WGXC-90.7 FM
No license required
Apr 09, 2011 11:57 am
The new state budget has already meant one change for anyone fishing for striped bass on the Hudson River: you no longer need a license. Fri., April 8, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) announced that, "a recreational marine fishing license is no longer required to fish in the marine district of New York, including fishing for migratory fish from the sea (e.g. striped bass) on the Hudson River below the Troy Dam." Anglers no longer need to purchase licenses through DECALS, the online license sales system. Legislation included in the final state budget directs DEC to establish a no-fee registry to take the place of the marine license, but that won't be in place until June. The DEC will also provide refunds to holders of lifetime recreational marine fishing licenses later this year, with an announcement about that process coming soon.