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Schumer opposes calls for closure of Indian Point

Feb 18, 2016 6:30 am

Mid-Hudson News Network is reporting a coalition of environmental groups is calling for the immediate closure of the Indian Point nuclear power plant, but U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer says they first should demonstrate how to replace the energy produced by the facility. The Sierra Club, Riverkeeper, Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, the Indian Point Safe Energy Coalition, Scenic Hudson and Physicians for Social responsibility said Wed., Feb. 17, they are requesting a suspension of plant operations until the facility’s safety is thoroughly reviewed by state and federal investigators. The call follows a recent leak of radioactive water, the seventh operational incident in eight months. Schumer said that although he did not believe the plant should have been built in a heavily populated area, he does not support shutting down the plant immediately because it provides 25 percent of the power to the downstate area. Entergy, the owner of Indian Point, said the water leaks did not pose any health or safety issues. Read the full Mid-Hudson News Network story in the Daily Freeman.