Standing Wave Radio
Radia: Radia_184_Radio Action III
Oct 09, 2008: 2pm - 11:59 pm
free103point9 Online Radio
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY +
Produced by a different "Radia" station each week.
This 28-minute program for the Radia network profiles free103point9's recent "Radioa Action III" project. "Radio Action III" is a special program for Radio Web MACBA and a free103point9 Audio Dispatch CD. RWM is a radio-phonic project on the MACBA (Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona) website that explores the possibilities of the internet and radio as spaces of synthesis and exhibition. Radio Action III features five-minute sounds works conceptually tied to 'Radio' as instrument or theme, composed by free103point9 Transmission Artists working in collaborative teams. This program features tracks from The Dust Dive and Latitude/Longitude; Tom Roe and Scanner; Joshua Fried and Todd Merrell; neuroTransmitter; and 31 Down and Matt Bua.
Radia is hosted by rotating members of Radia Network including free103point9 (NYC) and Radio Campus, Radio Grenouille, Kanal 103, Lemurie TAZ, Orange 94.0, Resonance FM, Tilos Radio, Radio Zero, Radio Panik, bootlab, InterSpace, and Orf Kunstradio. Airs Thursdays on free103point9 Online Radio, 2-2:30 p.m. (ET, -4 GMT).