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Executive order allowing online town meetings extended through Sept. 4
Aug 06, 2020 1:10 pm
On Aug. 5, in Executive Order 202.55, Gov. Andrew Cuomo extended the authority for towns and villages to hold virtual meetings through September 4 because of the coronavirus pandemic. Large indoor gatherings are not recommended by health officials during the pandemic. The previous March 7 Executive Order expired on Aug. 5. The order says that municipalities can hold meetings "remotely by conference call or similar service, provided that the public has the ability to view or listen to such proceeding and that such meetings are recorded and later transcribed." Public meetings are not allowed in email where the public cannot attend. In June, the Village of Catskill said they voted unanimously by email on whether or not to have a "Black Lives Matter" mural on Main Street there. Catskill Village President Vincent Seeley later said it was a decision, not a vote. The Village Board also released a detailed explanation that they created through email, and not at a public meeting, on that issue on June 30.