WGXC-90.7 FM

Symposium: Iván Navarro Part I
Jun 13, 2015: 10pm - 11pm
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
wavefarm.org 1620-AM | Simulcast mid-6 a.m. and Saturdays on WGXC 90.7-FM.
Produced by Manuel Cirauqui.
Presented in a special time slot this month, Symposium is a program about lectures and other related modes of critical discourse, presented within a framework of independent scholarship and theoretical experimentation. With a strong focus on contemporary art and critique, each episode brings attention to a specific object of study in the humanities, observed through the voice of a scholar, artist, writer, musician, or filmmaker. Facing the ever-growing mass of archived knowledge, Symposium uses radio as a device of mediation, reproduction, re-contextualization, and commentary. A new issue of the Symposium zine will follow each broadcast. Philosophical Discotheque (Horizon)
The third season of Manuel Cirauqui’s §ympo§ium will be a collaboration with the artist Iván Navarro and his label, Hueso Records. Based on a compilation of sounds from Hueso’s discography and Navarro’s personal collection, and referencing the latter’s video work Relay (2011), the program will be structured as one single track stretched out over five months. The sequence of sounds—a collective confession of sorts—will hint at issues of torture and militarism in the Americas, digitization and underground culture, soft power and permanent war, animistic cults and postcolonial critique, shared and borrowed identity, infiltration and trance.