WGXC-90.7 FM

Prison Voices Project: Prison Voices Project: Voices UnBroken
Mar 27, 2014: 10am - 11am
WGXC Hudson Studio (2011 - March 2018)
704 Columbia St., Floor 2 | Hudson, NY 12534
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Hosted by the Prison Voices Project Media Collective.
In this episode of the Prison Poetry Workshop, we go looking for prison poetry and prisoner poets in New York, visiting institutions like Riker’s Island and Attica, to discover poetry as transformation. is a tough place. According to the Correctional Association of New York, about 54 percent of those incarcerated at Mount McGregor are serving time for violent offenses. Working at Mount McGregor, poet Cara Benson opens a session of the poetry workshop by asking a group of all male prisoners to write a feminist poem. Hosted by Rend Smith. Produced by Nick Szuberla and Andrew Parsons.