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America In Bloom judges returning to Catskill
Jul 08, 2014 6:44 am
Kyle Adams is reporting in The Daily Mail judges from the national beautification program America In Bloom will return to Catskill in the coming weeks to evaluate the village’s appearance, from flowers and trees to historic buildings and parks. The program encourages beautification and revitalization. Awards are presented in various categories. Catskill will compete in the 4,500 to 10,000 population category against Belpre (BEHL-pree), Ohio; Brewton, Alabama.; Estes (ESS-tiss) Park, Colorado; and Greendale, Indiana. The village was entered into the contest by the volunteer organization Cultivate Catskill, with support from the village board and the Catskill Local Development Corporation. Last year, Catskill received a score of three out of five “blooms.” The village also received a special mention for historic preservation. In preparation for the impending visit, village residents and business owners are urged to pick up litter, pull weeds, clean up yards and porches, and make sure garbage cans are off the street. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.