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Wednesday headlines PM
Mar 23, 2011 4:21 pm
New York ranks fifth in national income standings
Albany Business Journal reports that according to figures released March 23 by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, New York ranks fifth among the 50 states in per capita income with an average PCI of $48,821, 20.3 percent higher than the national figure of $40,584 for 2010. Connecticut topped the country with $56,001, followed by Massachusetts ($51,552), New Jersey ($50,781), Maryland ($49,025) and New York. At the bottom of the list was Mississippi, with per capita income of $31,186. Per capita income is defined as the average amount of money received by each resident of a given state in a given year. It encompasses such diverse sources of income as salaries, interest payments, dividends, rental income and government checks.
Organizer: Moving farmers market a ‘mistake’
Doron Tyler Antrim of the Daily Mail reports that Catskill Community Development Coordinator Nancy Richards, an organizer of the seasonal Catskill Regional Farmers and Artisans Market, has said that it would be a “mistake” to move the market to Water Street. She was responding to Catskill Village President Vincent Seeley's proposal to relocate the market from Main Street to the county parking lot on Water Street, which he said he made in an attempt to resolve an ongoing dispute over the location for the market. Richards pointed out that the market moved to bring business to Main Street and a move away from it would lose that desired effect.
The art of skateboarding
The Register-Star has run a photo essay touting the silent auction of artist-painted skateboards at will take place to benefit the Chatham Parks and Recreation Department this Saturday afternoon, March 26. The event will take place in the Benenson Center at Art Omi in Ghent starting at 2 p.m,. and will conclude at 8 p.m. with live music, a DJ, and refreshments.
Skelos: We have prison plan; don’t flaunt your power
Jimmy Vielkind of the Times Union reports on how Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, Republican from Long Island, is countering Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposal to remove 3,500 beds after the budget is completed by saying that he will be presenting his own plan to pare beds at facilities located around the state. It would involve “five or six closures,” he said, which likely puts Columbia and Greene county's two state facilities back on the list of possibilities for mothballing. Cuomo, in his budget proposal, created a commission to decide how to pare the beds. It’s due to report May 1, a month after the budget is due so as to avoid political pressures on which prisons end up getting closed.
Should Wisconsin come to New York? Faso and Brodsky debate
Justin McCarthy of the Legislative Gazette reports on a March 23 debate between two former state assemblymen on the issue of collective bargaining rights in New York state, including Kinderhook's John Faso. He and former Democratic Assemblyman Richard Brodsky talked about the practice of employers and unions negotiating the terms of employee contracts at the forum hosted by the Government Law Center of Albany Law School and Rockefeller Institute, entitled "Should Wisconsin Come to New York? The Intersection of Collective Bargaining, Budgets and Politics."
Albany Business Journal reports that according to figures released March 23 by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, New York ranks fifth among the 50 states in per capita income with an average PCI of $48,821, 20.3 percent higher than the national figure of $40,584 for 2010. Connecticut topped the country with $56,001, followed by Massachusetts ($51,552), New Jersey ($50,781), Maryland ($49,025) and New York. At the bottom of the list was Mississippi, with per capita income of $31,186. Per capita income is defined as the average amount of money received by each resident of a given state in a given year. It encompasses such diverse sources of income as salaries, interest payments, dividends, rental income and government checks.
Organizer: Moving farmers market a ‘mistake’
Doron Tyler Antrim of the Daily Mail reports that Catskill Community Development Coordinator Nancy Richards, an organizer of the seasonal Catskill Regional Farmers and Artisans Market, has said that it would be a “mistake” to move the market to Water Street. She was responding to Catskill Village President Vincent Seeley's proposal to relocate the market from Main Street to the county parking lot on Water Street, which he said he made in an attempt to resolve an ongoing dispute over the location for the market. Richards pointed out that the market moved to bring business to Main Street and a move away from it would lose that desired effect.
The art of skateboarding
The Register-Star has run a photo essay touting the silent auction of artist-painted skateboards at will take place to benefit the Chatham Parks and Recreation Department this Saturday afternoon, March 26. The event will take place in the Benenson Center at Art Omi in Ghent starting at 2 p.m,. and will conclude at 8 p.m. with live music, a DJ, and refreshments.
Skelos: We have prison plan; don’t flaunt your power
Jimmy Vielkind of the Times Union reports on how Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos, Republican from Long Island, is countering Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposal to remove 3,500 beds after the budget is completed by saying that he will be presenting his own plan to pare beds at facilities located around the state. It would involve “five or six closures,” he said, which likely puts Columbia and Greene county's two state facilities back on the list of possibilities for mothballing. Cuomo, in his budget proposal, created a commission to decide how to pare the beds. It’s due to report May 1, a month after the budget is due so as to avoid political pressures on which prisons end up getting closed.
Should Wisconsin come to New York? Faso and Brodsky debate
Justin McCarthy of the Legislative Gazette reports on a March 23 debate between two former state assemblymen on the issue of collective bargaining rights in New York state, including Kinderhook's John Faso. He and former Democratic Assemblyman Richard Brodsky talked about the practice of employers and unions negotiating the terms of employee contracts at the forum hosted by the Government Law Center of Albany Law School and Rockefeller Institute, entitled "Should Wisconsin Come to New York? The Intersection of Collective Bargaining, Budgets and Politics."