other Dimensions In Music. Live At The Sunset 2007. Marge.
Other Dimensions in Music with Matthew Shipp. Time is of the Essence is Beyond Time 2000. AUM Fidelity.
Others Have About My Baby Kitty?. .
Ottavi, Julien. Nervure Magnétique 2003. Sigma Editions.
Otte, Hans. Orient:Occident - Minimum:Maximum 2005. Pogus Productions.
Out Hud. Let Us Never Speak Of It Again 2005. Kranky.
Out of Our Mouths. Illuminea 2007. High Two.
Outside Man. The Omonic Sound .
Owen, Ben. 2004 Sound Journal: Feb 2004. Self.
Owen, Ben. 2004 Sound Journal: Oct 2004. Self.
Owen, Ben. APR 2004. Self.
Owen, Ben. Radio>in 2006. Winds Measure Recordings.
Owen, Ben. transmitter 03Feb04 .
P.G. Six. Well of Memory 2004. Amish Records.
P.U.R. Collective. Nichi Nichi Kore Ko Nichi 2015. For-Tune.
P'Taah. Compressed Light 1999. Ubiquity.
Pairs One Are Benign Two Is Just Fine. .
Pale Horse and Rider. Moody Pike 2004. Agenda.
Pan Sonic. Katodivaihe = Cathodephase 2007. Blast First Petite.
Pan Sonic, Hayley Newman, David Crawforth. Rude Mechanic .
Parker Quartet, William. Raining on the Moon 2002. Thirsty Ear.
Parker Quartet, William. Sound Unity 2005. AUM Fidelity.
Parker Trio, William. Painter's Spring 2000. Thirsty Ear.
Parker, Evan, Wes Neal, and Joe Sorbara. At Somewhere There 2011. Barnyard Records.
Parker, Willaim. At Somewhere There 2010. Barnyard Records.
Parker, William. Lifting the Sanctions 1998. No More Records.
Parker, William. Long Hidden: The Olmec Series 2006. AUM Fidelity.
Parker, William. The Little Huey Creative Music Orchestra Mayor of Punkville 2000. AUM Fidelity.
Parker, William. The Little Huey Creative Music Orchestra Sunrise in the Tone World 1997. AUM Fidelity.
Parker, William. Through Acceptance Of The Mystery Peace: The Music of William Parker 1998. Eremite Records.
Parker, William, and Hamid Drake. First Communion / Piercing the Veil 2007. AUM Fidelity.
Parker, William, and Hamid Drake. Summer Snow Volume 2 2007. AUM Fidelity.
Parker, William, and Patricia Nicholson. No Joke! 2021. ESP.
Parra, Eduardo. Juntos 2010. .
Parran, JD. Window Spirits .
Parts & Labor and Tyondai Braxton. Rise Rise Rise 2003. Narnack Records.
Parts and Labor. Parts and Labor .
Pasin, Chris. Ornettuquette 2012. Planet Arts.
Pass, Matt. Twisting the Outer Knobs 2005. Self.
Passarell, Tony. The Path 2008. Prescott Recordings.
Pavone, Jessica. 27 Epigrams 2002. Peacock Recordings.
Pavone, Jessica. When No One Around You is There but Nowhere to be Found 2021. Relative Pitch Records.
Pavone, Jessica, and The String Army. Jessica Pavone And The String Army 2001. Peacock Recordings.
Pawluk, Katie. Let It Go 2006. Mak Records.
Payne, Maggi. Arctic Winds 2010. Innova Recordings.
PCRV. Big Sky 2006. Crippled Intellect Productions.
Peace Zone. Pax 2 The Max 2k2 . Self.
Peace Zone. Peace Zone . Self.
Pee In My Face With Surgery. Damnation Road 2004. Chocolate Monk.
Pee Shy. Little Dudes 1996. Mercury.
Pee Shy. Who Let All The Monkeys Out? 1996. Mercury.
Peeesseye. Commuting Between The Surface & The Underworld 2006. Evolving Ear.
Peeesseye. Mayhem In The Mansion Shivers In The Shack 2007. Evolving Ear.
Peeesseye. oo-ee-oo (burnt offering) 2006. Evolving Ear.
Peggy Lee Band. New Code 2008. Drip Audio.
Pelican City, and Scanner. Pelican City vs Scanner EP .
Pellegrino, Stephen. Off The Grid .
Peña-Rojas, Alvaro. Alvaro 2003. .
Pensado, Andrea. Ktotam 2011. Zeromoon.
Perelman, Ivo and Matthew Shipp. Fruition 2022. ESP-DISK.
Perez, Yvette, Don Trubey, Tom Noe, and Peter Zummo. Birdbrain .
Perkis, Tim. Motive 2003. Praemedia.
Perlonex, Keith Rowe, and Charlemagne Palestine. Tensions 2006. Nexsound.
Pernice, Laurent, and Jacques Barberi. Drosophiles Et Doryphores 2004. rx:tx.
Peterson, Gilles. INCredible Sound of Gilles Peterson 1999. Epic.
PFFR. Rock Rocker Rocketh 2001. Self.
Phantom Limb, and Tetuzi Akiyama. Phantom Limb & Bison 2007. Evolving Ear.
Pharoah's Daughter. Hot Ginger 2006. aRCHIVE.
Pharoah's Daughter. Out of the Reeds 2004. Tzadik.
Phelan, Garrett. Black Brain Radio 2007. Ninepoint Records.
Philippe Petit, and friends. Reciprocess: +/VS 2009. BiP_HOp.
Phonorama. Phonorama 2008. Wire Magazine.
Photek. Solaris 2000. Science.
Pickett, Jenny and Julien Ottavi. Electromagnetic Collective 2016. Fibrr Records.
Pieronczyk, Adam, with Anthony Joseph. Migratory Poets 2015. For-Tune.
Pietaro, John, and The Flames Of Discontent. I Dreamed I Heard Joe Hill Last Night .
Pink and Brown. Shame Fantasy II 2003. Load Records.
Piotr, Derek. Airing 2012. Bitsquare.
Pitre, Duane, and Pilotram Ensemble. Organized Pitches Occuring in Time 2007. Important Records.
Plone. For Beginner Piano 1999. Warp Records.
Pluramon. Bit Sand Riders 2000. Mille Plateaux.
Polachek, John. John Polachek .
Pope Joanna. Separate Wounds (Sermon V: Rapture In The Bleeding House) 2005. Ignivomous.
Poss, Robert. Crossing Casco Bay 2002. Trace Elements Records.
Poss, Robert. Distortion Is Truth 2002. Trace Elements Records.
Post Prandials. Switched-On Irresponsibility 1995. Artichoke/Tristero Records.
Pothole Skinny. Time Shapes The Forest Lake 2003. Perhaps Transparent Records.
Pottinger, Chris, 50% Beam Splitter. Rogue Spook Intercepts 2003. The White Rose Network.
Prana Trio. After Dark 2004. Circavision Productions.
Price, Seth. Game Heaven 2001. Distributed History.
Price, Seth. Industrial Fist 2004. free103point9.
Price, Seth. Iron Curtain Girl 2002. Distributed History.
Price, Seth. New Jack Swing 2003. Distributed History.
Price, Seth. New York Woman 2001. Distributed free at The Museum of Modern Art after a video-lecture where I talked about music production; excerpts of music videos for three of the tracks were screened (“Video Viewpoints”, MoMA, May 15, 2001) 100 copies..
Priggen, Spike. Stars After Stars After Stars 2004. Volaré Records.
Priggen, Spike. There's No Sound in Flutes! 2006. Self.
Primordial Undermind. Thin Shells of Revolution 2003. Emperor Jones.
Psi. Artificially Retarded Soul Care Operators 2005. Evolving Ear.
Psi. Black American Flag 2004. Evolving Ear.
Psi. The ___ Who Had Begun His Career As A Useful ___ Of The ___ Court Later Became The ___ Of ___ And The ___ Of ___ 2003. Evolving Ear.
Ptak, Joe. SPEAKS 2003. Self.
Public Record. Public Record 2008. High Two.
Puna Syndicate. EP 2006. rx:tx.
Puracane. I've Been Here The Longest 2009. Astraea Records.
Pure Horsehair Burthens of the Canico Sea. .
Putnam, Jim. Mt Wilson Repeater 2008. Eastern Fiction.
Puttanesca. Puttanesca 2006. Catasonic Records.
Quantum Trio. Gravity 2015. For-Tune.
Race. We're Now in the Evens 2008. .
Radigue, Eliane. Jetsun Mila 2007. Lovely Music Ltd .
Radio Shock. Rage 158 2008. Roger Records.
Raglani. Of Sirens Born 2008. Kranky.
Rampersaud, Nicole, Evan Shaw, Wes Neal, Jean Martin, and Tomasz Krakowiak. Halcyon Science 130410 2011. Barnyard Records.
Randall, J.K.. Open Space 11 1999. Open Space.
Randall, J.K.. Open Space 17 | *#*#* a garland of C-sound 2004. Open Space.
Randall, J.K.. Open Space 19 | Shouldn't We Talk? 2004. Open Space.
Randall, J.K.. Open Space 22 | Ars Antiqua A Garland of MIDI 2008. Open Space.
Randall, J.K.. Open Space 25 | GAP7 2009. Open Space.
Randall, J.K.. Open Space 8 | GAP2 3 4 &5 1997. Open Space.
Randall, J.K., various. Open Space 21 | PASS 3 2004. Open Space.
Raymond, Patricia. YHC Radio . Self.
Rebuilthangartheory. With Hurricane Blows 2004. Plays-Rite Records.
Redfearn, Alec K, and The Seizures. Exterminating Angels 2018. Self.
Redfern, Alec K., and The Eyesores. Every Man For Himself & God Against All 2003. Corleone Records.
Redford Triad, Davis. Ewige Blumenkraft 1998. Holy Mountain.
Redglaer. American Masonry 2007. Anarchymoon Recordings.
Rehnlund, Jeff. Our Thin Mercy Of Error 2007. Hymns.
Relache. Kyle Gann's The Planets 2010. Meyer Media.
Relax. Best of Relax compiled by Vince .
Rev. 99. Everything Changed After 7-11 2002. Pax Recordings.
Reynolds, Roger. All Known All White 2002. Pogus Productions.
Reynolds, Roger. Process and Passion 2004. Pogus Productions.
Reynols, and No Reynols. Reynols / No Reynols 2001. Freedom From.
Ribbon Effect. Slip 2000. Roomtone.
Ritual Foxy: Tip it Up Yesterday in Parliament. .
Roads to Space Travel. The Ballad Jazz Waltz 1999. Amish Records.
Rob Brown Ensemble. Crown Trunk Root Funk 2008. AUM Fidelity.
Roberts, Dean. Be Mine Tonight 2003. Kranky.
Roberts, Mary Lee. Open Space 9 1997. Open Space.
Roden, Jeffery. Bridge To The Other Place 2008. Self.
Roden, Jeffery. Seeds of Happiness Part 1 2005. The Big Tree Music.
Roe, Tom. The Worst Hour of the Year 2010. Tom Roe.
Rogalsky, Matt. Memory Like Water 2006. XI Records.
Rolling Chairs of Death. Rolling Chairs of Death 2002. Self.
Ros Bobos. Unchartered Universal Euphoria 2006. Self.
Rosenboom, David. Invisible Gold 2000. Pogus Productions.
Ross Hammond's Teakayo Mission. Ross Hammond's Teakayo Mission 2007. Prescott Recordings.
Rothenberg, David. Bug Music 2013. Gruenrekorder Terra Nova.
Rothkamm. FB01 2005. Flux Records.
Rothkamm, Frank. FB02 2004. Flux Records.
Rothkamm, Frank. FB03 (E Pluribus Unum) 2007. Flux Records.
Rothkamm, Frank. Frank Genius Is Star Struck 2009. Flux Records.
Rothkamm, Frank. Just 3 Organs 2008. Flux Records.
Rothkamm, Frank. Opus Spongebobicum 2008. Flux Records.
Rothkamm, Frank. Zahra Fugues 2010. Flux Records.
Rotten Milk. Rotten Milk Drops Out Of School .
Rotten Piece. Emperor of Appliances .
Rotten Piece. The Incarcerated Dwarf Heiress 1998. Fleece Records.
Rottenmilk. Improvisations for Broken Things 2004. Terry Plumming.
Roy Campbell Pyramid Trio. Ancestral Homeland 1998. No More Records.
Roy Campbell Quartet. It's Krunch Time 2001. Thirsty Ear.
Rova. The Circumference of Reason 2021. ESP.
RPM Orchestra. Afterglow 2009. One Word Long.
Rubber O Cement, and James Twig Harpe. Shameful Effectual Masterbattalion!! . Brutal Sound Effects.
Rubin, BJ, and Kevin Shea. Puttin' On The Ritz .
Rudick, Kelli. No One Knows You're Foreign 2007. Self.
Rudick, Kelli. Untitled Promo .
Rudka, Richard, Witkowski, Eric Wasist. .
Rupert, Jeff, and George Garzone. The Ripple 2019.
Ruryk, Brian. Piece of Shit Guitar 2005. Yeay! Cassettes.
Rush, Derek, and Bryin Dall. Dream Into Dust .
Rutman, Robert. 1939 1998. Pogus Productions.
Rylan, Jessica. Interior Designs 2007. Important Records.
Sad Sailor. Link To The Outside World 2008. Sad Sailor Link To The Outside World.
Sadigursky, Sam. Words Project 2007. New Amsterdam Records.
Saint Dirt Elementary School. Ice Cream Man Dreams 2009. Barnyard Records.
Sakada. Never Give Up on the Margins of Logic 2004. Antiopic.
Sapat, and The SB. Seed And Surgery 2004. free103point9.
Saralunden, and Andrey Kiritchenko. There Was No End 2007. Nexsound.
Saralunden, Björkås, and Mjös. Dubious 2007. Nexsound.
Satellite Grooves. Atoms, Molecules, And Rain 2002. Skylab Operations.
Satellite Grooves, Manmatesmachine, and The Spacewürm . Split CD . Vex Records.
Saturnalia String Trio, and Daniel Carter. Meditations on Unity 2000. Sublingual Records.
Saunders Smith, Stuart. "At Sixty" Selections 2009. 11 West Records.
Says She's Ms. Blat. Stinger 2009. Self.
Scanner. 52 Spaces 2002. Bette.
Scanner. Cystic 1999. Raster Noton.
Scanner. Delivery 1997. Earache.
Scanner. Diary 2000. Sulphur Records.
Scanner. Double Fold 2003. rx:tx.
Scanner. Echo Ricochet 2003. Awesome Arts.
Scanner. Flower Echoes 2005. .
Scanner. Garden Is Full of Metal 2016. Self.
Scanner. In Between 2011. Scannerdot Publishing.
Scanner. Lauwarm Instrumentals 1999. Sulphur Records.
Scanner. Nemesis 2002. Bette.
Scanner. Night Jam 2006. Bette.
Scanner. Rockets Unto the Edges of Edges .
Scanner. Salle Des Départs: Hôpital Raymond-Poincaré, Garches 2002. Fondation De France.
Scanner. Stopstarting 1998. Audio Research Editions.
Scanner. Sylvia Plath: Three Women .
Scanner. The Sounds of Love .
Scanner. Warhol's Surfaces 2003. Intermedium Records.
Scanner, and Stephen Vitiello. Live at The Knitting Factory .
Scannerfunk. Wave of Light by Wave of Light 2000. Sulphur Records / Boudisque Records.
Scarcity of Tanks. Garford Mute 2017. Total Life Society.
Scarcity of Tanks. Hinge 2018. Total Life Society.
Schafer, David. Progression Compression 2000. Self.
Scott-Heron, Gil, and Jamie xx. We're New Here 2011. Young Turks.
Schubert, Frank Paul, Kazuhisa Uchihashi, and Klaus Kugel. Black Holes Are Hard To Find 2022. Nemu Records.
Screw Radio. Best of Screw Radio 1997. SST Records.
Secluded Bronte. Secluded in Jersey City 2014. Pogus Productions.
Sensual Armed Forces Hail Commander Fist In The Air. .
Sex With Girls A Snake Will Byte Your Blog. .
Shar. Pop Music 2001. Outer Realm Records.
Sharkiface. Climax in a Process 2023. No Part of It.
Sharks With Wings. Sharks With Wings 2004. Send Help.
Shea, David, and Scanner. Free Chocolate Love 2000. Sub Rosa.
Shelf Life. Concerning The Absence of Floors 2007. Friends And Relatives Records.
Shelf Life. Ductworks 2006. Public Eyesore.
Shelf Life. Rheuma 2007. Eh?.
Shipp Duo, Matthew, and Joe Morris. Thesis 1997. hatOLOGY.
Shipp Duo, Matthew, and Mat Maneri. Gravitational Systems 2000. hatOLOGY.
Shipp Quartet, Matthew. Pastoral Composure 2000. Thirsty Ear.
Shipp Trio, Matthew. World Construct 2022. ESP-DISK.
Shipp, Matthew. Equilibrium 2003. Thirsty Ear.
Shipp, Matthew. Harmony And Abyss 2004. Thirsty Ear.
Shipp, Matthew. Matthew Shipp's New Orbit 2001. Thirsty Ear.
Shipp, Matthew. Nu Bop 2002. Thirsty Ear.
Shipp, Matthew. Piano Sutras 2013. Thirsty Ear.
Shipp, Matthew, and William Parker. DNA 1999. Thirsty Ear.
Shot X Shot. Let Nature Square 2008. High Two.
Shot X Shot. Shot X Shot 2006. High Two.
Shrimp Boat. Speckly 2005. AUM Fidelity.
Sic Alps. A Long Way Around To A Shortcut 2008. Animal Disguise.
Sic Alps. Pleasures And Treasures 2006. Animal Disguise.
Sightings. Absolutes 2003. Load Records.
Signal Territory. Signal Territory 1 2002. rx:tx.
Silencio. Dead Kings 2004. The Mountain Collective For Independent Artists, Ltd..
Silva, Alan, and William Parker. A Hero's Welcome: Pieces For Rare Occasions 1999. Eremite Records.
Singer, Calder K.. 8 Different Rooms 2012. Self.
Singh, Talvin. OK 1998. Island Records.
Sissy Spacek. Radio Format 1-3 2021. Helicopter.
Sissy Spacek. Sissy Spacek 2006. PACrec.
Six Organs of Admittance. Dark Noontide 2002. Holy Mountain.
SIXES. Cursed Beast 2006. Troniks.
Skinnys 21. .
Skyline. Bark (Noiseotica 2) 2000. Harsh House.
Skyline. Private Sectors [Noiseotica V.3] 2005. free103point9.
Skyline X Way Wrap. .
Sloan, Jason. [--] 2009. SloBor Media.
Sloan, Jason. corruptedHorizon 2010. SloBor Media.
Small Change. Soundclash: Murderation Music From The Past Present And Future! 2006. Self.
Smallwood, Scott. Desert Winds: Six Windblown Sound Pieces And Other Works 2002. Deep Listening.
Smallwood, Scott. Electrotherapy 2004. Deep Listening.
Smithson, Dawn. Safer Here 2005. Kranky.
Snd. Stdio 2000. Mille Plateaux.
Sō Percussion. Trollstilt Five Gardens (and-a-half) . New Amsterdam Records.
Soft Serve TPR 05. .
Solar Return. 2Rats&4Stars 2016. NoizMutation.
Solar Return. Salt - sounds from the cosmos 2021. Fibrr Records.
Solex. Solex vs. The Hitmeister 1998. Matador.
Sonic Liberation Front. Change Over Time 2006. High Two.
Sonna. We Sing Loud Sing Soft Tonight 2001. Temporary Residence Limited.
Sons Epeurants D'Halloween Vol. 1. .
Sontag Shogun. Tale 2014. Palaver Music.
Sosnowski, Ghislave. My Time: Small Narrative Pieces .
Sosnowski, Ghislave. Should You .
Soul Center. Soul Center* 1999. W.v.B. Enterprises.
Sound of the Blue Heart. Wind of Change 2009. Scarecrow Records.
SoundLab. Flav-O-Pac: MEmograph I 1999. SoundLab.
Spaghetti Eastern Music. Solo Guitar Score for 2x2x4: Live at Avant-Garde Arama Woodstock 2021. Bad Egg Records.
Spam Allstars. Pigs In Space 2000. Spamusica.
Spam Allstars. Pork Scratchings .
Spatula. Medium Planers And Matchers 1996. Jesus Christ.
Spiritualized. Let It Come Down 2001. Fat Possum Records.
Spraggadat & Pirre. Ending 2003. Scarcelight Recordings.
Spring Heel Jack. 68 Million Shades 1996. Trade 2.
Spybey, Mark, and James Plotkin. Peripheral Blur 1998. Kranky.
Ssion. Opportunity Bless My Soul 2003. Version City Records.
SSRIs. Effeminate Godzilla-Sized Windchimes 2010. Self.
SSRIs. Teems EP 2009. Self.
Staalar. Staalar 2009. Self.
Stars Like Fleas. Sun Lights Down on the Fence 2003. Praemedia.
Staubgold 20. Staubgold 20, Wire Magazine, Issue 213 2001. Wire Magazine.
Staubitz and Waterhouse. Common Metals 2022. Music is the Worst.
Stefan Wolpe Symphony, and Roger Sessions. Violin Concerto 1994. Composers Recordings Inc. (CRI).
Steffey, Daniel. Chloros 2011. Edgetone Records.
Stein, R.L.. What Ever Happened To Freenoise? 2006. Breathmint.
Sten, Gerd, and Michael Callahan. Billiemaster .
Steve Hudson Quintet. Outer Bridge 2004. Groovaholic Music.
Still Remains. .
Stimela. Best of Stimlea 2000. Gmp.
Stoll, Steve. Earthling 2004. Fax +49-69/450464.
Strain of Laws. The Plotted Pavillion 2021. Helicopter.
Strange Attractor v. Disinformation. Circuit Blasting 2007. ADAADAT.
Studer, Fredy, and DJ M. Singe. Duos 2001. For 4 Ears.
Sudden Infant. Live In Basal .
Sullender, Woody. Music From Four Movements & Other Favorites 2022. dead ceo.
Sunroof!, and Vibracathedral Orchestra. Wings Over America 2003. VHF Records.
Super Numeri. Great Aviaries 2003. Ninja Tune.
Superchunk. Mower 1992. Merge Records.
Superface. Untitled Demo .
Superoscope. Mechanism 2009. Morse Code Records.
Surface Of Eceyon. Tussyan Ruins 2003. Three Lobed Recordings.
Susan Alcorn Quintet. Pedernal 2020. Relative Pitch Records.
Suspected Terrorists. Suspected Terrorists 2007. Adept Recordings.
Sweet Killers. More . Old Gold.
Sybarite. Musicforafilm 2000. Temporary Residence Limited.
Szilard. Spokes 2011. Royal Editions.
Taborn, Craig. Light Made Lighter 2001. Thirsty Ear.
Taiwan Deth. Taiwan Deth 2004. Vanishing Records.
Talbot, Jason. A Love So Bright It Shines A Hole Through My Heart 2005. Crippled Intellect Productions.
Talibam!. Everybody's Somebody's (mother) 2005. Talibam!.
Talibam!. Puff Up the Volume 2012. Critical Heights.
Talibam!, and Sam Kulik. Discover Atlantass 2011. Belly Kids.
Tall Firs. Too Old to Die Young 2008. Ecstatic Peace!.
Tamburo, Mike. Dance Enis Dance 2007. Barl Fire Recordings.
Tamburo, Mike. Hammered Alchemical Marriage/The Tenth Gate .
Tamburo, Mike. In The District Of Noise 2009. New American Folk Hero.
Tamburo, Mike. Launguage Of The Birds And Other Fantasies 2007. New American Folk Hero.
Tamburo, Mike, and His Orchestra. Ghosts of Marumbey 2006. New American Folk Hero.
Tammen, Hans. Third Eye Orcherstra 2008. Innova Recordings.
Tammen, Hans, Joker Nies, and Mario de Vega. Die Schrauber Live in Mexico 2006. Acheulian Handaxe.
Tampa Sucks I Suck, You Suck, We All Suck In Tampa. .
Tan As Fuck. U-Sound Vol. 17 .
Tarnow, Christopher. Theremin Sonatas 2015. Genuin Classics.
Tarwater. Animals, Suns & Atoms 2000. Kitty-Yo.
Taylor, Cecil. Looking (Berlin Version) Solo 1990. Free Music Production.
Team Up. Team Up 2004. Reify Recordings.
Telegraph Melts. Ilium 1998. Absolutely Kosher Records.
Teleseen. Teleseen .
Terminal Lovers. As Eyes Burn Clean 2009. Public Guilt.
Terrestrial Tones. Blasted 2004. Pysch-o-Path Records.
Test. Test .
Text of Light. Text of Light 2004. Starlight Furniture Co..
The 100% Storms Ensemble. Performing The Music Of Eric D Morrison 2001. Emperor Jones.
The 21st Century. The City .
The Angel. No Gravity 2001. Supa Crucial Recordings.
The Angels of Light. Everything Is Good Here / Please Come Home 2003. Young God Records.
The Angels of Light. How I Loved You 2001. Young God Records.
The Balkan Situations. The Balkan Situations . Self.
The Beige Channel. Enjoy Victoria Bay! 2007. Self.
The Beige Channel. O #2 .
The Blithe Sons. We Walk the Young Earth 2003. Family Vineyard.
The Blue Series Continuum. The GoodandEvil Sessions 2003. Thirsty Ear.
The Caution Curves. A Little Hungry 2006. Sockets.
The Caution Curves. The Caution Curves 2005. Initiated Eye.
The Clifford Gilberto Rhythm Combination. I Was Young And I Needed The Money 1998. Ninja Tune.
The Curtains. The Curtains .
The Dead C. Damned 2003. Starlight Furniture Co..
The Dead C. The White House 1995. Siltbreeze.
The Dead C. Tusk 1997. Siltbreeze.
The Double. Palm Fronds 2004. Catsup Plate.
The Dust Dive. Asleep Or Awake Walk 2005. Own Records.
The Dust Dive. Claws of Light 2007. Own Records.
The Dust Dive. Tens of Thousands .
The Element Choir. At Rosedale United 2010. Barnyard Records.
The Fit Tone & Telegraph. .
The For Carnation. Fight Songs 1995. Matador.
The Gazetteers. Landlocked! 2006. Salt In Wound Records.
The Good Good. The Wants and the Want Nots 2005. Harlan Records.
The Grand Hotel. The Extra Tiger 2003. Felt Records.
The Gunga Din. Introducing 1999. Tractor Beam.
The Harlem Shakes. The Harlem Shakes .
The Harvey Christ Radio Hour. The Oily Elite . Self.
The Hat City Intuitive. They Must Be Clapping for... Me 2000. Crank Automotive.
The Hepatitis Youth. Hex Is A Curse 2003. Kinky Noise.
The Indian Parrot. The Indian Parrot And Other Stories: The Music Of W.A. Mathieu 2006. Mutable Music.
The Inuition Orchestra. To The Inside 2014. For-Tune.
The Itinerant Band. Jefferson and Liberty .
The Ivory Tower Project. Red Hot 2008. Guerrilla Records-NY.
The Kentucky Knobs. Deuce 2005. Experimental Musical Research.
The Khan Jamal Creative Arts Ensemble. Drumdance to the Motherland 1973. Dogtown Records.
The Killers. Hot Fuss 2004. Island Records.
The Looking Cabinet of Curiosities. .
The Maze. The Maze .
The Moglass. Sparrow Juice 2006. Nexsound.
The Moon Upstairs. Guarding The Golden Apple 2007. Gifted Children Records.
The Of A Kind. Jam Tapes & More .
The One Ensemble of Danie Padden. The Owl of Fives 2003. Textile Records.
The Phonographers Union. Live on Sonarchy Radio 2003. Accretions Records.
The Pins. All The Night Sky 1998. Stick It To The Man Records.
The Power-Ups. A Winner Is You 2004. Record High Records.
The Power-Ups. Press Demo- Tour 2004 .
The Prairie Spies. Surplus Enjoyment 2008. .
The Psychic Paramount. Gamelan Into The Mink Supernatural 2005. No Quarter.
The Resineators. Don't ______ With The Fantasy 2001. Siltbreeze.
The Rochat-Felix Quintet. The Rochat-Felix Quintet .
The Roy Campbell Ensemble. Akhenaten Suite: Live at Vision Festival Xii 2008. AUM Fidelity.
The Sabers. Specter 2003. Self.
The SB. Tubb Tombstone 2004. Veglia.
The Scholars. Hello Dolly 2002. LandFall Records.
The Seven Arts. Destabilizer 2004. Fargone Records.
The Seven Arts. Grovelchokestew 2002. Fargone Records.
The Shot Heard 'Round The World. Ten Songs For Town And Country 2006. Mountain Landis Record Label.
The Sky Drops. Clouds Of People 2006. Fridabear Recordings.
The Strummers. When You Go to Sleep, Do You Think You'll Wake Up in America? 2018. Self.
The Subliminator. Recalibrated 2005. Scared.
The Tony Wilson Sextet. Pearls Before Swine 2007. Drip Audio.
The Tower Recordings. Ya'Ard God 2004. Child Of Microtones.
The Twin Atlas. Sun Township 2005. Tappersize Records.
The USA Is A Monster. Tasheyana Compost 2003. Load Records.
The Vinyl Solution. The Vinyl Solution .
The Wild Bunch. The Wild Bunch - Story of a Sound System . Strut.
The Wire. The Wire Tapper 26 2011. Wire Magazine.
The Woes. That Coke Oven March 2006. BlackSand.
Then And Than Night Rider'S Microwave Van Club. .
This Frontier Needs Heroes. This Frontier Needs Heroes 2009. Self.
Thompson, Rachel. It's Hard to Stop When You're Working in Circles 2005. Set.
Thompson, Walter. Pexo - A Soundpainting Symphony 2004. Nine Winds Records.
Thornton, Tim. Born Into It: The Burks Family's First 100 Years as Loggers 2011. Pocahontas Communications Cooperative.
Tigersmilk. From the Bottle 2005. Family Vineyard.
Ting Ting Jahe. 18 (16) 2006. Winds Measure Recordings.
Ting Ting Jahe. kidnapped at mcdonalds by mickey mouse tying a bunch of balloons around her wrist thus lifting her to some waiting thugs five floors above. .
Ting Ting Jahe. Low Quality CDR #2 2003. Self.
Tinsel. Stitches Of Light 2003. Keyhole Records.
Tipsy. Trip Tease 1996. Asphodel.
To Kill A Petty Bourgeoisie. The Patron 2007. Kranky.
To Live And Shave In L.A.. 1975 2000. Self.
Tolimieri, Quentin. Joesf, Lieber Josef Mein 2009. .
Tom Trio. Radical Moves 2014. For-Tune.
Tommy Babin's Benzene. Your Body is Your Prison 2010. Drip Audio.
Toop, Scanner, and I/O3. A Picturesque View, Ignored 2002. Room40.
Tracy, Phala. Critter Songs .
Tree Wave. Cabana EP + 2004. Made Up Records.
Trenchmouth. Trenchmouth Vs. the Light of Sun 1994. EastWest Records America.
Trimble, Bobb. Harvest of Dreams 2007. Secretly Canadian.
Triptych Myth. The Beautiful 2005. AUM Fidelity.
Tripwire. Looking In My Ear 2005. Creative Sources.
Trumystic Sound System. Product Three 1997. Trumystic Records.
Tsahar, Assif, and Tatsuya Nakatani. Come Sunday 2004. Hopscotch Records.
Tsahar, Assif, Mat Maneri, and Jim Black. Jam 2003. Hopscotch Records.
Tucker, Alexander. Alexander Tucker 2005. U-Sound Archive.
Tulsa Drone. No Wake 2004. Dry County Records.
Turman, Robert, and John Wiese. Past Present Future 2023. Helicopter. Turner, John. Horn Resounding 2001. Baraka Foundation.
TV on the Radio. Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes 2004. 4AD.
Twegen Tu. Twegen Tu 2003. Disposable Thumb Recordings.
Two Dollar Guitar. Weak Beats & Lame-Ass Rhymes 2000. Smells Like Records.
Ui. Lifelike 1998. Southern Records.
Uitti, Frances-Marie and Stephen Vitiello. Uitti / Vitiello 2000. JdK.
Uke of Spaces Corners. County Flowers in the Night .
Uke of Spaces Corners. Flowers in the Night 2009. Corleone Records.
Ullén, Lisa, Elsa Bergman, and Anna Lund. Space 2022. Relative Pitch Records.
Ultra-Red. ¡Amnistía! 2003. Antiopic.
Ultramarine. Nebocry 2014. For-Tune.
United States Of Belt. Pancake Alley 2004. Champ Records.
Universal Eyes. Four Versions on 'Artificial Society' 2018. Lower Floor Music.
Unlearn. Unlearn Places 2008. Noise|Order.
Unstable Ensemble. Embers 2005. Family Vineyard.
Unstable Ensemble. The Liturgy of Ghosts 2002. Family Vineyard.
URM. Synthphonics 1: Darkness On The Edge of Light 2002. A Ping Thing.
URM. Synthphonics 2: Hush On The Peace 2003. A Ping Thing.
USA Is A Monster. Citizens Of The Chronic 2003. Infrasound.
USA Is A Monster, Kites, and Mudboy. Kitesisamonster/Usaisamudboy 2007. Free Matter For The Blind.
UsVsThem. UsVsThem .
Val-Inc. On 2008. Innova.
Valentine, Matt. I Burned One With God, But Cocola If I'm Peaking Which Way Is The Sky 2000. Child Of Microtones.
Valentine, Matt. MV Fantasizes, Daydreams, Get Massaged aAnd Shacks Up W/ Cocola .
Valiente, Lázaro. La Isla Bonita. Self
Vampire Hands. Virgin Dust American Lips 2007. Freedom From.
van Horrik, Mario, and Petra Dubach. Waves 2023. staalplaat.
van Wissem, Jozef. Narcissus Drowning 2002. Persephone.
van Wissem, Jozef. Retrograde Renaissance Lute (A Classical Deconstruction) 2000. Persephone.
Vanderslice, John. Cellar Door 2004. Barsuk Records.
Various. !Music For The Psych-Eye! 2000. Cast Exotic Archives.
Various. (SIC) The Broklyn Beats 2003. Broklyn Beats.
Various. ~scape showcase 2003. Wire Magazine.
Various. 100 Sound Effects Voume 2 . Madacy.
Various. 100 Spectacular Sound Effects Disc 2 1995. Madacy.
Various. 2004 Promotional Sampler .
Various. 4 Foot 11 - Exposure 1A .
Various. 60x60 2004-2005 2007. Vox Novus.
Various. 60x60 2006-2007 2008. Vox Novus.
Various. 8 Sound Works, A Disc in Support of the New York Society for Acoustic Ecology Performers from Tune(Out)))side . free103point9.
Various. 804Noise 2004. 804noise.
Various. 804noise Fest 2005 2005. 804noise.
Various. A Collection of Sound From the Australian Imprint Room40 .
Various. A Microradio Programming Starter Kit .
Various. A Proposal to Coke and Pepsi .
Various. Aero-Mic'd .
Various. An Anthology of Noise & Electronic Music / First a-Chronology Volume #1 2001. Sub Rosa.
Various. An Anthology of Noise & Electronic Music / First a-Chronology Volume #2 2002. Sub Rosa.
Various. Anthology Of American Folk Music 1997. Smithsonian Folkways.
Various. Atlantic Waves 2006 (The Wire Sampler) 2006. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Various. Audio Dispatch 001 2001. free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 003: Sprung 2003. free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 004: From Pieces... 2003. free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 006: Sightings 2003. free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 007: The Archivist 2003. free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 008: Radio Action 2003. free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 011: Tune (In))) 2003. free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 012: Dado Blade 2003. free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 016: Noise Noir . free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 017: Graduation 2004. free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 019: Scape 2 2004. free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 020: Radio Action II 2005. free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 026 2005. free103point9.
Various. Audio Dispatch 034: Radio Action III 2008. free103point9.
Various. Audio-Tourism 2005. Laznia.
Various. Audiotoop 2006. Korm Plastics.
Various. Autoradio Guide: Transit~Wellen .
Various. Big Ears Fitzgerald's Manifesto 2005. Sonic Arts Network.
Various. BirdNote .
Various. Boston Underbelly - Music from the City of Revolution 1998. Sublingual.
Various. Brain In The Wire- Disc A 2000. Wire Magazine.
Various. Brain In The Wire- Disc B 2002. Wire Magazine.
Various. Bring Your Own Walkman 1997. Staalplaat.
Various. Broken Beat Dance at Local .
Various. Captain Fred's World Cruise #85 .
Various. Captain Fred's World Cruise #86 .
Various. Čarohraní (Magic Playing) 2003. Indies Records.
Various. Cetacea .
Various. Chicago Symphony Orchestra Radio Broadcast Series .
Various. CLE Magazine Presents: Cleveland... So Much To Answer For 1996. CLE Magazine.
Various. Club Transmediale 03, Festival for Electronic Music and Related Visual Arts – Berlin 2003. Wire Magazine.
Various. Club Transmediale 07, Festival for Electronic Music and Related Visual Arts – Berlin 2007. rx:tx.
Various. Deep Wireless 1: Radio Art Compilation 2004. New Adventures In Sound Art.
Various. Deep Wireless 2: Radio Art Compilation 2005. New Adventures In Sound Art.
Various. Deep Wireless 3: Radio Art Compilation 2006. New Adventures In Sound Art.
Various. Deep Wireless 4: Radio Art Compilation 2007. New Adventures In Sound Art.
Various. Deep Wireless 5: Radio Art Compilation 2008. New Adventures In Sound Art.
Various. Deep Wireless 6: Radio Art Compilation 2009. New Adventures In Sound Art.
Various. Deep Wireless 7: Radio Art Compilation 2010. New Adventures In Sound Art.
Various. Deep Wireless 8: Radio Art Compilation 2011. New Adventures in Sound Art.
Various. Delivery Room 2004. Leaf.
Various. Describing Paranoia 2003. Parasomnic Records.
Various. Digital Dust 1998. Rawkus Primitive.
Various. Digital Space 2000. Lovebytes.
Various. Dirt Beneath the Daydream - A Collection of Sounds from Aotearoa / New Zealand 2009. Wire Magazine.
Various. Dis-Patched: Live Recordings from Belgrade's Dis-Patch Festival 2005. rx:tx.
Various. DIY Canons 2005. Pogus Productions.
Various. Domino 02 - A Snapshot From The 2002 Domino Ten-Day 2002. Wire Magazine.
Various. Domino 03 - A Snapshot From the 2003 Domino Ten-Day 2003. Wire Magazine.
Various. Domino 04 - A Snapshot From the 2004 Domino Ten-Day 2004. Wire Magazine.
Various. Domino 05 2005. Wire Magazine.
Various. Domino 06 - A Snapshot From the 2006 Domino Ten-Day 2006. Wire Magazine.
Various. Domino 07 - A Snapshot From the 2007 Domino Ten-Day 2007. Wire Magazine.
Various. Doráti conducts Bartók 1990. Mercury.
Various. Draw Me A Riot 2001. Matador.
Various. Drunken Neighbor's Karaoke Party .
Various. Eco E Narciso. Presenze Sonore 2006. Provincia Di Torino.
Various. EFCSSCDR 2000. Sunship Records.
Various. Electricity Is Your Friend 2006. 3 pin recordings.
Various. Essays on Radio: Can I have 2 minutes of your time? 2005. Crónica.
Various. Evening At Room40 2006. Wire Magazine.
Various. Exploratory Music From Poland 01 2009. Wire Magazine.
Various. Exploratory Music From Portugal 2001. Wire Magazine.
Various. Exploratory Music from Portugal 04 2004. Wire Magazine.
Various. Exploratory Music from Portugal 05 2005. Wire Magazine.
Various. Exposure 1A 2002. 4 Foot 11.
Various. Exposure 1B . 4 Foot 11.
Various. Exposure 2 2000. 4 Foot 11.
Various. Faith & Power 2002. Wire Magazine, ESP Disk.
Various. Faith & Power: An ESP-Disk Sampler 2002. Wire Magazine.
Various. Fall Sampler 2002 2002. Scratch And Sniff Entertainment.
Various. Felix Hernandez Presents Rhythm Revue 1997. TVT Records.
Various. First Steps 2002. Klangbad.
Various. Fjord Focus: A Norwegian Sampler 2002. Wire Magazine.
Various. Found Sound V.2 2003. Sounds From The Pocket.
Various. Freak Genes Compilation: Red Black Ants 2002. Self.
Various. Further Reading: A Selection of Books by Noam Chomsky .
Various. Gallery Shows 12.04-01.05 .
Various. Generate Records 1999 - 2009 . Generate Records.
Various. Ghos Busters III 2007. Record Label Records.
Various. Giant Ear))) webradio, The New York Society for Acoustic Ecology . free103point9.
Various. Global Hits 2002 2003. Universal Records.
Various. Gomma: Audio 1 2001. Shadow Records.
Various. Griot, The Soundtrack 2013. Motéma Music LLC.
Various. Halana . Halana.
Various. Halana 2 1996. Halana.
Various. Helicopter 2004. Troniks.
Various. Ice Sculpture Theater 2003. Tedium House Publications.
Various. Inside/Out NYC: Giant Ear 2008. free103point9.
Various. Introductions 2008. The Land of.
Various. Jazz at Lincoln Center Radio: The Music of Gillespie and Puente .
Various. Jazz History In The Present Tense :Rarum Vols I 2003. ECM.
Various. Jazz Works .
Various. Ken's Last Ever Radio Extravaganza: Elsewhere .
Various. Latitude/Longitute 2005. Early Thieves Records.
Various. Little Fury Things Records: A Compilation . Little Fury Things.
Various. Living Sound Effects Volume 4 1989. Bainbridge Records.
Various. Lontano - Homage To Giacinto Scelsi 2009. Stefano Tedesco Productions.
Various. Magnet New Music Sampler Volume 22 . Magnet Magazine.
Various. McCaul Vaillant 1999. Retallack Records.
Various. Membra Disjecta for John Cage 2012. Tonspur/Hermes Ear.
Various. Mendi + Keith Obadike present Crosstalk 2008. Bridge Records.
Various. Montreal Sound Matter 2006. Pogus Productions.
Various. Montreal Sound Matter/Montréal Matière Sonore 2006. Pogus Productions.
Various. My Other Guitar is a Paintbrush .
Various. Neon Meate Dream Of A Octafish: A Tribute to Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band 2003. Animal World Recordings.
Various. Netmage 04 2004. Wire Magazine.
Various. New Music From Central and Eastern Europe: Tamizdat Comp Vol. 1 . Tamizdat.
Various. New Music Mondays Volume 1 . General Assembly, Zing Magazine.
Various. New York: Various Artists 2002. Apartment B.
Various. No Idea Festival 2004. Coincident Records.
Various. No Tribute .
Various. No W...NOW! (A Musical Petition Against George W. Bush) 2004. Passive Aggressive Records.
Various. OGX Compilation 1994-2004 .
Various. Old Tyme Lemonade 2004. Hospital Productions.
Various. Orkiestra Orchestra .
Various. Other Songs & Dances, Vol. 1 2006. Backlight Records.
Various. Palm Pictures Digital Press Kit Enhanced CD 1998. Palm Pictures.
Various. Paradoxes Of Enlargement 2002. Tedium House Publications.
Various. Pests At Party Place 2006. Black Lakes, Hymns.
Various. Ping Ambience 3- String Things 2005. A Ping Thing.
Various. Pirate Fuckin’ Radio 100 2000. Hip Hop Slam Records.
Various. Praeface 2003. Praemedia.
Various. Progress: The Trieste-Vladivostok Ctm.03 Line 2003. rx:tx.
Various. Radiant Dissonance: Ten Half Hour Radio Programs by Canadian Audio Artists 2003. Canadian Society For Independent Radio Production – RD2, The Canada Council for the Arts.
Various. Radio 4x4 at 'Rock's Role (After Ryoanji) 2004. free103point9.
Various. Radio Action III . free103point9.
Various. Radius Vol 2 .
Various. Raw Thug 2004. Unity Sound Archive, U-Sound Archive.
Various. Re: gression .
Various. Record Bin Roulette .
Various. Resonance Radio Issue 1997. London Musicians' Collective.
Various. Rising Up From the Ashes: Chronicles of a Dropout .
Various. Rock's Role (After Ryoanji) 2004. Art in General.
Various. Roland Sharp Country Doctor: Memories of a Life Well Lived 2012. Pochahontas Communications Cooperative.
Various. Room 40 . Room 40.
Various. RP4 - Beispiele Österreichischer Radiokunst 1992. ORF.
Various. Runeology 3: Recent And Forthcoming Releases On Rune Grammofon 2007 - 2008 2007. Wire Magazine.
Various. Sample This 2002. Wire Magazine, Hefty Records.
Various. Sampler No 3 2000. Blackbean and Placenta.
Various. Secrets and Sounds 2004. Animal Disguise.
Various. Seeing The Unseen: D.O.R. Almanac 2004 2004. Wire Magazine.
Various. Selections from: Peter Stuyvesant's Ghost 2006. free103point9.
Various. Self .
Various. Silence Descends .
Various. sing it softly to the pebbles .
Various. Som Desorganizado 2018. Sonoscopia.
Various. Som Desorganizado 2019. Sonoscopia.
Various. Songs Most Likely To Succeed Class of 2007 .
Various. Sonic Acts XI - The Anthology Of Computer Art 2006. free103point9.
Various. Sonic Arts 5.0 Cyprus .
Various. Sonic Process 2002. Milan.
Various. Sound Beat - A Trip Through the History of Recorded Sound .
Various. Sound Bites from the Counter Culture 1990. Atlantic.
Various. Sound Generation Audio Compilation #2 .
Various. Sounds from the Electronic Lounge 1998. React.
Various. Space is No Place - NYC: Noise From the Underground, Volume 2 2003. Psych-O-Path Records.
Various. Spin-17 1998. Quodlibet Recordings.
Various. Staubgold 2001. Wire Magazine.
Various. stock11 .
Various. Stone Breath, The Iditarod, In Gowan Ring, Drekka .
Various. Suilven - The First Ten 2005. Suilven Recordings.
Various. Sulphur: Compound 2001. Sulphur Records.
Various. Tactical Sound #5: Voice(s) of God(s) 2007. Free Matter For The Blind.
Various. Tapper 08 2002. Wire Magazine.
Various. Tapper 08 2001. Wire Magazine.
Various. Tapper 09 2002. Wire Magazine.
Various. Tapper 09 2001. Wire Magazine.
Various. Tapper 18 2007. Wire Magazine.
Various. Tapper 24 2010. Wire Magazine.
Various. Technology Doesn't Stop The Imp Next Door 1997. Dieyetribe Records.
Various. Telefonia: Selected Soundscape No 2 1991. For 4 Ears Records.
Various. Tensions at the Vanguard: New Music From Peru (1948-1979) 2012. Pogus Productions.
Various. The alt. min. fest. .
Various. The Best of Loh Down on Science .
Various. The Dead Beat CD .
Various. The Honeymoon Music Compilation 2005. Honeymoon Music.
Various. The Jump Arts American Road Project: Comin' At You .
Various. The Moth Radio Hour .
Various. The New Latinaires 3 2000. Ubiquity.
Various. The Pharmacy Mix Tape .
Various. The Unaccompanied Voice: An A Capella Compilation 2000. Secretly Canadian.
Various. The Vinyl Café Sample Show .
Various. The Wire Tapper 04 1999. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 05 2000. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 06 2000. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 07 2001. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 08 2002. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 09 2002. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 10 2003. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 11 2004. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 12 2004. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 13 2005. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 14 2005. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 15 2006. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 16 2006. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 17 2007. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 18 2007. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 19 2008. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 20 2008. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 21 2009. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 25 2011. Wire Magazine.
Various. The Wire Tapper 26 2011. Wire Magazine.
Various. This Is A Free Sampler .
Various. Tinker Compilation 1996. Tinker Recordings.
Various. Tramps Traitors & Little Devils 2001. Drag City.
Various. Travels of the Spider: Electroacoustic Music from Argentina 1998. Pogus Productions.
Various. Trimix 2006. Innova Recordings.
Various. Trr50 Thank You 2004. Temporary Residence Limited.
Various. Tunes on Toxic Terrain: WFMU Live From New Jersey 2004. WFMU.
Various. U-Sound Archive Vol. 09 .
Various. U-Sound Archive Vol. 15 .
Various. Various 2000. Intransitive Recordings.
Various. Various, Progress: The Trieste-Vladivostok Ex.04 Line 2004. rx:tx.
Various. Vestiarium Scoticum 2011. IO SOUND.
Various. Vic Dunlop's Comedy Hit Best - Introduction Soundsheet.
Various. Vision Volume One: Vision Festival 1997 Compiled 1998. AUM Fidelity.
Various. Visual Sound 2001. Mattress Factory.
Various. Voices In The Wilderness: Dissenting Soundscapes and Songs of G.W.'s America .
Various. WFMU Radio Archival Oddities Vol II 2004. WFMU.
Various. What? Are You On Drugs? 2002. Ant Lunch Musick.
Various. Whispers From The Forests, Screams From The Mountains 2007. Häpna, iDEAL Recordings, Kning Disk, Wire Magazine.
Various. White Noise: Volume II 2008. Dynamo Sound Collective.
Various (curated by Mel Brimfield). Radio Radio 2004. Revolver.
Various (feat: Taylor Deupree, Voice Crack, Kevin Drumm, Brume, Roel Meelkop, Michael Prime, Jason Lescalleet, Jerome Noetinger, John Watermann). Variious 2000. Intransitive Recordings.
Velocityut. Specimen 2005. Labour LTD.
Veloso, Caetano, and Gilberto Gil. Tropicalia 2 1994. Elektra Nonesuch.
Vernon, Mark. 130 in 1 (more adventures with electronic circuits) .
Vernon, Mark. Static Cinema 2012. Entr'acte.
Vertonen. Orchid Collider 2005. Crippled Intellect Productions.
Vertonen. Stations 2006. Crippled Intellect Productions.
Vertonen. The Ocean Is Gone, The Ship Is Next 2003. Ground Fault Recordings.
Vertonen. We Had A Few Sprinkles Today, But Not Enough To Help Out In The Garden 2009. Crippled Intellect Productions.
Vialka. Curiosities Of Popular Customs 2005. Self.
Vibracathedral Orchestra. MMICD 2001. Self.
Vibracathedral Orchestra. Music For Red Breath 1999. Self.
Vibracathedral Orchestra. Recorded In Leeds + Manchester 2002 2003. U-Sound Archive.
Vibracathedral Orchestra. The Queen Of Guess 2004. VHF Records.
Vic Thrill. CE-5 2002. Circus Clone Records.
Vigroux, Franck. Looking For Lilas 2004. D'Autres Cordes.
Viki. Viki 2006. Animal Disguise.
Viki, and Hair Police. Viki/Hair Police Split LP 2003. Scratch And Sniff Entertainment.
Vile, Kurt. Smoke Ring for My Halo 2011. Matador.
Vincebus Eruptum. Vincebus Eruptum 2003. Load Records.
Violet. Violet Ray Gas And The Playback Singers 2009. Zeromoon.
Violet, Nina. Lose Strife 2007. Self.
Violette, Andrew. Ultra Violette 2010. Innova Recordings.
Vitiello, Stephen. Buffalo Bass Delay 2005. Self.
Vitiello, Stephen. Chairs Not Stairs 1997. Self.
Vitiello, Stephen. Soundtracks 2010. SMTG Limited.
Vitiello, Stephen. The light of falling cars 2000. JdK.
Voodelic. Conjure .
Vopat. Lathe 2008. Inam Records.
Vorpal. An Incomplete Guide to Vorpal Music 2005. Cock Rock Disco.
Voudouris, Dimitri. Onta 2010. Pogus Productions.
Voudouris,Dimitri. Npfai.1/Palmos/Npfai.3/Praxis 2006. Pogus Productions.
Vowinckel, Antje. Call Me Yesterday 2005. Charhizma.
Wäldchengarten. In preparation of machines to fall 2002. Self.
Walkmen, and Calla. Split EP 2002. Troubleman Unlimited.
Walter & Sabrina. We Sing For The Future 2007. Danny Dark Records.
Ware Quartet, The David S.. Freedom Suite 2002. AUM Fidelity.
Ware Quartet, The David S.. Renunciation 2007. AUM Fidelity.
Ware, David S.. Go See The World 1998. Columbia.
Warmer Milks. Soft Walks 2008. Animal Disguise.
Washington, Sarah. 100 Words Per Metre .
Wasteland. All Versus All 2006. Transparent.
Wasteland. October 2004. Transparent.
Wasteland. Spirit Shots EP 2003. Transparent.
Watersports. For Demonstration . Water Tapes.
Watson, David. Fingering An Idea 2007. XI Records.
Watts, Trevor, and Veryan Weston. At Ad Libitum 2015. For-Tune.
Webb, TK. The Ungodly Hours 2001. Garnet Recordings.
WeFreeStrings. Love In The Form Of Sacred Outrage 2022. ESP-DISK.
Weiss, Allen, Various. Voice Tears 1996. New York University and MIT.
Wells, Jair-Rohm Parker. Exquisite Noise 2004. Glass Thought Communications.
Wenzel, Gerald . La Feria, design-Robert Merlak 2003. @pplication specific.
Werder, Felix. The Tempest 2007. Pogus Productions.
Westen, Geoff. The Pigs Oink! 2006. Disturbing Music.
Westen, Matt. Rashaya 2007. 7272Music.
Westen, Matt. Resistance Cruisers 2007. 7272Music.
Weston, Matt. Holler 2007. 7272 Music.
Weston, Matt. Last of the Six-Cylinders 2010. 7272 Music.
Weston, Matt. Not To Be Taken Away 2008. 7272 Music.
Weston, Matt. Seasick Blackout 2009. 7272 Music.
Wether. Skin Atonement 2007. Hymns.
Wexler, Mike. Sun Wheel 2007. Amish Records.
What's yr Damage?. Winter Tour '03-'04 .
White Rainbow. Prism Of Eternal Now 2007. Kranky.
White, Frances. In the Library of Dreams 2012. Pogus Productions.
Whitehead, Gregory. Bring Me The Head of Philip K. Dick .
Whitehead, Gregory. The Club .
Whitehead, Gregory. The Day King Hammer Fell From The Sky .
Whitehead, Gregory. The Loneliest Road .
Wi77!N6. Brotherhood Of The Backwards Handshake 2007. Evolving Ear.
Wickham-Smith. Love & Lamentation 2008. Pogus Productions.
Wickham-Smith, Simon. Love & Lamentation 2008. Pogus Productions.
Wiese, John. Ghost Call EP 2003. Hardisty-Disk.
Wiese, John. H 18 .
Wiese, John. Magical Crystal Blah Volume 3 2005. Kitty Play Records.
Wiese, John. Magnetic Stencil 2020. Helicopter.
Wiese, John, and Daniel Menche. Behold the Scathing Light 2004. Helicopter.
Willet, Jason. Sounds of Megaphone Unlimited 2008. MT6 Records.
William St Hugh. Anomoly 2023. Self released.
Williamson, Robin. The Seed-at-Zero 2000. ECM Records.
Willis, Diane and John Fish. Improvisations from the Other Side .
Willson, Brian. Things Heard Unheard 2005. Deep Listening.
Wilson Sextet, Tony. The People Look Like Flowers At Last 2009. Drip Audio.
Wilson, Brian, Dominic Duval, and Yuko Fujiyama. Things Heard Unheard 2005. Deep Listening Institute.
Wilson, Gary. You Think You Really Know Me 2002. Motel Records.
Wilson, Lee, and Bentley. Escondido Dreams 2007. Drip Audio.
Windsor for the Derby. Confianza / Visiones 2005. Acuarela Discos.
Windsor for the Derby. Giving Up the Ghost 2005. Secretly Canadian.
Windsor for the Derby. How We Lost 2008. Secretly Canadian.
Wish's, Larry. Soundtruck Music 2016. OSR Tapes.
Wishart, Trevor. Journey Into Space 2002. Paradigm Discs.
Wishart, Trevor. Voiceprints 2000. Electronic Music Foundation.
Witkowski, Eric. Vesper .
Woerner, Danielle. She Walks in Beauty .
Wójcinski, Ksawery. The Soul 2014. For-Tune.
Wolfram. Thinking Dust 2005. Monotype Records.
WoO. Mobi Rock 2007. rx:tx.
Woodstrup. Bart Bridger .
Wooley, Nate. The Almond 2011. Pogus Productions.
Worby, Robert. Factitious Airs (Electronic Music) 2019. Persistence of Sound.
Workbench. Live From The American Snake Machine 2005. Chocolate Monk.
Wounded Buffalo Theory. .
Wright, Jack, and Alban Bailly. The Harmony Of Contradictions 2008. Sort Of Records.
WWOZ 90.7-FM. New Orleans All the Way Live .
WWOZ 90.7-FM. Sounds of New Orleans - Play It Again .
Xen Pox. Talk to You Probably Soon 2004. Self.
Yamamoto, Eri. Duologue 2008. AUM Fidelity.
Yanoosh. Hibernate, 1000 miles from the earth 2009. rx:tx.
Yeah No. Swell Henry 2004. Squealer.
Yells at Eels. In Quiet Waters 2014. For-Tune.
Yen Pox. Yen Pox 1993. Circle 9.
Yeti, Gregg. A 32 Branched Candelabra of Evil .
Yeti, Gregg. The Ender's Mind (EP) 2005. Koala Syndicate.
Yo La Tengo. And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside-Out 2000. Matador.
Young People. Young People 2002. 5 Rue Christine.
Young, Roland P. Istet Serenade 2009. EM Records.
Younger. Default E P 2003. N/A.
Yukijurushi. Mott Haven 2005. H&H Production.
Z'EV. An Uns Momento 1999. Crippled Intellect Productions.
Zaimph. Serpent's Bite 2009. Heavy Blossom.
Zak, Keith,. My Winter At Sea We Were Mentioned In Passing .
Zanési, Christian. Soixante dix-huit tours 2009. double entendre.
Zap Mama. Adventures in Afropea 1 1993. Luaka Bop.
Zarougian, Laura. Nayri 2023. Nayri Music.
Zashiki-Warashi. Floor Child 2003. Conduit Creations.
Zavoloka. Viter 2007. Kvitnu.
Zelienople. Ink 2005. Loose Thread Recordings.
Zelienople. Sleeper Coach 2004. Loose Thread Recordings.
ZMF Trio. Circle The Path 2007. Drip Audio.
Zorn, John. FilmworksVI 1996 1996. Tzadik.
Zorn, Johnathan. For Rob Powers Suite no. 2 Additive Feedback .
Zorn, Johnathan. Ginger 2005. Experimental Musical Research.
Zorn, Johnathan, and Rachel Thompson. My Mind Was Matching What You Were Making .
Zu. The Way Of The Animal Power 2005. Xeng.
Zubot, Jesse. Dementia 2006. Drip Audio.
Zucker, Gabriel. Leftover Beats From The Edges of Time 2021. ESP.
ZZ Pot, Doctor Ninja. ZZ Pot Doctor Ninja 2004. Retard Riot.
Listening Library (LPs)
(). Autecidadas / Ocean_dB_Crash_Nue 2007. Parenthesis Music.
1-Speed Bike. Klootzak Keizer 2005. Broklyn Beats.
Afternoon Freak. The Blind Strut 2018. Joyful Noise Recordings.
American Band. Low Fiction 2009. Hot Releases.
Arnal, Jeff, and Dietrich Eichmann. Live In Hamburg 2007. Editions Brokenresearch.
Artanker Convoy. Ocean Parkway EP 2003. The Social Registry.
Avey Tare, Gang Gang Dance, Dufus, Black Dice, Moldy Peaches. February 25th Mercury Lounge 7:00 PM
Avey Tare, Panda Bear, Geologist. Hollinndagain 2002. .
Barker, Andrew, and Charles Waters Duo. Andrew Barker \ Charles Waters Duo 1997. Earmark Records.
Bellerue, Bob. Amplified Discovery 2020. Erratum Musical.
Bertucci, Lea. Acoustic Shadows 2020. SA Recordings.
Bhob Rainey. Two Bites Of A Bitter Sweet 2006. Evolving Ear.
Black Dice. Lost Valley 2002. Catsup Plate.
Bob & Bob. We’ve Been Seeing Things.*
Boonlorm. Omniscient Wildin’. 2019. Wilde Calm Records.
Bua, Matt, Matt Mikas, and Tom Roe. Of The Bridge 2001. free103point9.
Bullock, Michael. The Idea of Northeast 2001. Self.
Burning Star Core. A Brighter Summer Day 2002. Thin Wrist Recordings.
Cakes of Light. Save Your Self 2008. Heat Retention Records.
Chapman, Owen. Tree Tapping for VLF: Takes 1 + 2 at Wave Farm 2023.
Chapman, Owen, and Nik Forrest. Split Solstice 2023. Idler Wheel Records.
Chubby Behemoth. Chubby Behemoth 2008. Sound/Friends.
Concepción Huerta. The Earth Has Memory 2024. Elevator Bath.
Cooper-Moore. Cooper-Moore 2004. 50 Miles of Elbow Room.
Corpse Of Discovery With Bryan Zimmerman. Corpse Of Discovery With Bryan Zimmerman 2010. free103point9.
Criter. Wet Pain 2003. Broklyn Beats.
Criterion. Root Canal 2000. Broklyn Beats.
Dalt, Lucrecia, and Aaron Dilloway. Lucy & Aaron 2021. Hanson Records.
Dan Melchior's Broke Revue. Andover, Duluth, London 2002. Version City Records.
De Martinville, Édouard-Léon Scott. Au Clair De La Lune (1860) 2009. Parlortone.
Dichroics. Dichroics 2013. Self.
Dilloway, Aaron. The Gag File 2017. Dais Records.
Dilloway, Aaron, with Rose Actor-Engel, Twig Harper, C. Lavender, Quintron, Robert Turman, and John Wiese. Rozart Mix 2024. Hanson.
DJ /rupture. Redux 2005. Broklyn Beats.
Dream Skills. Signals and Decay 2020. Fortissimo Records.
Drop The Lime. 1 For The Team 2004. Broklyn Beats.
Embarker. Embarker 2008. Malleable Records.
Escalante, and Mottel. Chop Party 2018. Sploosh Records, Mottel Media.
Fennelly, Jaime, and W.O.O. Revelator. Everything Is Becoming So / An Ideal Being 2004. Happy Zloty.
Flossie And The Unicorns. Flossie And The Unicorns 1996. Hanson Records.
Forrest, Jason, and End. Ladies Get In Free!!! 2004. Broklyn Beats.
Fratila, Stefana. Swallowed Seeds / Knowing 2018. Self.
Gary War. New Raytheonport 2008. SHDWPLY Records.
GayBomb, and Ironing. Scratch Rat / Your Oxen Have Drowned 2007. Hymns, Isle of Man.
George Steeltoe Ensemble. Church Of Yuh 2006. Heat Retention Records.
Ghost Exits. Cincinnati Riot Blues EP 2003. The Social Registry.
Goldstein, Malcom. The Seasons: Vermont 1983. Folkways Records.
Goldstein, Ross. Trail Songs 2007. Specific Recordings.
Hamburger, Neil. Neil Hamburger Sings Country Winners 2008. Drag City.
Harper, James Twig. Intuitive American Esoteric Vol. 1 2004. Audiobot, Heresee, Ignivomous, No Sides, White Tapes.
Hassle Hound. Born In A Night 2010. Staubgold.
Helle, Una Hamilton. Nekrosus 2015 Last Post Recordings.
Human Adult Band. Sonic Enlightenment 2018. Third Uncle Records.
Jackson, Yvette Janine. Freedom: radio operas by Yvette Janine Jackson 2021. Fridman Gallery.
Janssen, Saskia. East/West, Paradise In Reverse (Music From The Two Towns Of Lijiang) 2005. Self.
Japanther. Challenge 2007. Menlo Park Recordings.
Japanther. Rock'N'Roll Ice Cream 2010. Menlo Park Recordings.
Japanther. The Operating Manual For Life Here On Earth 2004. Menlo Park Recordings.
JOMF. Change 2003. Ecstatic Peace!, U-Sound Archive.
Julius, Rolf. Lullaby for the Fishes 1985. Künstlerhaus Bethanien.*
Keddie, Victoria. Electrona in Crystallo Fluenti [ECF] 2022. Victoria Keddie and Fridman Gallery.
Kouns, Zack, and Gaybomb. Nature's Orphans / A Bomb A Nation 2007. Isle Of Man.
Krukowski, Damon, and Ezra Pound. Sestina: Altaforte 2015. Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts.
Lesson Lesson Lessen Relearn, and Russian Tsarlag. Ultra Cultural Bummer / The Master's Speech 2009. West Palm Beotch.
Limp Lungs / The Fas'ners. Punk Cliches 2004. Cephia's Treat, Black Lakes.
Liturgy. Immortal Life 2008. Infinite Limbs.
Magik Markers. I Trust My Guitar, Etc. 2004. Ecstatic Peace!, Apostasy Recordings.
Mammal. Let Me Die 2006. Animal Disguise.
Mammal. No Hope 2006. Chondritic Sound.
Mikas, Matt. Interactive Audio Response Kit . free103point9.
Misterholmes & The Brotherhood, and CSC Funk Band. Thrift Store Find 2011. Light In The Attic.
Monk, Meredith. Dolmen Music 1981. ECM Records.*
Monk, Meredith. Turtle Dreams 1983. ECM Records.*
Monotract. Pagu 2002. Public Eyesore.
Mouthus. Loam 2004. Ecstatic Peace!.
Mouthus / Ground Monkeys / Dosdedos / Tan As Fuck. Untitled . Heat Retention Records.
MSHR. Liquid Conglomerate Presence Cycle 2021. Ehse Records.
Mudboy. Hungry Ghosts! These Songs Are Doors (Volume 5) 2007. Not Not Fun Records.
MV & EE. Ragas Of The Culvert 2008. Three Lobed Recordings.
Nature Films. Dream Kitche 2013. Sueño Sounds.
Nautical Almanac. Cisum 2003. Heresee.
Nautical Almanac. Transcriptedivisions 2001. Hanson Records.
Nautical Almanac, and Vertonen. Split 2004. Crippled Intellect Productions.
Negativland. Speech Free 2022. Seeland.
Negativland. The World Will Decide 2020. Seeland.
O'Gallagher, Liam. People's Opera aka Aerosal/ or the Computer That Couldn't Hear: An Inter-Media Opera 2014. Slowscan.
Occasional Detroit, and GayBomb. Collaboration 2007. Isle Of Man.
Occasional Detroit, and M.C. Trachiotomy. Split 2004. Ignivomous.
Onda, Aki. Nam June's Spirit Was Speaking To Me 2020. Recital Seventy Three.
Osborne, Brian, and Marc Zajack. Brian Osborne / Marc Zajack 2007. Heat Retention Records.
Ottavi, Julien and Joachim Montessuis. Snow Crash 2021. Erratum.
Out Like Lambs. Not So Winter Waltz 2009. Music Of The Spheres.
Outhud, and !!!. Lab Series Vol. 2 1999. Gold Standard Laboratories.
Panicsville. Imperfection Of The Organism 2003. Scratch And Sniff Entertainment.
Parts & Labor. Escapers One 2006. Broklyn Beats.
Peeesseye. Pestilence & Joy 2010. Evolving Ear.
Piotrowicz, Robert, and C. Spencer Yeh. Ambient 2012. Bocian Records.
Previte, Bobby. Pathways for Drum Set 2024. Open World Music/ASCAP.
Quintron. I.F. 001-011 2000. Bulb Records.
Reed, Rick. The Symmetry of Telemetry 2023. Sedimental and Elevator Bath.
Rehnlund, Jeff. Gangnam Basement 2009. Hot Releases.
Reich, Steve. Drumming 1987. Elektra Nonesuch.
Rolnick, Neil B. Solos 1984. 1750 Arch Records.*
Roden, Steve. “the radio - airria (hanging garden) - vein stem is calm” 2021. Sonoris.
Ryals, Matthew. We Could Make the Ride Better for Everyone 2016. Behind Glass Records.
Scarcity of Tanks. Garford Mute 2017 Total Life Society.
Sejayno. Sedainty 2006. Heresee, Shinkoyo, Skulls Of Heaven, BOC Sound Laboratories, Ignivomous.
Sharks With Wings / Paper Legs. Two Unsuccessful Bros / Brownfield's Red Field 2005. Heat Retention Records, Send Help.
Sheffield, Colin Andrew. Images 2023. Elevator Bath.
Sissy Spacek, and Smegma. Ballast 2020. Gilgongo Records.
Son of Earth. Improvements 2009. Amish Records.
Space Song Foundation Tree Songs Art Center 2024. Space Song Foundation.
Stargate. Disinformation 1996. Ash International.
Sword Heaven, and 16 Bitch Pile-Up. Come Here, Sandy 2004. Gameboy Records, Cephia's Treat.
Talibam!, and Wasteland Jazz Unit. Ecstatic Jazz Duos 2008. Thor's Rubber Hammer Productions.
Tapper, Dan. Cosmic Library, Saturn Edition 1 . .
Temperatures. Ymir 2007. Heat Retention Records.
The Good Good. A Fem Era 2005. Harlan Records.
The SB. The SB 2005 White Tapes.
The SB. Who Will Feed Them 2006. Qbico.
Tone, Yasunao, Talibam!, and Sam Kulik. Double Automatism 2015. Karlrecords.
Total Life. Total Life 2007. Animal Disguise.
Valentine, Matt. Space Chanteys 2002. Fringes Recordings.
Valentine, Matt. Glorious Group Therapy 2003. Father Yod, Ecstatic Peace!.
Various. Breakthrough: An Amazing Experiment in Electronic Communication with the Dead 2016. VISTA.
Various. Timara: Electroacoustic Music At Oberlin 2017. Hanson Records.
Various. Spontaneous Consumer Frenzy! 1990. Pop Records.
Various. I Want The Beatles To Play At My Art Center! 2012. Prisma Records.
Various. SNSE Fall Catalog 2003 2003. Scratch and Sniff Entertainment.
Various. Constructive Engagement 2002. free103point9.
Various. Almost Invisible 2002. Cephia's Treat.
Various. QBICO U-Nite New York I 2004. Qbico.
Various. Home Schooled - The ABCs Of Kid Soul 2007. Numero Group.
Various Artists. Spontaneous Consumer Frenzy . .
Verdun. Two Archipelagos 2007. .
Vernon & Burns meet Lied Music. Lost Lake 2011. Shadazz.
Vernon, Mark. Sounds Of The Modern Hospital 2014. Meagre Resource.
Vitiello, Stephen. Dowsing 2012. Farpoint Recordings.
Weise, John. Seven of Wands 2019. Gilgongo Records.
Weston, Matt. A New Form of Chrime 2019. 7272 Music.
Wet Tuna. Eau'd to a fake Bookie Volumes 1 & 2 2021. Hive Mind Records.
What's Yr Damage?, and Byron House. Kick Food Into Your Mouth . Cephia's Treat, Black Lakes.
William Duckworth. The Time Curve Preludes 1983. Lovely Music, Ltd.*
Wolf Eyes. Wolf Eyes w/ Spykes 2023. HN_AM Records.
Wooden Shjips. Shrinking Moon For You 2006. Self.
Woods, Sadie, and Matt Woods. Gimme Shelter Mixtape 2023. The Vinyl Factory and Black Madonna Press.
Yeh, C. Spencer, Okkyung Lee, and Lasse Marhaug. Wake Up Awesome 2013. Software.
Yeh, C. Spencer. Transitions 2012. De Stijl.
Yek Koo. Alone Together #3 – Oh Woman / Flame Creation 2011. Emerald Cocoon.
Yoder, Scott. Ways of Love 2017. Greenway Records.
Yulman, Nick. Warsaw Machines & Songs 2012. Bone Conductor Records.
*Donated to the Wave Farm Study Center in 2022 from the personal library of John G. Hanhardt.
Listening Library (Cassettes)
A.M. Salad. Recycled Music . RRRecords.
A.M. Salad, and The SB. Split 2006. White Tapes.
Allen, Valerie. Allen, Valerie 2004. Self.
Audible Bite. Audible Bite 2023: Capsule 2024. Tripticks Tapes.
Big Whiskey. Hats Off To (Ryan) Taylor 2005. White Tapes.
Bird & Renoult. Gold Lines 2023. gruenrekorder.
Capote, Juan Matos. Jabal 2009. Circuit Torçat.
Collins, Nicolas, and Robert Poss. Inverse Guitar 1988. Trace Elements Records.
Cutler, Grant. Garden 2023. Self released.
Damon Smith/Louis Wall/NNN Cook. Fire Point. 2022. Notice Recordings.
Dark Inside The Sun. So That I May Not Die While I Am Still Alive 2003. Yeay! Cassettes.
Decrepit Jaw. Tape Cartridge One 2009. Self.
Decrepit Jaw. Cross Culture Communication Channel . .
Dilloway, Aaron. At Wave Farm Plus 2020. Hanson Records.
Dilloway, Aaron. Live at Tusk 2015. Hanson Records.
Dilloway, Aaron. The Absence of Milk in the Mouths of the Loaf. Hanson Records.
Dilloway, Aaron, and C. Lavender. Secret Destroyed Instantly 2020. Hanson Records.
E.N.. In The Order And Out 2000. Cephia's Treat.
Ewen, Sandy, and Jason Nazary A Beaded Gesture 2023. Notice Recordings.
Harper, Twig. Classical Electronics 2021. Radical Documents.
Harper, Twig. Hanson Records.
Howardian. Land Of The Low Tides 2015. Bufu Records.
Human Adult Band. Waxy Gibby 2023.
Ironing, and Oubliette. Dirty Hissy Tapes 2006. Stentorian Tapes.
Key Largo. Lux Radio Theatre 1998. Radio Spirits, Inc.
Kutler, Jen. Sonified Physiological Indicators of Empathy 2021. Cacophonous Revival Recordings.
Malcom Goldstein, Fred Lonberg-Holm. Missa Amissa. 2022. Notice Recordings.
MAW Live Recordings 2023. Notice Recordings.
MichaelSnow. 2 Radio Solos 1988. Freedom In A Vacuum.
Most Serene Congress, and Christopher Funkhouser. Most Serene Congress 2017. Letter [r] Press.
Motl, Kyle and Partrick Shiroishi. Apparitions 2022. Notice Recordings.
Onda, Aki. A Method To Its Messiness 2019. Thalamos.
Pg Six and Louise Bock. All Summer Long is Gone 2021. Feeding Tube.
Postman Agitator. Golden Hour Recovery 2023. Motor Unit Records.
Price, Seth. Industrial Fist 2003. free103point9.
Raccoo-oo-oon. Is Night People 2005. Night People.
Sala, Arnau. La Joia D'Agredir 2009. Circuit Torçat.
Sisters Akousmatica. Sisters Akousmatica #1 Compilation 2017.
Steffey, Daniel. Discords And Dysrhythmia 2013. Turmeric Magnitudes.
Sunik Kim. Raid on the White Tiger Regiment. 2022. Notice Recordings.
the comeapart. Compartments 2022. Self.
The Heroic Quartet. Yes to Everything. Yes to America . .
Thee Black One. #3 “Show Me Your Instincts” 2001. D.I.H.D..
Van Alebeek, Rinus. Taoist Attack 2005. White Tapes.
Various. Pitchtree, Peachtree, Nickel Bottom, too - Poem 88 2016. Self.
Various. Radiotuesday 1999. .
Various. The 60 Greatest Old Time Radio Shows Of The 20th Century Selected By Walter Cronkite 1999. Radio Spirits.
Various. The Best of Suspense (Radio's Outstanding Theater of Thrills) 1989. Great Tapes.
Yoder, Scott. A Fool Aloof 2018. Burger Records.
Young, Jeremy. Chants Beneath The Bed Of The Furnace Brook 2015. Self.
Zhu Wenbo and Zhu Songjie Magnet Blues 2023. Notice Recordings.
. Sympathy for the Devil . .