WGXC-90.7 FM

WGXC Afternoon Show: LoVid, Art Blocks, and October Sounds
90.7-FM in NY's Upper Hudson Valley and wgxc.org/listen everywhere
Hosted by Kieran Riley (Monday), Pastor Kim Singletary (1st, 3rd Tuesday), Randall Martin (2nd, 4th Tuesday), Tom DePietro and Selha Graham (Thursday), Lucy Bohnsack (1st Friday), and a rotating collection of hosts (Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday)
Tune in to the sounds of autumn, October in the Catskills, with the open mics on the Wave Farm property. Also hear stories of the animals on Wave Farm, and Hudson Valley environmental news, and more.
At 4:30 p.m. Wave Farm's Galen Joseph-Hunter is in conversation with Tali Hinkis, of LoVid, and Mad Pinney, of Art Blocks, to discuss LoVid's project Tide Predictor an algorithmic edition of 400 that goes live on November 2, 2022 with 25% of the proceeds benefiting Wave Farm.
The show features local news, interviews with community leaders and personalities, a rundown of local and regional events, weather updates, and more about and for the community. The show is a place for a community conversation about issues, with music, and more. Saturday the emphasis is more on radio art, and art on the radio. Unlike shows by individual programmers on the station, the "WGXC Afternoon Show" is considered partially station-run. The Sunday version calls itself "Li Le, Le Tan."