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Opposition to American Valve project growing
May 22, 2014 7:01 am
Melanie Lekocevic is reporting in The Daily Mail Coxsackie residents turned out for a recent Village Board meeting to voice their opposition to the building project under consideration for the American Valve site on Mansion St. The 74-unit senior and workforce housing development has drawn sharp opposition and given rise to the grassroots group, Citizens Against American Valve Project. The building project is spearheaded by downstate developer Kenneth Kearney, who is being assisted by the Greene County Industrial Development Agency. Opponents of the project, citing health and safety concerns, are demanding local officials oppose the project. Some contend the IDA should look at other uses for the site, such as using it as green space or perhaps youth sports fields for soccer or Little League. The parcel to be developed is a former toxic waste site deemed sufficiently rehabilitated for residential development by the state, but local residents doubt those claims. There is no official proposal before either the Village Board or the Village Planning Board at this time. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.