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Culture wars, threats, creep into our area

Jan 21, 2011 12:29 pm

A number of key progressive websites have started petitions and insistent reporting intent on getting Fox News personality Glenn Beck to halt a campaign against City University of New York political science and sociology professor Frances Fox Piven, who keeps a second home within the WGXC listening area. Piven, noted for her work on poverty in America, as well as what would become as the nation's "motor voter" registration movement of recent decades, has been increasingly targeted by Beck and conservative bloggers for her writings, resulting in worries that she may face violence. "When I was in college, one of the influential books I read was Poor People’s Movements, by Frances Fox Piven and Richard Cloward. And I’ve had the pleasure of interviewing Piven on radio," writes Matthew Rothschild, editor of The Progressive in a January 21 mass e-mail. "So I was horrified to hear that she’s facing death threats as a result of a really nasty campaign that Glenn Beck is waging against her." Last year, Beck targeted Jeff Jones, a longstanding local environmental advocate, consultant and publicist, who was one of the founders of both the SDS and the Weather Underground, on his show. Fortunately, the efforts stopped after a week and nothing happened to Jones. The accompanying clip is a story about Beck's attacks and an interview with Piven on "Democracy Now!"