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Grants for Greene and Columbia artists and organizations
Jul 08, 2010 6:44 pm
From the Greene County Council on the Arts:
Workshop Dates & Locations
Applicants may attend in either county regardless of residence. The first six will primarily cover Project Support grant categories, with less emphasis on the Individual Artist category. The final two will address only Individual Artist Grants.
Greene County
· Wednesday, July 28,. Athens Cultural Center, 24 Second St, Athens. 5:45 – 7:45 PM
· Sat, July 31, Catskill Mountain Foundation, Main St, Hunter. 10 AM – 12 Noon.
· Tues, Aug. 17, Greeneville Library, Community Room, Route 81, Greenville. 5:45 – 7:45 PM.
· Wed, Sept 1 INDIVIDUAL ARTIST GRANT WORKSHOP ONLY. Greene County Council on the Arts, 398 Main St, Catskill. 6 – 7:30 PM
Columbia County
· Mon, Aug 9, Kinderhook Library, 18 Hudson St, Kinderhook. 5:30 – 7:30 PM.
· Thurs, Aug 12, Roeliff Jansen Community Library, 2609 Rte 23, Hillsdale. 5:45 – 7:45 PM.
· Sat, Aug. 14, Columbia County Council on the Arts, 209 Warren St, Hudson. 10 AM – 12 Noon.
· Mon, Aug 30, INDIVIDUAL ARTIST GRANT WORKSHOP ONLY. Hudson Opera House, 327 Warren St, Columbia St, Hudson 6 – 7:30 PM
Interested individuals should contact our DEC Coordinator at 518-943-3400 or Colettegcca@hotmail.com for further information or to register. The Decentralization Program (DEC) is funded by the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) and administered by your local arts council. Consequently, Decentralization funding does not support organizations already receiving funding directly from NYSCA.
Applications for the Twin Counties Cultural Fund Decentralization Program for Columbia and Greene Counties are available for the 2011 funding cycle. Could your organization use a boost to its arts programming? Are you an artist with an idea for an interesting public program or a community inspired idea for your own original work? Do you represent a village, library or other nonprofit that wishes to showcase the rich natural and historical heritage of our region through literature, music, film, or visual arts? We may have the solution! This year DEC programs offer two categories of support. Project Support for Not-for-Profit Organizations awards grants to community-based nonprofit organizations, local municipalities, towns and villages. Conduit – Artist Project Support awards individuals or artistic teams who partner with a nonprofit the opportunity to apply for project support. The conduit (nonprofit) agency acts solely as a fiscal manager while the idea is initiated and implemented by the artist or artistic team. Applicants may request up to $5,000 in support. Due to the number of quality applications, average awards are usually $1000-$1500. Have a solid idea but lack a nonprofit sponsor? Our DEC Coordinator may be able to help. Funding for both types of projects is primarily intended to be applied toward artist fees for cultural and arts programs that increase appreciation for the arts and provide a direct and easily accessible benefit to the public. Deadline for 2011 Project Support & Conduit-Artist applications is Saturday, Sept. 11, 2010. We also anticipate having a second category of funds available – Individual Artist Grants. The Individual Artist Grant Program offers $2,500 to artists (visual, performing, or literary) for the creation of a new body of work that significantly challenges the artist AND creates a dialogue with the local community. “Community” can be defined as geographic, racial, ethnic, or philosophical. Community engagement can be accomplished in a number of ways: through setting, creative interaction between artist and community, public participation and input, etc. These grants are not artist fellowships and are intended to support original works by imaginative artists interested in engaging in discourse with a community. Deadline for 2011 Individual Artist Grant applications is Oct. 2, 2010. Both categories of funding are competitive, and proposals are reviewed by individuals from the local community who are sensitive to the needs and challenges specific to Greene and Columbia County artists and small nonprofits. There will be a series of free 2-hour grant workshops in your county to clarify eligibility, guidelines, and offer guidance and extensive support for applicants. New applicants must attend one single-session workshop (in either county) or meet with our DEC Coordinator prior to submission.
Workshop Dates & Locations
Applicants may attend in either county regardless of residence. The first six will primarily cover Project Support grant categories, with less emphasis on the Individual Artist category. The final two will address only Individual Artist Grants.
Greene County
· Wednesday, July 28,. Athens Cultural Center, 24 Second St, Athens. 5:45 – 7:45 PM
· Sat, July 31, Catskill Mountain Foundation, Main St, Hunter. 10 AM – 12 Noon.
· Tues, Aug. 17, Greeneville Library, Community Room, Route 81, Greenville. 5:45 – 7:45 PM.
· Wed, Sept 1 INDIVIDUAL ARTIST GRANT WORKSHOP ONLY. Greene County Council on the Arts, 398 Main St, Catskill. 6 – 7:30 PM
Columbia County
· Mon, Aug 9, Kinderhook Library, 18 Hudson St, Kinderhook. 5:30 – 7:30 PM.
· Thurs, Aug 12, Roeliff Jansen Community Library, 2609 Rte 23, Hillsdale. 5:45 – 7:45 PM.
· Sat, Aug. 14, Columbia County Council on the Arts, 209 Warren St, Hudson. 10 AM – 12 Noon.
· Mon, Aug 30, INDIVIDUAL ARTIST GRANT WORKSHOP ONLY. Hudson Opera House, 327 Warren St, Columbia St, Hudson 6 – 7:30 PM
Interested individuals should contact our DEC Coordinator at 518-943-3400 or Colettegcca@hotmail.com for further information or to register. The Decentralization Program (DEC) is funded by the New York State Council on the Arts (NYSCA) and administered by your local arts council. Consequently, Decentralization funding does not support organizations already receiving funding directly from NYSCA.