WGXC-90.7 FM
Chris Gibson positions
Apr 12, 2010 9:14 pm
Conservative blog The Daily Sok reports on what Kinderhook's Republican Congressional candidate Chris Gibson said, meeting with a group of so-called "tea party" citizens outside NY's District 20 at Duke's Pub in Glenmont last Wednesday, about his positions in his quest to unseat Democrat incumbent Scott Murphy:
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The Colonel didn’t miss a beat answering the opening question (posed by a local activist sporting a symbolic Tin Foil Hat), “Will you support impeaching President Obama for violating the terms of his Oath of Office?” His level reply: “No”. Rather, he said, he will focus on “making him [President Obama] a one-termer”, which drew a cacophony of applause from those gathered. Other answers drew mixed reactions. On Abortion, the Colonel, who was “raised Catholic”, doesn’t oppose Abortion “in the first trimester”, which split the crowd roughly evenly. He responded to calls from the crowd that the “Fed has no place [in Abortion]” by re-emphasizing that his position is “aligned with limited government”. When asked “Why can’t you be bought?” Gibson revealed he intends to turn back his military pension when he is elected, to avoid any semblance of “double-dipping” and sees the opportunity to represent NY-20 as “not a job, a cause”. He sees a balanced budget and term limits as steps towards shifting power away from Washington and back to the local communities. He indicated that, as a 24-year Veteran, he is keenly aware of the need to cut Soviet-era systems and his 4 combat tours in Iraq have given him a unique insight into effective strategies for dealing with threats like Al Qaeda, including (exceedingly popular with the crowd) dismantling the Department of Homeland Security.
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