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Lawmakers may shift $200M back to schools

Mar 12, 2012 11:26 am
Michael Gormley of the Associated Press reports the New York Senate and Assembly will try to shift $200 million from Gov. Andrew Cuomo's proposed school incentive program back to the traditional school aid stream when budget resolutions are released Monday. Cuomo proposed setting aside $250 million for competitive grants in his 2012-13 budget. Under his plan, the grants would go to schools that showed improved instruction or innovation. Majority Leader Dean Skelos said the Senate will recommend $200 million of that amount go to traditional aid, instead, to be disbursed as usual to the 700 school districts statewide. According to sources, the Assembly Democrats may make the same recommendation. Cuomo had no immediate comment. A budget agreement is due by April 1, but lawmakers believe the spending plan can be approved "around March 21," Gormley writes. Read the full Associated Press story online.