WGXC-90.7 FM

Water: SnowFlow Sounds
All sounds featured in this special broadcast were part of EMF’s annual festival, Ear to the Earth. 2010’s topic was Water and the World, and each work is about understanding the current states of water in the world. Through their sounds composers direct attention to drinkable water, melting ice, rising sea levels, polluted rivers, storm intensity, salinity and more. But most of all each work celebrates the purity of water, and inspires listeners to ask what they can do to preserve our most vital resource.
Tune in on Saturday, February 5, from 1 to 5 p.m. and hear the following works:
A Drop in the Bucket, Gary Dibenedetto
Ocean Mix, features Waves by Maggi Payne and Stati d’Acqua and Fading Whales by
Apathy Is Curable But Who Cares , Christian Haines
Chalice Well, Barry Truax
Drowning Report, Eryck Abecassis
Kya Kya Kahoon, Jo Hutton
Waters of Cabeus A, Robert Scott Thompson
Kaltes klares wasser, Visda Goudarzi
Winter, Richard Garet
Drops of Water , Karl Korte
Le Havre part 2 , Eric La Casa
Hydatos A, Joao Pedro Oliveira
Rain Blossom , Jen Boyd
Untitled 213 , Francisco LopezThompson
Curated by Electronic Music Foundation as part of Ear to the Earth: Water and the World.