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Town of Coeymans considering changes to zoning amendment for LafargeHolcim
Melanie Lekocevic reports for Capital Region Independent Media that the Town of Coeymans has proposed an amendment to the zoning code that would mean that properties that fall within several zoning districts would be required to adhere to the most restrictive zone. Officials from LafargeHolcim cement plant, one of the the town's largest landowners. spoke against the amendment at a public hearing on May 11. Attorney Javid Afzali, from the law firm Harris Beach, PLLC, said, on behalf of LafargeHolcim, “As you know, Lafarge is probably one of the largest property owners in the town, holding something over 3,300 acres comprised largely of one parcel that is 3,200 acres and that falls within several different zones, primarily and mostly in the industrial district, but there is a portion of the property, a small sliver, in an R1, a residential district.” Afzali objected to the cement plant having to follow residential rules. Town Supervisor George McHugh said, “Right now, if I have a 200-acre piece and 20 of those acres are industrial and 180 is residential, I can right now, with the code the way we have it, I can treat that entire 200 acres as industrial. That’s the problem.” McHugh suggested Local Law No. 4 will have some changes posted on the town's website before the the public hearing resumes at the town board’s June 22 meeting at 6 p.m. at town hall. Read more about this story at TheUpstater.com.