WGXC-90.7 FM
Saturday on WGXC
Nov 17, 2012 12:53 am
Saturdays, and every night after midnight, WGXC is programmed by free103point9, a non-profit group working with artists who engage radio in their work.
Sat., Nov. 17 programming:
• "Open Air" 8-10 a.m., live from Catskill Community Center with Matt Bua. Call in at 518-219-WGXC.
• "Radia" 10-10:30 a.m., David Haines for Radio One in Dunedin, New Zealand and the "Radia" network. "Antipodean Field: Constellations from King's Rapid" is the composition.
• "Radio Wonderland" 10:30 a.m., live from Brooklyn, Joshua Fried remixes NYC morning radio on WGXC 90.7-FM.
• "Framework" 11 a.m., Scott Sherk selects works by Robert Carlberg, Harry Bertoia, Andrew Deutsch, and Christina Kubisch.
• "Rensselaer Contemporary Music Ensemble: Cage/Gould preview" Noon-2 p.m., Sheri Baur-Mayorga previews the Rensselaer Contemporary Music Ensemble: Cage/Gould show Nov. 17 at EMPAC with this rebroadcast edition of "Monday Musical Matinee." The host is participating in the program, which celebrates Cage’s centennial year and is described on the EMPAC website as a concert of classical and contemporary music directed by Michael Century, with Holland Hopson, and featuring Rensselaer student and faculty performers.
• "Distract and Disable" 2-3 p.m., Host Jonny Farrow explores Sound Sculpture, Feedback, Analogue Synthesis, Contact Mics Here and There, The Lake, Phone Poems, Noise, The Loop, The Prairie, Public Address, Construction, The Lobby/Elevator/Escalator, The Chicago River. A combination of field recordings and studio creations/manipulations, this program aims to Distract and Disable, with a leaning towards the site-specific.
• "The Human Machine" 3-4 p.m., hosted by Max Goldfarb.
• "WGXC Afternoon Show" 4-6 p.m., tunes in TCI's proposal to the Ghent Planning Board recorded by Chirs Bishop, plus a John Cage tribute by Gregory Whitehead, and previews of two Cage events in the Hudson Valley Nov. 17.
• "This Week in Conspiracy Theories" 6-7 p.m., Ron Paul explains that secession is an American tradition, from his website. Mitt Romney explains that he lost the election because President Obama gave things away to minority groups, from ABC News. A Republican group in Georgia explains President Obama won the election through mind control. Then preacher Michael Mills explains how rock bands insert secret, satanic messages in their songs. Prince, Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, Queen, and Metallica are sampled for backwards "masking." The show also plays songs from Patsy Cline ("Stop the World"), and others, and a news report from Free Speech Radio News about the cybersecurity bill currently before Congress. Hosted by Tom Roe.
• "Vital Weekly" 7-7:30 p.m., New music from Ang Mo Faux, Andrew Lafkas, P_Lab & Z & Kasper T. Toeplitz, Sindre Bjerga, Richard Francis & Bruce Russell & Jason Kahn, Merzbow, Bryan Eubanks & Catherine Lamb , and others.
• "Taran's Free Jazz Hour" 8-10 p.m., Tracks from Ivo Perelman, Mike Bisio, Matthew Shipp, and many others.
Sat., Nov. 17 programming:
• "Open Air" 8-10 a.m., live from Catskill Community Center with Matt Bua. Call in at 518-219-WGXC.
• "Radia" 10-10:30 a.m., David Haines for Radio One in Dunedin, New Zealand and the "Radia" network. "Antipodean Field: Constellations from King's Rapid" is the composition.
• "Radio Wonderland" 10:30 a.m., live from Brooklyn, Joshua Fried remixes NYC morning radio on WGXC 90.7-FM.
• "Framework" 11 a.m., Scott Sherk selects works by Robert Carlberg, Harry Bertoia, Andrew Deutsch, and Christina Kubisch.
• "Rensselaer Contemporary Music Ensemble: Cage/Gould preview" Noon-2 p.m., Sheri Baur-Mayorga previews the Rensselaer Contemporary Music Ensemble: Cage/Gould show Nov. 17 at EMPAC with this rebroadcast edition of "Monday Musical Matinee." The host is participating in the program, which celebrates Cage’s centennial year and is described on the EMPAC website as a concert of classical and contemporary music directed by Michael Century, with Holland Hopson, and featuring Rensselaer student and faculty performers.
• "Distract and Disable" 2-3 p.m., Host Jonny Farrow explores Sound Sculpture, Feedback, Analogue Synthesis, Contact Mics Here and There, The Lake, Phone Poems, Noise, The Loop, The Prairie, Public Address, Construction, The Lobby/Elevator/Escalator, The Chicago River. A combination of field recordings and studio creations/manipulations, this program aims to Distract and Disable, with a leaning towards the site-specific.
• "The Human Machine" 3-4 p.m., hosted by Max Goldfarb.
• "WGXC Afternoon Show" 4-6 p.m., tunes in TCI's proposal to the Ghent Planning Board recorded by Chirs Bishop, plus a John Cage tribute by Gregory Whitehead, and previews of two Cage events in the Hudson Valley Nov. 17.
• "This Week in Conspiracy Theories" 6-7 p.m., Ron Paul explains that secession is an American tradition, from his website. Mitt Romney explains that he lost the election because President Obama gave things away to minority groups, from ABC News. A Republican group in Georgia explains President Obama won the election through mind control. Then preacher Michael Mills explains how rock bands insert secret, satanic messages in their songs. Prince, Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, Queen, and Metallica are sampled for backwards "masking." The show also plays songs from Patsy Cline ("Stop the World"), and others, and a news report from Free Speech Radio News about the cybersecurity bill currently before Congress. Hosted by Tom Roe.
• "Vital Weekly" 7-7:30 p.m., New music from Ang Mo Faux, Andrew Lafkas, P_Lab & Z & Kasper T. Toeplitz, Sindre Bjerga, Richard Francis & Bruce Russell & Jason Kahn, Merzbow, Bryan Eubanks & Catherine Lamb , and others.
• "Taran's Free Jazz Hour" 8-10 p.m., Tracks from Ivo Perelman, Mike Bisio, Matthew Shipp, and many others.