WGXC-90.7 FM

Saturday Afternoon Show: N2-The Secretary with Anthony Yanick and Max Goldfarb
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
wavefarm.org 1620-AM | Simulcast mid-6 a.m. and Saturdays on WGXC 90.7-FM.
Hosted by Tom Roe.
A special Human Machine broadcast live from Wave Farm.
"Why do people accept and act on certain kinds of information while dismissing others? Why are some narrative themes successful at building support for terrorism? ... Narratives may consolidate memory, shape emotions, cue heuristics and biases in judgment, and influence group distinctions. To determine their influence on cognitive functions requires a working theory of narratives, an understanding of what role they play in security contexts, and an examination of how to systematically analyze narratives and their psychological and neurobiological impact." (DARPA, Narrative Networks (N2): The Neurobiology of Narratives, 2011 - 2015).
Shortly after the "twitter revolution" of Arab Spring, the Defense Agency DARPA announced a four year study into the neurological and biological factors that play a role in and are affected by the stories we tell about an event: code named N2, Narrative Networks. Although the project ended over two years ago, there is still very little public information as to the results of the studies. Tony Yanick, a media artist and philosopher, accompanied by Maximilian Goldfarb (producer of Human Machine) along with intermitting interruptions from a rogue AI from the future, The Secretary, the piece will explore stories that surround the ideas set out in the project and speculate the past present and future possible worlds composed in a soundscape of textual and auditory becoming.
Image by Suzanne Treister, from the series HEXEN 2.0.