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New Heritage Site Guide published
Nov 23, 2010 9:36 am

According to a report in today's Mid Hudson News Network site, the historic facility chosen for the unveiling in Kingston is but one of 100 National Heritage Sites in New York’s Hudson Valley and they are all outlined in the new book. Greenway Council Executive Director Mark Castiglione said the new book is aimed at a particular audience.
“We wanted to target this guidebook to the heritage tourist,” he said. “Heritage tourists have been shown to spend more and stay longer and we hope this guidebook contributes to growing the $4.7 billion part of our tourism economy here in the Hudson Valley.”
Scenic Hudson President Ned Sullivan noted tourism is a “significant economic engine” for the region, responsible for 80,000 jobs.
“The Hudson River Valley is rich in history and this guide will aid the visitor in making their choices when choosing their vacation destination,” said Hudson Valley Tourism President Mary Kay Vrba.