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Walleye fishing ban proposed for Catskill Creek
Apr 29, 2011 11:10 am
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="220" caption="Walleye painting from Wikipedia."]
[/caption]Colin DeVries in The Daily Mail reports on a proposal to outlaw walleye fishing in the spring on a specific section of the Catskill Creek. The Department of Environmental Conservation proposes to:
DeVries writes that Norm McBride, DEC Region 4 fish biologist, said the proposal has been accepted by DEC regulators and will be posted on the agency’s website next week, followed by a 45-day informal comment period. If the regulation is kept, another 45-day formal comment period will be held next winter. The proposed rule would not go into effect until October 1, 2012. Recently six men from outside the county were arrested for illegally catching 11 walleye out of season at the location proposed for closure. During March and April, female walleyes carry thousands of eggs, which DEC officials want to see turn into new fish in the creek. Read the entire story in The Daily Mail.
“Prohibit fishing from the Route 9W bridge upstream to the dam in Leeds between March 16 and the Friday preceding the opening of the walleye season. The regulation could be simplified by making the closure effective from March 16 through April 30.”
DeVries writes that Norm McBride, DEC Region 4 fish biologist, said the proposal has been accepted by DEC regulators and will be posted on the agency’s website next week, followed by a 45-day informal comment period. If the regulation is kept, another 45-day formal comment period will be held next winter. The proposed rule would not go into effect until October 1, 2012. Recently six men from outside the county were arrested for illegally catching 11 walleye out of season at the location proposed for closure. During March and April, female walleyes carry thousands of eggs, which DEC officials want to see turn into new fish in the creek. Read the entire story in The Daily Mail.