WGXC-90.7 FM

Ginger Radio Hour: Cowboy Sadness

Sep 03, 2024: 10am - 11am
WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears

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Ginger Radio Hour: Cowboy Sadness

Ginger Radio Hour: Cowboy Sadness. Photo by Rachel Principe (Sep 03, 2024)

Produced by Justin Maiman.

I'm talking to another trio this week — the musical supergroup called Cowboy Sadness. The band released Selected Jambient Works Vol. 1 — their first full-length album — earlier this year. To make it, David Moore, Peter Silberman, and Nicholas Principe spent the past few years gathering in the Catskills for epic improvisation sessions. The band calls their music “atmospheric yet incredibly approachable” and I think that sounds just about right. And the Catskills definitely influenced the music: "It’s hard to imagine taking in a meteor shower or staring at a tree moving slowly in the breeze didn’t have a profound effect on the jams," David told me. Cowboy Sadness and Astrid Sonne play at Opus 40 on Sunday, September 29.

Host Justin Maiman, from Cairo, shares his latest inspirations on the "Ginger Radio Hour." The show features music, field recordings, performances, and interviews, primarily with people in and around the Catskill Mountains of New York live from WGXC's Acra studio. Excerpts of interviews on this show are often heard again later on the "WGXC Morning Show," the "WGXC Afternoon Show," or "All Together Now!"

  • TVC15 / David Bowie
  • Billings, MT (feat. Bing & Ruth, The Antlers & Port St. Willow) / Cowboy Sadness
  • Full Mammoth (feat. Bing & Ruth, The Antlers & Port St. Willow) / Cowboy Sadness
  • First Rodeo / Cowboy Sadness
  • Second Rodeo (feat. Bing & Ruth, The Antlers & Port St. Willow) / Cowboy Sadness
  • Range (feat. Bing & Ruth, The Antlers & Port St. Willow) / Cowboy Sadness
  • Ten Paces (feat. Bing & Ruth, The Antlers & Port St. Willow) / Cowboy Sadness