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Sources say Skelos now under investigation

Jan 30, 2015 12:05 am
NBC 4 New York is reporting federal investigators are looking into state Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos' sources of income, according to people familiar with the investigation. U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara is examining Skelos’ ties to the real estate industry, among other areas of inquiry. Skelos, the highest ranking Republican in state government, has not been charged with any wrongdoing. He is a lawyer and works as counsel with a Uniondale, NY law firm. A native of Rockville Centre, Skelos was elected to the state Senate in 1984, and is now serving his 16th term. He represents District 9 in the Senate, which comprises the southwest region of Nassau Co. Bharara’s broader investigation is focusing in part on how some part-time legislators make their outside money. In announcing the charges against Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver last week, Bharara made it clear the probe is far from over. "Stay tuned," he said. See the full report at NBC New York [dot] com.