WGXC-90.7 FM

WGXC Weekend Coronavirus Report: 20200417
Apr 17, 2020 11:55 pm
On April 17 Gov. Andrew Cuomo explained at his daily press conference that the state of New York could not conjure up tests for COVID-19 and needed help from the federal government to negotiate with China. PLAY FIRST CUOMO EXCERPT HERE. President Donald Trump was, apparently, watching the press conference, as he Tweeted criticism of Cuomo during the televised event. A reporter then read Cuomo Trump's Tweet, and Cuomo responded. PLAY SECOND CUOMO EXCERPT HERE. The debate over COVID-19 response was not limited to the president and governor, though, as Rep. Antonio Delgado, a Democrat from Rhinebeck who represents much of the Hudson Valley and the Catskills, took at least one tough question during his online town hall meeting on April 17. PLAY EXCERPT FROM DELGADO'S TOWN HALL HERE. Greene County now has 90 positive cases of COVID-19 in Windham, Durham, Greenville, Hunter, Cairo, Catskill, Athens, Coxsackie, Halcott, and New Baltimore, while Columbia County has 108. Dutchess County has 2,044, Ulster County has 880. Rensselaer County has 174 cases, and Albany County has 574 cases.