WGXC-90.7 FM

Rural Intelligence on community radio

Jul 15, 2010 1:15 pm

In time for Amy Goodman's appearance Friday for WBCR in Great Barrington, the Rural Intelligence blog has a story by Dan Shaw about WBCR, WHDD (91.9-FM, in Ct.), and WGXC. The WGXC section:
By working with both established and new media, community radio stations fill a void left by newspapers that have disappeared or slashed their reporting staffs to the bare bones. “We are in a media ghetto between New York City and Albany,” says Tom Roe, program director of WGXC, which is devoted to serving Columbia County and its neighbor across the river, Greene County. “Citizen journalism is a key part of our mission, and we have a training program,” says Roe, who describes himself as a radio artist. “We have correspondents and a Town Recorder project that allows people to record important town meetings. We put it up as raw information. Victor Mendolia recorded the Hudson Common Council meeting the other night when they discussed the future of the waterfront." These radio stations have one foot in the small-town past and one in the high-tech future. “We are trying to do 1940s radio with 2010 technology,” says Roe, who sees community radio as bringing together artists, journalists and amateurs. “Orson Welles and John Cage are two of the giant figures in radio,” says Roe, who points out that five years from now most people will have Internet radio and be able to listen to anything anywhere.