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Report says well inspections 'inadequate'

Jul 19, 2012 5:20 am
Brian Nearing writes in the Times Union a new report from Earthworks Oil & Gas Accountability Project, a group against high-impact hydraulic fracturing, asserts that New York State lags in inspecting oil and gas wells, and is not ready to handle what could be a deluge of wells if it allows natural gas hydraulic fracturing. The group compared New York's inspection and enforcement history for petroleum wells to states where fracking is already in use — Pennsylvania, Texas, Ohio, New Mexico and Colorado, and found one in four of the state's 10,134 wells were inspected by Dept. of Environmental Conservation during 2010. This percentage was far less than Texas, New Mexico or Colorado, but superior to Pennsylvania or Ohio. During the last decade, the number of wells in New York climbed from about 9,000 to nearly 10,500, while the number of inspections dropped from nearly 3,500 a year to about 2,500 a year. Read the full story in the Times Union.