WGXC-90.7 FM

WGXC Afternoon Show: WGXC Afternoon Show: Columbia County Fair & Mike T

Aug 31, 2012: 4pm - 6pm
Demoliton Derby line up at the Columbia County Fair

Demoliton Derby line up at the Columbia County Fair. Photo by Noah Reibel (Aug 30, 2012)

Hosted by Kieran Riley (Monday), Pastor Kim Singletary (1st, 3rd Tuesday), Randall Martin (2nd, 4th Tuesday), Tom DePietro and Selha Graham (Thursday), and a rotating collection of hosts (Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday)

WGXC Afternoon Show hosts Samir AlyGad and Jack Ross Pilkington will talk to Mike T, an organizer of the hip hop and hardcore music festival entitled "The Show," which will take place at the Greenville Drive-in on Saturday, September 8th, 2012. Also, reviewing the last first two days of the Columbia County Fair, including the Demolition Derby. The Columbia County Fair continues through Monday, September 3rd.