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Ruling emboldens foes of TCI Coeymans site
Mar 06, 2014 6:30 am
Lauren Stanforth is reporting in the Times Union a state Supreme Court judge has nullified the town of Coeymans new zoning regulations, throwing into dispute the legality of a new TCI-New York transformer processing facility currently under construction on Riverview Drive. The decision was made Mon., Mar. 3, in response to a lawsuit filed by the Coeymans Heritage Society. The Society asserted the Coeymans Town Board ignored environmental concerns when it rezoned the town in April. The group also said the town "spot zoned" the Riverview Drive property from residential to industrial just so TCI could locate its new plant there. TCI moved to Coeymans after getting into a legal battle with the town of Ghent, in the wake of the huge 2012 fire that destroyed its facility on Falls Industrial Road. Controversy arose in the past months in Coeymans after the town's Planning Board chairman and vice chairwoman quit, claiming attorneys for TCI bullied them during the site plan review process. TCI said the Planning Board leaders were biased against the project. A TCI spokesman told the Times Union the judge's ruling Monday has no impact on the company, and that it will continue building the plant. Read the full story in the Times Union.