Beesnest_Dirty Projectors

Oct 03, 2007: 10pm - Oct 04, 2007: 1am
Zebulon Bar

258 Wythe Avenue | Brooklyn, NY 11211 | 718-218-6934

Organized by Zs, Skeletons/shinkoyo and the dome theater kicks off at Zebulon with Dirty Projectors, Zs, Skeletons and the King of all CIties, and Dome Theater presents "The Woman in the MIrror"
Dome Theatre presents "The Woman in the MIrror," a new version of a new play by Forrest Gillespie. What awakens the drooling dream within a dream? What feather of thought lands with iron heels deep in the midnite of a tender soul? Who marries a mannequin out of love? Find out tonight! Come and watch the night tick, love your neighbour as you would yourself, claim the sands of time for your own as you drift behind the veil of your own making. This is the first night of Bees nest, the latest collab between Zs people, Shinkoyos, and Dome Heads coming every Wednesday in October and beyond also tonight! Dirty Projectors skeletons and kings of all cities Zs