WGXC-90.7 FM

WGXC Ski Report: Events for long weekend
Feb 15, 2013 12:02 am
The cold returns to winter this weekend, with a smattering of snowflakes also forecast, and several events for President's Day weekend at local ski resorts. Catamount Ski in Hillsdale is raising money for the Roe Jan Food Pantry with a chili contest in the Tavern at Catamount Sun., Feb. 17. Catamount has 26 of 33 trails open, and four of six lifts, over 18"-38" of snow. Hunter Mountain has fireworks Saturday night, over 18"-60" of snow. Windham Mountain has six lifts and 41 trails open over 14"-40" of snow, and local musicians Sonny Rock and Tas Cru performing Sunday afternoon. Click here to play clip.
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