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Two new high voltage lines proposed for region
Sep 14, 2013 12:02 am
Nathan Mayberg is reporting in the Register Star new high voltage power lines have been proposed for Columbia and Greene counties. Representatives of NextEra Energy Resources, a Florida-based company, met with the Columbia County Board of Supervisors Wed., Sept. 11, to discuss plans for building the lines, which would run from Oneida County to Dutchess County. Supervisors were not overly enthusiastic with the proposal, with several making statements about how the electricity would benefit consumers in New York City and Long Island, but not in Columbia County. One line would pass through the towns of Greenport and Livingston; the other through Stuyvesant, Stockport, Ghent, Claverack, Livingston, and Gallatin. The towers proposed will be 10 to 15 feet higher than the electric line towers currently located throughout the county. Read the full story in the Register Star.