WGXC-90.7 FM

Olivia's Radio Ravioli: (dense connective tissue)

May 19, 2018: 12:05 pm - 2pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere

Standing Wave Radio

wavefarm.org/listen and 1620-AM at Wave Farm

Created by Olivia Bradley-Skill.

A noisy mass of sonic particles, which forms a tight meshwork of static and melody. Like an inflamed gland in the body, this week's composition swells and the sounds get infected - so they might feel tender, hard, or firm, and may cause discomfort.

(feat. select songs from the compilations Nigeria Freedom Sounds! Popular Music And The Birth Of Independent Nigeria 1960-63: Calypso, Highlife, Apala, Mambo, Juju; Post-Asiatic: Lost War Dream Music; Golpea Tu Cerebro - Spanish Underground Cassette Culture 1980-1988; Opal: Assembly 1; as well as Konkrete Canticle; The Slits; Isaac Hayes; Carla Thomas; and more)

In a stew of intimate electronics, bad poetry, and tender murk, we swap tongues and reach for more. Olivia Bradley-Skill likes digging up old sensations to find new meaning. Her radio work is a live collage, which warps, overlaps, and extends sound and language, so as to intensify the medium's interactive and elusive qualities. She uses radio to represent the mind, how we listen, and how we forget what we remember. This show is edited from its original broadcast on WFMU.