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Seeley pushing to get SROs in schools despite funding question
Aug 23, 2018 7:30 am
Daniel Zuckerman is reporting for Columbia-Greene Media Greene County Sheriff Greg Seeley remains optimistic that school resource officers will be assigned to three county school districts when classes resume in September. The county Legislature Public Safety Committee last week rejected a proposal that the county pay a portion of the cost of having the officers assigned to the Cairo-Durham, Windham-Ashland-Jewett and Greenville schools. The purpose of having SROs in the schools is for security and to act as role models for students, according to the resolution. According to an informal poll of people on Main Street in Catskill conducted by Zuckerman August 22, the idea of putting armed law enforcement officers in county schools is a good one. Protecting children in the wake of recent mass shootings, teaching children to respect the police and allowing officers to form a bond with the community, were just a few of the reasons cited by those polled. Seeley plans to meet with the legislature to discuss the program again and is optimistic it will pass, he said, adding the public supports the program. The Sheriff’s Office will seek out grants once the resource officers are in place to help defray some costs. Read the full story at HudsonValley360 [dot] com.