Research Library

Study Center Viewing Library
Viewing Library
Acconci, Vito. Running Tape (1969) . Electronic Arts Intermix.
Acconci, Vito. Ten Packed Minutes (1977) . Electronic Arts Intermix.
Acconci, Vito. The Red Tapes 1976. Art Metropole.
Adachi, Tonomi, Jaap Blonk, Duane Ingalls, and Owen F. Smith. 4 Contemporary Sound Poets 2016. Pogus Productions.
Ahearn, Charlie. Kiki in the Flesh: on artist Kiki Smith. Pow Wow Productions.
Allen, Christopher, and Diego Echeverréia (Dir.). Living Los Sures, Los Sures 2015. UnionDocs.
Anderson, Laurie, Glenn Branca, Lydia Lunch, and Alan Vega. Various works. Baldwin, Craig. Sonic Outlwas 1995. .
Blumberg, Skip. Best Videos . Self.
Blumberg, Skip. Nam June Paik: Lessons From The Video Master 2006. Facts Video.
Burian-Mohr, Gabriel, David Galbraith, David Matorin, and Andrew Neumann. Radio 4x4 at 'Rock's Role (After Ryoanji)' 2004. free103point9.
Castelnuovo-Hollander, Rina, and Tamir Elterman. MUHI - Generally Temporary 2016. Chicken & Egg Pictures.
Castro, Raquel. Soundwalkers 2009. Portugal Soundwalkers.
Dewan, Brian. Pop filmstrip 2015. .
Dewan, Brian. Focus: The Collected Filmstrips of Brian Dewan Vol. 1 2008. Self.
Diaz, Ramona S. (Dir.). Motherland (Bayang Ina Mo) 2016. Chicken & Egg Pictures.
Disinformation. Archive DVD . Self.
Dixon, David. David Dixon is Dead. 2012. Self.
Dubbin, Melissa, and Aaron Davidson. Exercism: LMCC Open Studio, Small Works Show . Self.
Dubbin, Melissa, and Aaron Davidson. Exhibition Copy: Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima, Gulf of Tonkin to the Fall of Saigon, Arab-Israeli Conflicts . Self.
Eames, Charles, Ray Eames, and Eames Demetrios. The Films of Charles & Ray Eames: Volume 1: Powers of Ten 2000. Eames Office.
Goetze, Volker. Griot 2014. Weitblick Media.
Goss, Jacqueline. The Observers 2011. Self.
Graham, Dan. Two-Way Mirror Cylinder Inside Cube and a Video Salon. 1992. Dia.
Graydon, Andy. Fig.1 (these things we know) 2015. Honolulu Museum of Art.
Groschup, Sabine. (JC{639}) 2001. Self.
Hesselmeier, Martin, and Karin Lingnau. SARoskop 2007. Self.
Hill, Gary. Sites Recited 1994. Long Beach Museum of Art.
Hocking, Ralph I.. Work 1969 to 1986 . Institute for Electronic Arts, Alfred University.
Jacobs, Ken. 3 features and a short . Self.
Japanther. Dump the Body in Rikki Lake 2006. Menlo Park.
Jordan, Jim, and Marion Jordan. Fibber McGee and Molly 1991. Radio Spirits.
Kleine, Andrea. . Self.
Lahey, Michael (Dir.). Making Waves 2004. Jump Cut Films.
Latitude/Longitude. New + Used: free103point9 9th Anniversary Show 2006. free103point9.
Lee, Iara (Dir.). Modulations: Cinema for the Ear 1998. Caipirinha Foundation.
Lovelace, Paul, and Jessica Wolfson (Dir.). Radio Unnameable 2012. Lost Footage Films.
LoVid. CollectivEye DVD #3 2005. collectivEye.
LoVid. Title unknown.
Lyon, and Ingoglia (Dir.). i: Argentine, Indymedia, and the Questions of Communication 2005. Self.
Martin, Darrin. Recent Artworks by Darrin Martin . Self.
Media Bus. Greetings from Laneville 1976. Electronic Arts Intermix.
Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Park Avenue Armory Event 2012. Cunningham Dance Foundation, Artpix.
Milutis, Joe. The Idea of South 2006. Self.
Nauheim, Terry. Rotating (in Four Movements) 2006. Self.
Nauheim, Terry. Propagation Seems Good Here Tonight 2009. Self.
O'Connor, Andrew. Support Material: Parking Meter Party, Frequent Mutilations . Self.
O'Connor, Andrew. Support Material: Music Witness, Live Mutilation . Self.
O'Connor, Andrew. Support Material: Clips of Milford Graves . Self.
Olson, Marisa. Marisa Olson . Self.
Schweninger, Duff, and Pamela Seymour Smith Sharp. Franklin Street Arts Center 1975-1978 2010. The Willoughby Sharp Archive.
Stearns, Phillip. Apeiron | Peras V & VI 2009. Self.
Tambellini, Aldo. Cathodic Works 1966-1976 2012. Von.
Van Soest, Landon (Dir.). Good Fortune 2010. Transient Pictures, POV.
Various. Campfire Sounds 2007. Self.
Various. Citadel . Self.
Various. cITy: internationaler\\ \medien\kunstpreis 2000. 2000. ZKM: Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe; Academy Schloss Solitude.
Various. DIY Micropower Radio Workshop 1998. Paper Tiger Television.
Various. Documenta: Profiling four decades of exhibition history 1997. CIS Gmb H/documenta Archiv.
Various. ETC Experimental Television Center 1969-2009 2009. Experimental Television Center.
Various. I Want The Beatles To Play At My Art Center! Video From the Henie Onstad Kunstsenter Archives 1968-2012 2012. Prisma Records.
Various. Radio Film Studies Vo. 1 . neuroTransmitter.
Various. SAT [9+1] 2002. Société des arts technologiques.
Various. Selected Shorts . SymphonySpace, WNYC.
Various. The Workshop of the Film Form (1970-1977): Early Film Work From Poland . Electronic Arts Intermix.
Various. Twaalf Uur Puur Beeld En Gelud 1997. P.A.R.K. 4D TV.
Various. V.19: Communication 2011. Aspect Magazine.
Various. Video Tune(In))) 2004. Electronic Arts Intermix.
Various. Waves: Video Documentary of Art + Communication festival and Waves exhibition in Riga, 2006 2008. RIXC, MPLab.
Various. What Democracy Looks Like . Free Speech TV.
Videofreex. Videofreex Pirate TV Show 1969-1978 2013. .
Viola, Bill. The Passing. Art Video.
Zalben, Jonathan. Reel 2004. Self.