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Hunter's temporary land-use bans expire
Jim Planck is reporting in The Daily Mail that with the start of a new year, several temporary land-use bans enacted last fall in Hunter have expired or are winding down. Moratoria on both new or expanded junkyards and the placement of mobile homes or mobile home parks expired Jan. 4. The freeze on site plan and subdivision review are scheduled to expire Jan. 13. However, work on new major subdivision regulations may require the implementation of a separate moratorium to allow more time for the needed revisions. The subdivision regulations are expected to be finished in March. Hunter Planning Board Chair Sarah Killourhy said work on the town's new stormwater law is also underway. She said the land-use committee was able to hire consultants to help with the new law because the city of New York awarded Hunter a grant to cover the fees. The city's motivation was to help protect its watershed by assisting with the development of local 21st century land-use legislation. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.