WGXC-90.7 FM

Thursday headlines PM
Apr 21, 2011 4:17 pm
Apparent Change of Policy at the Register-Star
Carole Osterink writes about changes to the online version of Hudson-Catskill Newspapers, including the Register-Star, Daily Mail, Chatham Courier, Windham Journal, Greene County News, Ravena News-Herald and Mountain Eagle, forcing all readings to now register and log in to read what's happening. "Is this a prelude to charging for online access to the newspaper?" Osterink asks, noting that the new policy will inhibit her blog, and WGXC's Newsroom, from providing quick link to this vital news source's timely and well-written news.
Rodgers’ residency an issue for some
Jamie Larson of the Register-Star reports of new concerns that Democratic 1st Ward Alderman candidate Timothy Rodgers, who was set to be appointed to a city commissioner of deeds position earlier this week, does not actually live in Hudson, but in the Greene County town Coxsackie. "The council decided that while they looked into the discrepancy they would vote to amend the appointment resolution to remove Rodgers’ name," Larson writes, noting the discovery that all such appointees must either live in the city of Hudson or work in the city. If they just work in Hudson they must live within Columbia County. "Immediately when I found out I called Victor and others,” said Rodgers, adding that the rental arrangement he had been banking on fell through last week. “I am actively pursuing finding permanent residence in Hudson.” Victor Mendolia, the Hudson Democratic Party chairman and WGXC programmer (@Issue, on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM) is quoted saying that he didn't know that just working in Hudson did not qualify Rodgers for the position. “I as a commissioner of deeds just have to witness that he is who he says he is. There’s nothing fishy about it at all,” Mendolia is quoted saying, along with his opinion that the complaints against Rodgers were political in nature.
Room at the inn for NYC chefs
Miguel Madera of the Greene County News reports on Greene County Industrial Development Agency Executive Director Sandy Mathes' recent speech to the Greenville Town Board about the IDA’s acquisition of the Freehold Country Inn. "Mathes said the purchase was made with a clean title. The IDA has already done a significant amount of site improvement including waste and automobile removals," Madera writes. "The IDA has plans to lease the establishment to an individual with a strong background in the restaurant field." Mathes added that the IDA has been in contact with Bridget Briggs, a cookbook author from Manhattan, and is shopping the business to various chefs in the New York City area.
Chief Boehme reinstated part time; Curran, DelRossi try go get new ideas passed
Paul Crossman reports in the Chatham Courier on the first meeting of the Chatham Village Board where the swearing in of new Mayor Tom Curran and new board member Joanne DelRossi occurred before one of the most "well attended meetings since last year’s proposed tax increase, with standing room only in the village courthouse." One of the key issues was whether or not to reinstate retired village police Chief Kevin Boehme, the departing mayor's brother, on a part time basis. The motion passed despite the new mayor's objections. I’m not ready to approve this until we’ve gone through the budgeting process,” said Curran.
Music, chorus programs safe at WAJ
Michael Ryan writes in the Windham Journal on the saving of music and chorus programs in the proposed Windham-Ashland-Jewett Central budget, set to be voted on May 17. "A larger than normal-sized crowd of residents, parents, teachers and students showed up for the school board’s passage of the annual financial package which over the past few springs has provided little if any fanfare," Ryan writes. "School superintendent John Wiktorko expressed satisfaction with the budget and the budget process, saying 'a lot of hard work went into making sure we would continue to provide strong programming for our students in a way that is sustainable by the community.'” School board members did not take comments or questions from the public, only passing the budget and making a few appointments. More issues are expected to arise when a public hearing on the spending plan is held on May 10.
Carole Osterink writes about changes to the online version of Hudson-Catskill Newspapers, including the Register-Star, Daily Mail, Chatham Courier, Windham Journal, Greene County News, Ravena News-Herald and Mountain Eagle, forcing all readings to now register and log in to read what's happening. "Is this a prelude to charging for online access to the newspaper?" Osterink asks, noting that the new policy will inhibit her blog, and WGXC's Newsroom, from providing quick link to this vital news source's timely and well-written news.
Rodgers’ residency an issue for some
Jamie Larson of the Register-Star reports of new concerns that Democratic 1st Ward Alderman candidate Timothy Rodgers, who was set to be appointed to a city commissioner of deeds position earlier this week, does not actually live in Hudson, but in the Greene County town Coxsackie. "The council decided that while they looked into the discrepancy they would vote to amend the appointment resolution to remove Rodgers’ name," Larson writes, noting the discovery that all such appointees must either live in the city of Hudson or work in the city. If they just work in Hudson they must live within Columbia County. "Immediately when I found out I called Victor and others,” said Rodgers, adding that the rental arrangement he had been banking on fell through last week. “I am actively pursuing finding permanent residence in Hudson.” Victor Mendolia, the Hudson Democratic Party chairman and WGXC programmer (@Issue, on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM) is quoted saying that he didn't know that just working in Hudson did not qualify Rodgers for the position. “I as a commissioner of deeds just have to witness that he is who he says he is. There’s nothing fishy about it at all,” Mendolia is quoted saying, along with his opinion that the complaints against Rodgers were political in nature.
Room at the inn for NYC chefs
Miguel Madera of the Greene County News reports on Greene County Industrial Development Agency Executive Director Sandy Mathes' recent speech to the Greenville Town Board about the IDA’s acquisition of the Freehold Country Inn. "Mathes said the purchase was made with a clean title. The IDA has already done a significant amount of site improvement including waste and automobile removals," Madera writes. "The IDA has plans to lease the establishment to an individual with a strong background in the restaurant field." Mathes added that the IDA has been in contact with Bridget Briggs, a cookbook author from Manhattan, and is shopping the business to various chefs in the New York City area.
Chief Boehme reinstated part time; Curran, DelRossi try go get new ideas passed
Paul Crossman reports in the Chatham Courier on the first meeting of the Chatham Village Board where the swearing in of new Mayor Tom Curran and new board member Joanne DelRossi occurred before one of the most "well attended meetings since last year’s proposed tax increase, with standing room only in the village courthouse." One of the key issues was whether or not to reinstate retired village police Chief Kevin Boehme, the departing mayor's brother, on a part time basis. The motion passed despite the new mayor's objections. I’m not ready to approve this until we’ve gone through the budgeting process,” said Curran.
Music, chorus programs safe at WAJ
Michael Ryan writes in the Windham Journal on the saving of music and chorus programs in the proposed Windham-Ashland-Jewett Central budget, set to be voted on May 17. "A larger than normal-sized crowd of residents, parents, teachers and students showed up for the school board’s passage of the annual financial package which over the past few springs has provided little if any fanfare," Ryan writes. "School superintendent John Wiktorko expressed satisfaction with the budget and the budget process, saying 'a lot of hard work went into making sure we would continue to provide strong programming for our students in a way that is sustainable by the community.'” School board members did not take comments or questions from the public, only passing the budget and making a few appointments. More issues are expected to arise when a public hearing on the spending plan is held on May 10.