WGXC-90.7 FM
WGXC Afternoon Show: "A Garden in the Air: Datscha Radio" by Gabi Schaffner; Abigail Simon and Marina Zurkow
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Hosted by Kieran Riley (Monday); Pastor Kim Singletary (1st, 3rd Tuesday); Randall Martin (2nd, 4th Tuesday); a rotating collection of hosts (Wednesday); Tom DePietro, Selha Graham (Thursday); Tom Roe (Friday, Saturday); Azouke Legba, Carline Murphy (Sunday).
Today on the "WGXC Afternoon Show," Abigail Simon and Marina Zurkow are live in the Catskill studio for Catskill's First Fridays to talk about their project The Iceberg and invite the public into the studio to play a game with them!
We also hear "A Garden in the Air: Datscha Radio" by Gabi Schaffner during the 5 p.m. hour."A Garden in the Air: Datscha Radio" by Gabi Schaffner is a radio sound collage was created by German radio artist Gabi Schaffner. Since 2012, Datscha Radio has been a nomadic and temporary radio station that Gabi Schaffner co-organizes with local participants wherever she may be. In Gabi Schaffner’s words, “Datscha Radio relies on the garden as a matrix and metaphor for organic growth, communication, and community...[T]he radio station travels to nearby and distant gardens, broadcast at exceptional or unusual times, and combines radio art with contemporary discourses on ecology, interstellar matter, listening and knowledge cultures.” A Garden in the Air: Datscha Radio is a radio sound collage of broadcasts from Datscha Radio Berlin, which Gabi Schaffner realized collaboratively with the radio makers and artists Kate Donovan, Niki Matita and Helen Thein. This piece was produced in 2020 for Kunstradio in Vienna. - Described by Wave Farm Radio Artist Fellow 2019/2020, Karen Werner.
Credits: Excepts from: Jingles, Proben and Mixes: 2012, 2014 Michaela Schimun, Ulrike Stoehring, „Datscha Owl“ by Sarah Washington 2012; Nightgardening III: Gabi Schaffner, Niki Matita; Datscha Radio Taiwan, 2019: Catherine Lee, Yi-Chun Liu, Mabel Wang and Ming-Chun Cheng; Datscha Radio Madrid, 2018: KTA Martin, Romi Casile, Alberto Garcia. Eva Kurly. Radio art pieces (in order of appearance): Babosa, Niki Matita 2019; Seeds, Kate Donovan (with Scout, Molly und Hunter from her garden) 2019; Greenhouse Emissions: Kate Donovan and Ryan McFadyen 2017, Gymnospermium Pills, Gabi Schaffner, 2019, Voice: Kate Donovan Surprise Insert: Riesenkolibri. Frieder Butzmann at Datscha Radio 2017 Choir: The Nightingale by Thomas Wheeler, sung by the Berliner Chor Singlust e.V. under the direction and by courtesy of Andrea Eckhard. Datscha Radio Nightgardening I, “The night of the Nightingales“ 2019 Supporting musicians: Hannes Wienert, Mimosa Pale, FX Schroeder Composition and additional field recordings: Gabi Schaffner 2020.
The Iceberg is a card and conversation game created by Abigail Simon and Marina Zurkow that invites players to consider the beautiful trouble of complexity, with a particular focus on climate change. Like a tarot deck, the images on the cards of The Iceberg invite the user to consider a problem, give a voice to it, and reconnect with it with eyes wider open than before. By allowing the cards to create associations between unexpected spaces—The Big Blue Marble and antidepressants, or Pizzagate and the bloom boom of Poison Ivy—The Iceberg gives participants a voice in the story, and a way to not only share questions but also experience.
Tune in “WGXC Afternoon Show” for local news; interviews with community leaders and personalities; reports on cultural issues; a rundown of public meetings, local, and regional events; with weather updates and more about and for the community, made mostly through volunteers in the community through WGXC. The show begins each day with local headlines, weather, and previews of community events.
The "WGXC Afternoon Show" is considered partially station-run with Saturday’s emphasis being on radio art and art on the radio and Sunday’s show is called "Li Le, Li Tan," which focuses on promoting Haitian language, music, arts, and culture.
Segments featured on the show include "Better Weather” on weekdays produced by the Catskill Makers Syndicate, "Las Brujas Bilingues" produced by Arielle and Gloria, "Food Segment" by Tepper B.T., "The Ag Report" by Brendan Donegan, and "Nature Calls: Conversations from the Hudson Valley” hosted by Jean Thomas and Tim Kennelty, and produced by the Master Gardeners of the Cornell Cooperative Extension of Greene and Columbia counties with science-based information about gardening and all things nature in New York's Hudson Valley. Also featured are the segments "Specific Objects: Talks on Art in the Catskills" hosted by Miriam Atkin, "Cool Katts: Some cat-tastic and meow-mazing music" by DJs Electro Kitty and Meow Meow Kitty, "The Conduction Series," and the quarterly "Shaker Show" produced by Shaker Museum.
Tune in for previews of upcoming interesting events in the Hudson Valley with "The Month Ahead with Chosen Family Zine" from Mike Amari, an event organizer for Opus 40, Basilica, and others; and Liam Singer; the owner of The Avalon Lounge in Catskill, NY and a member of Wave Farm's Board of Directors. And for previews of agriculture-related events, tune in "The Month Ahead at Cornell Cooperative Extension with Deven Connolly."
Also featured are movie updates from Jenny Ghetti and Amanda Lees from their show "Dim The Lights" as well as interviews by hosts of the "WGXC Morning Show," Justin Maiman from his "Ginger Radio Hour," and other WGXC shows.
Philip Grant and Tom Roe bring you the weekly "WGXC Congressional Report," with reports about the representatives and candidates of New York's 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st Congressional Districts on Mondays, and Tom Roe also cuts up local and national news with songs and sounds for the show.
Some reports come from our partner station, WOOC-LP in Troy, out of The Sanctuary for Independent Media. Also tune in for national headlines from the Public News Service on WGXC. Sometimes national, state, or local press conferences, meetings, or events are also broadcast live here.
WGXC is always looking for contributors who have an interesting idea for a recurring segment on either the "WGXC Morning Show" or the "WGXC Afternoon Show." Email your idea to info@wgxc.org.
- A Bunch Of Spooky Screams and Fart Noises / The Math Dolphin
- The Russian Nightingale / Mimi Coertse