Amateur Radio Relay League hosts Field Day nationwide this weekend, where amateur radio operators work as many stations as possible on any and all amateur bands (excluding the 60, 30, 17, and 12-meter bands) and to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions. On the fourth weekend of June of each year, more than 35,000 radio amateurs gather with their clubs, groups or friends to operate from remote locations. Field Day transmissions will be beaming from Cairo, Philmont, East Greenbush, Albany, and elsewhere. "Saturday Morning Serial on WGXC from 9 a.m. until noon will attempt to tune in some of the broadcasts.
Local Field Day participants:
• WW2FD RECWA Cairo, NY GOTA: no Talk-in: N2LEN repeater System Contact: Charles Alfano 5163024064 wa2gug@arrl.net www.recwa.org
• wd2k Rip Van Winkle Amateur Radio Society Philmont, NY Mellenville, NY GOTA: no Talk-in: 147.210 Contact: Stan Engel 518-392-4554 wa2uet@taconic.net rvwars.com The Annual Field Day will be held on June 28-29 at the Claverack Town Park. Jules/K2KGJ is going to chair the event this year.
• N2LL Overlook Mountain Amateur Radio Club 41.8987, -74.0466 Rosendale, NY GOTA: YES Talk-in: 146.745 Contact: Bruce Whistance 845-331-5331 n2zac@arrl.net
• W2EGB East Greenbush Amateur Radio Association 710 Columbia Turnpike East Greenbush, NY GOTA: no Contact: Tom Scorsone 518-272-1494 kc2fcp@nycap.rr.com http://www.w2egb.org
• K2CT Albany Amateur Radio Association 1 Hales Cave Rd Voorheesville, NY GOTA: YES Talk-in: 145.19- 103.5 PL Contact: David Galletly 5184218324 km2o@arrl.net k2ct.org
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WRIP DJ Sonny Rock, from WRIP website.[/caption]
Adam Clayton in the Register Star reports that
local radio DJ Sonny Rock -- host of "Local Licks" Tuesdays 6-9 p.m. on WRIP (97.9-FM) -- talked an unidentified man off the Rip Van Winkle Bridge recently on his way to play drums at Helsinki Hudson. Rock talked to the man until another man he seemed to know appeared to also talk him off the bridge. "Greene County 911 and Columbia County 911 said no one made any calls to them regarding the potential jumper," Clayton writes, reporting that the Catskill Police Department also did not receive any reports of an incident. "Rock said he believes the incident happened so fast many people had no idea what was happening, and that there probably was not enough time for anyone to call the police."
Read the full story in the Register-Star.