WGXC-90.7 FM

Nothing Is Real Radio Hour: Nothing Is Real Radio Hour: Stranded
Brooklyn (2003 - 2004) | Acra (2005 - 2015), NY
free103point9.org + transmissionarts.org/listen
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Created by Sam Sebren.
Stranded is a real life moment in daily rural living where there is little to no public transportation and cars are a constant dependence. Inevitably, most people experience a vehicle breakdown of some sort and when NIRRH's Sam Sebren found himself in a broken down car on his way to a circuit bending workshop last summer in Catskill, he happened to have an audio recorder and he documented the event, stranded on the side of the road for two hours. This "event" now becomes radio theatre where you'll hear the surrounding sounds of cars whooshing by, crickets, cell phone conversations, concerned passers-by, the car radio and hazard lights going haywire during both Transmission Arts on WGXC and on AM radio, Sebren's transistor radio which happened to be in the car for use at the workshop, and ultimately the thrilling climax which includes some CB radio and GPS sounds.
Making the most of this seemingly mundane moment, where an unplanned theme became the passage of time itself, with lots of unexpected sounds, seems appropriate for this end of the year edition of the Nothing Is Real Radio Hour. Will the tow truck ever arrive? Tune in to find out! (This version has been edited from the nearly 2 hour original to fit this one hour format.)