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Friday headlines
Sep 23, 2011 12:04 am
Cuomo announces $175,000 for Greene farmers; $44,000 for Columbia County
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced $2.4 million from the state's Agricultural and Community Recovery Fund (ACRF) to 125 New York farms to help recover from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee. Specifically, money will go locally to:
Greene County Soil & Water District - $174,650
Projects: Debris removal, fence repair, and grassed waterway repair.
Columbia County Soil & Water District – $44,000
Projects: Access road, stream crossing, fencing repair, debris removal from crop fields, and stream bank stabilization.
Albany County Soil & Water District – $30,250
Projects: Replacement of alternative water supply and reconstruction of an access road, fencing, and gravel deposition removal.
Delaware County Soil & Water District - $101,214
Projects: Debris removal, milk house waste treatment system replacement, fencing, access road replacement and repair, stream bank stabilization.
Dutchess County Soil & Water District – $17,403
Projects: Debris removal from pastures, access road repair, fence repair, downed tree removal, and vegetative buffer planting.
Rensselaer County Soil & Water District – $184,060
Projects: Fence replacement and repair, stream bank stabilization, debris removal, and access road repair.
Ulster County Soil & Water District – $190,252
Projects: Stream crossing for equipment repair, critical area seeding, irrigation system repair, fencing, orchard repair, debris removal, access road repair, and cover cropping.
The Conservation Program is administered by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets in consultation with the New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee. Applications for funding will be accepted from County Soil and Water Conservation Districts within the eligible counties.
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="744" caption="From DEC."]
[/caption]DEC releases pheasants for 2011 hunting season
Hurricane Irene is taking another victim this fall: pheasant hunters. Greene and Schoharie counties may not get any pheasants released on hunting lands, "due to flooding in some areas and other logistical problems, there are currently no stocking sites in Greene County; however, if conditions improve birds may be released during the regular season," according to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The DEC just announced it is releasing 30,000 adult pheasants on lands open to public hunting for the upcoming Fall pheasant hunting season.
In Columbia County there are four release sites:
• Kinderhook - County Rte. 21 southeast of Dahlgren Rd. (RS)
• New Lebanon - South side of Cemetery Rd., west of Royce Hill Rd. (RS)
• New Lebanon - County Rte. 5A and Old Post Rd.- Ask permission (RS)
• New Lebanon - South side of Rte. 20 east of Old Shaker Rd. Access with limited parking on farm road just east of Stewart's Shop (RS)
Albany County
• Berne - Partridge Run WMA - See maps at all informational kiosks. (YH, RS)
• Knox - Margaret Burke WMA - west side of Cty Rte 254. (YH, RS)
• New Scotland - West side of Diamond Hill Rd. north of Clipp Rd. (RS)
Delaware County
• Colchester - Bear Spring Mtn. WMA - Trout Brook Rd. (YH, RS)
• Franklin- Off Rt. 357 across from Merrickville Rd. on Town property. Must obtain permission to hunt surrounding private land. (RS)
• Harpersfield - Peters Rd. northwest of Bruce Hill Rd. Park at designated parking sign. Two vehicles maximum. (RS)
• Walton - Bear Spring Mtn. WMA - West Trout Brook Rd. (RS)
Dutchess County
• Amenia - Wassaic Multiple Use Area (RS)
• Milan - Lafayetteville Multiple Use Area (YH, RS)
• Red Hook - Tivoli Bays Wildlife Management Area (YH, RS)
Rensselaer County
• Nassau - North and south of Jefferson Hill Rd. at the intersection with Middle Rd. - Must ask permission by calling 518-766-4346 after 5 PM. (YH, RS)
Ulster County
• Hurley - Gill's Farm - Must obtain permission from landowner. (RS)
• Rochester - Davis Farm - Must obtain written permission from landowner. (RS)
• Rochester - Kelder Farm - Must obtain written permission from landowner. (RS)
• Wawarsing - Ver Nooy Kill State Forest (Lundy Estate), access from Lundy Road off 209 (RS)
The pheasant hunting season begins on October 1 in our area.
Gibson: I’m disappointed in [Wednesday] night’s vote
Jimmy Vielkind in Capitol Confidential reports that Rep. Chris Gibson (R, Kinderhook) voted unsuccessfully Wed., Sept. 21 to pass a larger House spending bill directing storm aid to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, an agency with open offices in Greene and Columbia counties, and an agency that may run out of money this week. “I was disappointed to see my colleagues on both sides of the aisle vote against this CR, which provided critical aid money for FEMA and our district,” Gibson said in a statement. “Helping our communities rebuild is far more important than playing political games. I will continue to advocate for immediate passage of FEMA disaster relief and urge leaders from both parties to come together and get this done. I will vote for any legislation we consider in the House that provides disaster relief funding.” Read the full story in Capitol Confidential.
Cuomo announces food stamp benefits for local storm victims
Governor Andrew Cuomo announced The Disaster Food Stamp Benefits Program for residents in counties affected by Hurricane Irene became available as of Thu., Sept. 22. Greene and Columbia county residents affected by the recent storms are covered by the program, as are those living in Albany, Delaware, Dutchess, Schoharie, and Ulster counties. The federal government oversees the Food Stamp Program, which is operated in New York State by the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA). To qualify for disaster food stamp benefits, applicants:
· Must have lived in one of the designated counties at the time of the disaster. Applicants may be eligible if they are temporarily living outside of the disaster area but within the State at the time of the disaster.
· Must plan on purchasing food during the month of September.
· Must have experienced at least one of the following:
o Loss of food or food stamp benefits.
o Damage to, or the destruction of, the household’s home or self-employment business.
o Disaster-related expenses not expected to be reimbursed during the month of September (e.g. home or business repairs, temporary shelter expenses, etc.).
o Loss or inaccessibility of income including reduction or termination of income, or a delay in receipt of income for half a month.
o Inaccessible liquid resources (e.g. banks are closed due to the disaster).
Call 1-800-342-3009, or contact your local department of social services for more information.
FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers to close on Sundays
Lissa Harris in the Watershed Post reports that the Federal Emergency Management Agency and New York Office of Emergency Management Disaster Recovery Centers operating in New York State will now be open only six days a week. Hours are now Mon-Sat, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at these locations:
Greene County: Main Street, Prattsville.
Delaware County: Sidney Civic Center, 21 Liberty Street, Sidney.
Schoharie County: Cobleskill Fire Department, 610 East Main Street, Cobleskill.
Ulster County: Belleayre Ski Center, Route 28, Highmount.
Read the full story in The Watershed Post.
Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced $2.4 million from the state's Agricultural and Community Recovery Fund (ACRF) to 125 New York farms to help recover from Hurricane Irene and Tropical Storm Lee. Specifically, money will go locally to:
Greene County Soil & Water District - $174,650
Projects: Debris removal, fence repair, and grassed waterway repair.
Columbia County Soil & Water District – $44,000
Projects: Access road, stream crossing, fencing repair, debris removal from crop fields, and stream bank stabilization.
Albany County Soil & Water District – $30,250
Projects: Replacement of alternative water supply and reconstruction of an access road, fencing, and gravel deposition removal.
Delaware County Soil & Water District - $101,214
Projects: Debris removal, milk house waste treatment system replacement, fencing, access road replacement and repair, stream bank stabilization.
Dutchess County Soil & Water District – $17,403
Projects: Debris removal from pastures, access road repair, fence repair, downed tree removal, and vegetative buffer planting.
Rensselaer County Soil & Water District – $184,060
Projects: Fence replacement and repair, stream bank stabilization, debris removal, and access road repair.
Ulster County Soil & Water District – $190,252
Projects: Stream crossing for equipment repair, critical area seeding, irrigation system repair, fencing, orchard repair, debris removal, access road repair, and cover cropping.
The Conservation Program is administered by the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets in consultation with the New York State Soil and Water Conservation Committee. Applications for funding will be accepted from County Soil and Water Conservation Districts within the eligible counties.
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="744" caption="From DEC."]

Hurricane Irene is taking another victim this fall: pheasant hunters. Greene and Schoharie counties may not get any pheasants released on hunting lands, "due to flooding in some areas and other logistical problems, there are currently no stocking sites in Greene County; however, if conditions improve birds may be released during the regular season," according to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The DEC just announced it is releasing 30,000 adult pheasants on lands open to public hunting for the upcoming Fall pheasant hunting season.
In Columbia County there are four release sites:
• Kinderhook - County Rte. 21 southeast of Dahlgren Rd. (RS)
• New Lebanon - South side of Cemetery Rd., west of Royce Hill Rd. (RS)
• New Lebanon - County Rte. 5A and Old Post Rd.- Ask permission (RS)
• New Lebanon - South side of Rte. 20 east of Old Shaker Rd. Access with limited parking on farm road just east of Stewart's Shop (RS)
Albany County
• Berne - Partridge Run WMA - See maps at all informational kiosks. (YH, RS)
• Knox - Margaret Burke WMA - west side of Cty Rte 254. (YH, RS)
• New Scotland - West side of Diamond Hill Rd. north of Clipp Rd. (RS)
Delaware County
• Colchester - Bear Spring Mtn. WMA - Trout Brook Rd. (YH, RS)
• Franklin- Off Rt. 357 across from Merrickville Rd. on Town property. Must obtain permission to hunt surrounding private land. (RS)
• Harpersfield - Peters Rd. northwest of Bruce Hill Rd. Park at designated parking sign. Two vehicles maximum. (RS)
• Walton - Bear Spring Mtn. WMA - West Trout Brook Rd. (RS)
Dutchess County
• Amenia - Wassaic Multiple Use Area (RS)
• Milan - Lafayetteville Multiple Use Area (YH, RS)
• Red Hook - Tivoli Bays Wildlife Management Area (YH, RS)
Rensselaer County
• Nassau - North and south of Jefferson Hill Rd. at the intersection with Middle Rd. - Must ask permission by calling 518-766-4346 after 5 PM. (YH, RS)
Ulster County
• Hurley - Gill's Farm - Must obtain permission from landowner. (RS)
• Rochester - Davis Farm - Must obtain written permission from landowner. (RS)
• Rochester - Kelder Farm - Must obtain written permission from landowner. (RS)
• Wawarsing - Ver Nooy Kill State Forest (Lundy Estate), access from Lundy Road off 209 (RS)
The pheasant hunting season begins on October 1 in our area.
Gibson: I’m disappointed in [Wednesday] night’s vote
Jimmy Vielkind in Capitol Confidential reports that Rep. Chris Gibson (R, Kinderhook) voted unsuccessfully Wed., Sept. 21 to pass a larger House spending bill directing storm aid to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, an agency with open offices in Greene and Columbia counties, and an agency that may run out of money this week. “I was disappointed to see my colleagues on both sides of the aisle vote against this CR, which provided critical aid money for FEMA and our district,” Gibson said in a statement. “Helping our communities rebuild is far more important than playing political games. I will continue to advocate for immediate passage of FEMA disaster relief and urge leaders from both parties to come together and get this done. I will vote for any legislation we consider in the House that provides disaster relief funding.” Read the full story in Capitol Confidential.
Cuomo announces food stamp benefits for local storm victims
Governor Andrew Cuomo announced The Disaster Food Stamp Benefits Program for residents in counties affected by Hurricane Irene became available as of Thu., Sept. 22. Greene and Columbia county residents affected by the recent storms are covered by the program, as are those living in Albany, Delaware, Dutchess, Schoharie, and Ulster counties. The federal government oversees the Food Stamp Program, which is operated in New York State by the Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA). To qualify for disaster food stamp benefits, applicants:
· Must have lived in one of the designated counties at the time of the disaster. Applicants may be eligible if they are temporarily living outside of the disaster area but within the State at the time of the disaster.
· Must plan on purchasing food during the month of September.
· Must have experienced at least one of the following:
o Loss of food or food stamp benefits.
o Damage to, or the destruction of, the household’s home or self-employment business.
o Disaster-related expenses not expected to be reimbursed during the month of September (e.g. home or business repairs, temporary shelter expenses, etc.).
o Loss or inaccessibility of income including reduction or termination of income, or a delay in receipt of income for half a month.
o Inaccessible liquid resources (e.g. banks are closed due to the disaster).
Call 1-800-342-3009, or contact your local department of social services for more information.
FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers to close on Sundays
Lissa Harris in the Watershed Post reports that the Federal Emergency Management Agency and New York Office of Emergency Management Disaster Recovery Centers operating in New York State will now be open only six days a week. Hours are now Mon-Sat, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at these locations:
Greene County: Main Street, Prattsville.
Delaware County: Sidney Civic Center, 21 Liberty Street, Sidney.
Schoharie County: Cobleskill Fire Department, 610 East Main Street, Cobleskill.
Ulster County: Belleayre Ski Center, Route 28, Highmount.
Read the full story in The Watershed Post.