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Greene Co. lawmakers advance anti-SAFE resolution
Feb 20, 2013 7:02 am
Ariel Zangla reports in the Daily Freeman the Greene County Legislature is one step closer to declaring its opposition to the state’s SAFE Act gun control law. At a meeting Tues., Feb. 19, of the Legislature’s Public Safety Committee, lawmakers endorsed a resolution in opposition to the Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act signed into law last month. The committee also endorsed a resolution opposing a state Assembly bill that requires gun owners to carry liability insurance of no less than $1 million. The two resolutions will be voted on by the full Legislature tonight, in the County Office Building in Catskill. Also last night, Patricia Doxsey writes in the Daily Freeman, Ulster County lawmakers adopted a resolution in opposition to the SAFE Act, calling for the repeal of portions of the law. The vote was taken after more than three hours of public comment. Nearly 1,000 people packed the Ulster Performing Arts Center to speak out about the resolution, which stated the state law will harm the county’s economy, the recreational opportunities of its residents and its residents’ ability to defend themselves. Read both stories in the Daily Freeman.
Greene County Public Safety Committee Chairman William Lawrence, Republican of Cairo, discusses the NY SAFE Act (:55) Lawrence is a WGXC 90.7-FM programmer.
Greene County Public Safety Committee Chairman William Lawrence, Republican of Cairo, discusses the NY SAFE Act (:55) Lawrence is a WGXC 90.7-FM programmer.